Center for Islamic Theology

Prof. Dr. Omar Hamdan

Chair of Quranic Exegesis

Member of the Center Board
Member of the Academic Council

Center for Islamic Theology
Liebermeisterstr. 18, 72076 Tübingen
room 609
 +49 7071 29-74891


Office hours
Thursday, 6 pm until 7 pm (by appointment)


Main research areas

  • Korangenese
  • Koranexegese
  • Koranische Orthographie
  • Koranlesungen
  • Anlässe der Offenbarung
  • Abrogationslehre
  • Koranische Philologie
  • Unnachahmlichkeit des Korans


PhD students

  • Attia, Ashraf Taha Mohammed, M.A.
    Dissertation title: Perceiving and dealing with people of another faith in the Islamic theological tradition
  • Shehata, Hesham, M.A.
    Dissertation title: The debate of violence and peace verses in the Islamic theological tradition through the example of abrogation in the Qur'an
  • Aslandur, Ibrahim, M.A.
    Dissertation title: A holistic theory of Quranic education: Defining the major themes of the Quran in the light of contemporary exegetical approaches.
  • Eryurt, Funda, M.A.
    Dissertation title: The first unknown Grammar School in the Higaz on the basis of the qira `at-literature
  • Ünal, Seyma Nur, M.A.
    Dissertation title: Al-Intisar lil-Quran: The Quran between refutation, polemic and disputation




  • “The Science of the Qurʾānic Readings and the Computer”, 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Multilingual Computing, 10-12 December 1992 (Arabic and Roman Script). The Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, University of Durham (U.K.).


  • “Fatrat al-waḥy wa-khtilāf al-riwāyāt fī muddatihā”, al-Isrāʾ [Jerusalem] 4 (1417/1996), pp. 45-52.
  • “Können die verschollenen Korantexte der Frühzeit durch nichtkanonische Lesarten rekonstruiert werden?”, The Qurʾan as Text; ed. Stefan Wild. Leiden: Brill, pp. 27-40. [Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Science; v. 27]


  • “ʿIṣmat al-anbiyāʾ ʿalā ḍauʾ al-qirāʾāt al-qurʾāniyya”, al-Risāla [Beit Berl] 6 (1418/1997), pp. 341-350.
  • “Al-naṣṣ al-qurʾānī wa-muḥāwalāt ahl al-iʿtizāl al-awāʾil taṭwīʿah li-mabādiʾihim wa-uṣūlihim min khilāl qirāʾāt šādhdha wa-mauḍūʿa”, al-Isrāʾ [Jerusalem] 8 (1417/1997), pp. 73-80.


  • “Ẓāhirat al-taʿrīf fī l-amṣār al-islāmiyya”, al-Risāla [Beit Berl] 7 (1419/1998), pp. 309-330.


  • “Qirāʾāt mukhtalifa li-aṣl wāḥid”, Israel Oriental Studies [Tel Aviv] 19 (1999), pp. 359-377.
  • “Ẓāhirat al-salīqiyya wa-atharuhā ʿalā qirāʾat al-Qurʾān”, al-Risāla [Beit Berl] 8 (1420/1999), pp. 147-188.


  • “Nuqūl taurātiyya fī l-adab al-islāmī al-qadīm: Qirāʾa jadīda li-asbābihā wa-ahdāfihā wa-abʿād tauẓīfihā”, al-Risāla [Beit Berl] 9 (1421/2000), pp. 387-430.


  • Yūsuf Efendizāde (d. 1167/1754): Risāla fī ḥukm al-qirāʾa bi-l-qirāʾāt al-šawādhdh. Edited with an introduction by Omar Yūsuf ʿAbd al-Ghanī Hamdan & Taghrīd Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Hamdan. Amman: Dār al-Faḍīla, 1. edition, 1425/2004, 150 pages.


