Graduate Council
What is the graduate council?
The graduate council aims to be a direct contact for all doctoral candidates of the Center. It offers you help for questions regarding your PhD in general, the PhD-procedure, as well as other concerns regarding the university. In Tübingen it is common practice to establish these kinds of council at a faculty level.
What are the tasks and aims of the council?
The council represents the interests of all doctoral candidates of the Center to the university. The council partakes in decisions on PhD-regulations. It sends a member in an advisory capacity to the faculty council and informs doctoral candidates on relevant questions. In addition, the council is free to organize its work and to comment on topics regarding higher education policy.
How does the council function?
The council’s central committee is the general meeting. The board serves as its executive body. It sends representatives to committees and coordinates the council’s work. The council’s statutes of operation were formally passed on December 10, 2015.
How can I participate?
If you want to participate in the organization of the council, please send an e-mail to the board: doktorandenkonvent
Please find the program here.