  • “Min qaḍāyā al-rasm al-ʿuthmānī 1”, al-Furqān [Amman] 39 (1426/2005), pp. 16-17. [Some issues of Qurʾanic orthography 1]
  • “Min qaḍāyā al-rasm al-ʿuthmānī 2”, al-Furqān [Amman] 40 (1426/2005), pp. 24-26. [Some issues of Qurʾanic orthography 2]
  • “Min qaḍāyā al-rasm al-ʿuthmānī 3”, al-Furqān [Amman] 41 (1426/2005), pp. 16-17. [Some issues of Qurʾanic orthography 3]
  • “Min qaḍāyā al-rasm al-ʿuthmānī 4”, al-Furqān [Amman] 42 (1426/2005), pp. 18-19. [Some issues of Qurʾanic orthography 4]


  • “Min aʿlām aṣḥāb al-maṣāḥif 1: ʿUqba b. Nāfiʿ al-Juhanī”, al-Furqān [Amman] 51 (1427/2006), pp. 28-31. [Private Qurʾanic codices from the 7th Century a. C.]
  • “Min aʿlām aṣḥāb al-maṣāḥif 2: Mālik b. abī ʿĀmir”, al-Furqān [Amman] 52 (1427/2006), pp. 36-39. [Private Qurʾanic codices from the 7th Century a. C.]
  • “Min aʿlām aṣḥāb al-maṣāḥif 3: Khālid b. Maʿdān al-Ḥimṣī”, al-Furqān [Amman] 54 (1427/2006), pp. 38-40. [Private Qurʾanic codices from the 7th Century a. C.]
  • “Min aʿlām naqaṭat al-maṣāḥif 1: Bidāyat naqṭ al-maṣāḥif”, al-Furqān [Amman] 55 (1427/2006), pp. 30-32. [The Beginning of using of diacritical points within Qurʾanic exemplars]
  • Ahwāzī (d. 446/1055): Mufradat al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī. Edited with an introduction by Omar Yūsuf ʿAbd al-Ghanī Hamdan. Amman: Dār Ibn Kathīr, 1. edition, 1427/2006, 617 pages. [Text edition of the non-canonical Qurʾanic reading of al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī (d. 110/728) from Baṣra]
  • Studien zur Kanonisierung des Korantextes. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1. edition, 2007, XI/334 pages.


  • Ahwāzī (d. 446/1055): Mufradat Ibn Muḥayṣin al-Makkī. Edited with an introduction by Omar Yūsuf ʿAbd al-Ghanī Hamdan. Amman: Dār Ibn Kathīr, 1. edition, 1428/2007, 447 pages. [Text edition of the non-canonical Qurʾanic reading of Ibn Muḥayṣin (d. 123/741) from Mecca]
  • “Dreams phenomenon in qirāʾāt-works and qurrāʾ-biographies” (Arabic). Journal of al-Imam al-Shatibi Institute for Quranic Studies 4 (2007/1428), pp. 259-319.
  • “The second maṣāḥif-project in the Umayyads period” (Arabic). Journal of Qur’anic Research and Studies 4 (1428/2007), pp. 63-116.


  • “Iclām ahl al-Baṣā’ir bi-mā awradahu Ibn al-Jazarī mina l-kunūz wa-dh-dhakhā’ir: Inventory of works on Qur’anic sciences mentioned in Ghāyat an-nihāya of Ibn al-Jazarī” (Arabic). Journal of al-Imam al-Shatibi Institute for Quranic Studies 5 (1429/2008), pp. 297-444.
  • Hamdan, Omar & Schmidtke, Sabine: “Qāḍī ʿAbd al-Jabbār al-Hamadhānī (d. 415/1025) on the Promise and Threat. An Edition of a Fragment of his Kitāb al-mughnī fī abwāb al-tawḥīd wa-l-ʿadl preserved in the Firkovitch-Collection, St. Petersburg (II Firk. Arab. 105, ff. 14-92)”. Mèlanges de l’Institut dominican d’Etudes orientales 27 (2008), pp. 37-117.
  • “The Answers of Yūsuf Efendī-Zāde to several issues pertinent to the recitation of the Qur’an: A Critical edition with an introduction” (Arabic). Journal of al-Imam al-Shatibi Institute for Quranic Studies 6 (1429/2008), pp. 301-403.
  • “Tārikh adab al-maṣāḥif”. Iḍā’āt [Achva, Shikmim] 1 (1429/2008), pp. 159-214.


  • “Zur Rolle frühislamischer Grammatiktheorien in der Entwicklung der koranischen Orthographie”. Modern Controversies in Qurʾanic Studies. Ed. M. Nekroumi & Jan Meise. Hamburg: EB-Verlag, 2009, pp. 45-95. [Bonner Islamstudien; v. 13]
  • Al-Ahwāzī wa-juhūduh fī ʿulūm al-qirāʾāt with two edited fragments of Kitāb al-iqnāʿ and Kitāb al-tafarrud wa-l-ittifāq. Amman/Beirut: al-Maktab al-Islāmī/ Mu’assasat al-Rayyān, 1. edition, 1430/2009, 440 pages.
  • Aḍwāʾ jadīda ʿalā al-rasm al-ʿUthmānī. Amman/Beirut: Al-Maktab al-Islāmī/ Mu’assasat al-Rayyān, 1. edition, 1430/2009, 452 pages.
  • “Al-Wuqūf al-mafrūḍa wa-l-wuqūf al-mukaffira fī l-Qur’ān al-Karīm”. Iḍā’āt [Achva, Shikmim] 2 (1430/2009), pp. 87-126.
  • “Shumūl al-taʿārīf li-mā awradahu al-Dānī fī Jāmiʿ al-bayān min nuqūl al-taṣānīf” (Arabic). Journal of Qur’anic Research and Studies 8 (1430/2009) pp. 207-278.


  • “The second Maṣāḥif Project: A Step towards the Canonization of the Qurʾanic Text”. In Angelika Neuwirth, Nicolai Sinai, and Michael Marx: The Qurʾān in Context: Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qurʾānic Milieu. Leiden: Brill, 2010, pp. 795-835. [Texts and Studies on the Qurʾān; vol. 6]
  • “Tracts on obligatory waqfs and articulations of disbelief in the Holy Quran” (Arabic). Journal of al-Imam al-Shatibi Institute for Quranic Studies 9 (1431/2010), pp. 291-368.
  • “Min al-maṣāḥif al-ʿutuq”. Iḍā’āt [Achva, Shikmim] 3 (1431/2010), pp. 1-38.
  • “Zallat al-qāri’ li-Ṭaḥṭāwī: dirāsa wa-taḥqīq”. Iḍā’āt [Achva, Shikmim] 3 (1431/2010), pp. 199-224.


  • Nukat al-Kitāb al-Mughnī: A Recension of ‛Abd al-Jabbār al-Hamadhānī’s (d. 415/1025) al-Mughnī fī Abwāb al-Tawḥīd wa-l-‛Adl: al-kalām fī l-tawlīd, al-kalām fī l-istiṭā‛a, al-kalām fī l-taklīf, al-kalām fī l-naẓar wa-l-ma‛ārif. The extant parts introduced and edited by Omar Hamdan and Sabine Schmidtke. Berlin/Beirut: Klaus Schwarz Verlag/Orient-Institut, 2012, XXV/415/24 P.
  • “The Balance of Power in Baṣra during the Period of Umayyad Rule, with a Particular Emphasis on the Construction of Mosques”. Hikma [Osnabrück] 3/5 (2012), pp. 221-225.


  • Yūsuf b. ‛Alī b. Ǧubāra al-Hudalī: Kitāb al-taǧwīd (Recitation of the Qurʼān). Edited with an introduction by Omar Hamdan. Beirut/Amman: Muʾassasat al-Rayyān/al-Maktab al-Islāmī, 1434/2013, 116 P.
  • Hamdan, Omar & Hibaoui, Abdelmalek: “Prophetenerwartungen der mekkanischen Araber und der medinensischen Juden aus islamischer Sicht”, in Anja Middelbeck-Varwick/Mohammad Gharaibeh/Hansjörg Schmid/Aysun Yaşar (Hg.): Die Boten Gottes. Prophetie in Christentum und Islam. Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 2013, pp. 37-48.
  • “Hadith-Kritik am Beispiel der mawḍūʽāt-Literatur”. Hikma [Osnabrück] 4/6 (2013), pp. 34-42.
  • “Aršīf al-mustašriq Bergsträsser”, in al-Qirāʼāt al-qurʼāniyya fī l-‛ālam al-islāmī: awḍā‛ wa-maqāṣid. Marrakech, Morocco: Markaz al-Imām Abī ‛Amr al-Dānī lil-Dirāsāt wal-Buḥūṯ al-Qirāʼiyya al-Mutaḫiṣṣasa / al-Rābiṭa al-Muḥammadiyya lil-‛Ulamāʼ, 1. Publishing, 1434/2013, v. 2, pp. 1087-1143.
  • “Zallat al-qāri’ fī l-fatāwā al-hindiyya”. Maǧallat al-Dirāsāt al-Islāmiyya [Laghouat, Algeria] 2 (1434/2013), pp. 17-52.
  • Al-Hudalī and his Approach to the Sciences of the Readings and Recitation of the Qurʼān in View of the Art of al-Maqāṭi‛ and al-Mabādiʼ with a critical edition of his Kitāb al-Waqf (Elucidation of the pause and beginning in the Qurʾān). Amman: al-Maktab al-Islāmī, 1. Publishing, 1434/2013, 148 P.


  • "Aṭ-Ṭabarī and the Divine Self-Conception in the Qur’an: Rejecting Anthropomorphic Concepts of Allāh as exemplified by the sūrat al-iḫlāṣ” (Ger.), Hikma [Journal of Islamic Theology and Religious Education, Osnabrück, Germany] 5/8 (2014), pp. 38-46.
  • Hamdan, Omar & Hamdan, Taghrid (eds): Kitāb faḍā’il al-Qur’ān wal-qurrā’, Kitāb at-tajwīd, Kitāb al-ʽadad, Kitāb al-waqf min Kitāb al-kāmil fī l-qirā’āt al-khamsīn by al-Hudhalī (d. 465/1073). Beirut: Dār Ibn Ḥazm, 1436/2014, 536 p.
  • Hamdan, Omar & Hamdan, Taghrid (eds): Kitāb al-asānīd min Kitāb al-kāmil fī l-qirā’āt al-khamsīn by al-Hudhalī (d. 465/1073). Beirut: Dār Ibn Ḥazm, 1436/2014, 567 p.
  • Hamdan, Omar & Hamdan, Taghrid (eds): Tatimmat kitāb al-asānīd min Kitāb al-kāmil fī l-qirā’āt al-khamsīn by al-Hudhalī (d. 465/1073). Beirut: Dār Ibn Ḥazm, 1436/2014, 572 p.


  • “Zur Gewaltdebatte in der klassischen und modernen Koranexegese”, in Ina Wunn & Beate Schneider (Hrsg.): Das Gewaltpotenzial der Religionen. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2015, S. 57-74. [Religionsforum; 11]
  • Hamdan, Omar & Hamdan, Taghrid (eds.): Kitāb al-idghām, Kitāb al-imāla, Kitāb al-hamza, Kitāb al-madd wal-waqf li-Ḥamza, Kitāb al-hā’āt wa-mīmāt al-jamʽ, Kitāb at-taʽawwuth wat-tasmiya wat-tahlil wat-takbīr min Kitāb al-kāmil fī l-qirā’āt al-khamsīn by al-Hudhalī (d. 465/1073). Beirut: Dār Ibn Ḥazm, 1436/2015, 577 p.
  • Hamdan, Omar & Hamdan, Taghrid (eds.): Kitāb al-farsh min Kitāb al-kāmil fī l-qirā’āt al-khamsīn by al-Hudhalī (d. 465/1073). Beirut: Dār Ibn Ḥazm, 1436/2015, 542 p.
  • Hamdan, Omar & Hamdan, Taghrid (eds.): Tatimmat kitāb al-farsh min Kitāb al-kāmil fī l-qirā’āt al-khamsīn by al-Hudhalī (d. 465/1073). Beirut: Dār Ibn Ḥazm, 1436/2015, 422 p.
  • Hamdan, Omar & Hamdan, Taghrid (eds.): Fahāris kitāb al-kāmil fī l-qirā’āt al-khamsīn by al-Hudhalī (d. 465/1073). Beirut: Dār Ibn Ḥazm, 1436/2015, 537 p.
  • “Ẓāhirat at-takhmīs wat-ta‛shīr fī nuzūl al-Qur’ān wa-atharuhā fī ṭarā’iq at-talaqqī al-awwal”, in al-Talaqqī al-qurʼānī fī l-‛ahd an-nabawī: anmāṭ wa-ma’ālāt. Marrakech, Morocco: Markaz al-Imām Abī ‛Amr ad-Dānī lid-Dirāsāt wal-Buḥūth al-Qirāʼiyya al-Mutakhaṣṣisa / ar-Rābiṭa al-Muḥammadiyya lil-‛Ulamāʼ, 1. Publishing, 1436/2015, V. 1, pp. 379-430.
  • “al-Qaṣīda al-khurāsāniyya fi dhikr makhārij al-ḥurūf wa-ṣifātihā: dirāsa wa-taḥqīq” [arab., Second Title: “Al-Qaṣīda al-khurāsāniyya on the Arabic Phonetics (the Science of Tajwīd): a Study and Text Edition”]. Journal of al-Imam al-Shatibi Institute for Quranic Studies 19 (1436/2015), pp. 321-365.
  • “Zur Problematik der vermeintlich vom dritten Kalifen ʿUthmān b. ʿAffān stammenden Aussage «Es befinde sich eine Art von laḥn im Muṣḥaf»: Ein Beitrag zur frühen Orthographie des Korantextes”, in F. Déroche, Ch. J. Robin et M. Zink (éd.): Les origines du Coran, le Coran des origines. Paris: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 2015, pp. 207-217.
  • Brooks, Patrick & Hamdan, Omar: “Glück, Leid und Theodizee im Lichte der koranischen Soteriologie – Ein praktisch-theologischer Erklärungsversuch”. Hikma [Osnabrück] 6/11 (2015), pp. 123-146.


  • Hamdan, Omar & Brooks, Patrick: “Aus heiterem Himmel? – Zur Problematik der zeitlichen Einordnung der Sūrat al-Fātiḥa, Sūrat al-Kawṯar und Sūrat al-Iḫlāṣ”. Hikma [Osnabrück] 7/1 (2016) 43-73.
  • “Ambiguität koranischer Sprache als exegetische Herausforderung – Eine Untersuchung zur sūrat al-Fātiḥa”. In Ursula Roth / Jörg Seip (Hrsg.), Schriftinszenierungen. Bibelhermeneutische und texttheoretische Zugänge zur Predigt. München, Don Bosco, 2016, pp. 110-129. (Ökumenische Studien zur Predigt [ÖSP]; Band 10).
  • “Al-Imām al-Huḏalī wa-riḥlatuh al-kubrā fī ṭalab al-‛ilm” [English title: “The Scholar al-Huḏalī (d. 465/1073) and his grand journey in pursuit of knowledge”]. In Yaseen Kittani (ed.), Manifestations of Travel in the Spaces of Arabic Literature and Islamic Culture (Ara.). Baqa al-Gharbiyya: al-Qasemi Arabic Language Academy – al-Qasemi College of Education, 1437/2016, pp. 9-30.
  • “Gesang ist nicht Gebet: Musik in der islamischen Theologie”. In Bernhard König, Tuba Isik, Cordula Heupts (Hg.), Singen als interreligiöse Begegnung: Musik für Juden, Christen und Muslime. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2016, S. 31-37. [Beiträge zur komparativen Theologie; Bd. 28]
  • “Al-Maqāri՚ at-taʿlīmiyya fī bilād aš-Šām fī ḫilāfat al-Fārūq” [English title: “The Qurʾān academies in Greater Syria during the caliphate of ʿUmar b. al-Ḫaṭṭāb”]. Al-Majmaʿ: Studies in Arabic Language, Literature, and Thought 11 (1438/2016) 133-152.
  • “Luqmān und die Prinzipien islamischer Erziehung: Praktische Koranexegese am Beispiel von Sure 31:12-29”. Braunschweiger Beiträge zur Religionspädagogik 148-2 (2016) 33-43.


  • Al-Qaṣīda al-lālakāʼiyya li-Abī ʿAbd al-Lāh al-Lālakāʼī bi-riwāyat al-Ahwāzī: dirāsa wa-taḥqīq” [Second title: “Al-Qaṣīda al-lālakāʼiyya on the rules of tajwīd by Abū ʿAbd al-Lāh al-Lālakāʼī (d. 4/10 cent.) in the transmission of al-Ahwāzī (d. 446/1055): a Study and Text Edition”]. Journal of Tibyān for Qur՚ānic Studies 26 (1438/2017) 1-55.
  • Al-manẓūma ar-rā՚iyya fī rasm al-muṣḥaf liš-Šāṭibī wa-šurūḥuhā: qirā՚at al-mawrūṯ al-mubakkir al-mafqūd min ḫilāl al-lāḥiq wal-muta՚aḫḫir” (Ara.) [English title: The poem rhymed with ՚ concerning the Qur՚ānic orthography by aš-Šāṭibī (d. 590/1194) and its commentaries: reading of the early lost heritage through the following late heritage]. MIDÉO 32 (2017) 167-216.
  • Abū Ḥafṣ an-Nasafī, Naǧm ad-Dīn ‛Umar b. Muḥammad b. Aḥmad (461-537/1068-1142): Zallat al-qāri՚; studied and edited by Omar Hamdan with Foreword by Ahmad Shukri. Amman: Dar Ammar/Islamic Office, 1438/2017, 114 pages.
  • [Printed with support from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)]
  • Abū ʿAbd al-Lāh al-Khurāsānī, Muḥammad b. Yūsuf b. Muḥammad al-Muqri՚ (d. 4./10. cent.): al-Qaṣīda al-khurāsāniyya fi dhikr makhārij al-ḥurūf wa-ṣifātihā bi-riwāyat al-Ahwāzī [English Title: al-Qaṣīda al-khurāsāniyya on the Arabic Phonetics & the rules of the tajwīd in the transmission of al-Ahwāzī (d. 446/1055)]; studied and edited by Omar Hamdan. Amman: Islamic Office, 1438/2017, 58 pages.
  • [Printed with support from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)]
  • Abū ʿAbd al-Lāh al-Lālakāʼī, Muḥammad b. Aḥmad b. Muḥammad al-ʿIǧlī al-Baṣrī al-Muqri՚ (d. 4/10 cent.): al-Qaṣīda al-lālakāʼiyya (fī aḥkām at-tajwīd) bi-riwāyat al-Ahwāzī [English title: al-Qaṣīda al-lālakāʼiyya (on the rules of tajwīd) in the transmission of al-Ahwāzī (d. 446/1055)]; studied and edited by Omar Hamdan. Amman: Islamic Office, 1438/2017, 80 pages.
  • [Printed with support from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)]
  • Hamdan, Omar & Brooks, Patrick: Von der Dschahiliyya zum Islam. Koranwissenschaftliche Beiträge zur mekkanischen Verkündigung des Propheten Muḥammad. Berlin: EB-Verlag, [1438]/2017, 276 S.
  • [Gedruckt mit Unterstützung vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)]
  • “Ẓāhirat al-muǧāwara bil-Quds aš-Šarīf wa-daymūmatuhā ʿalā ṭ-ṭabaqāt wal-aʿṣār maʿ dirāsah li-makānatihā d-dīniyya wat-tārīḫiyya fī l-Islām”. In Yaseen Kittani (ed.): al-Madīna al-falasṭīniyya fī l-adab wal-fann. Baqa al-Gharbiyya: Al-Qasemi Arabic Language Academy, 1438/2017, pp. 17-96.
  • “Ḥalaqāt al-iqrāʼ fī bilād al-ʿIrāq fī ḫilāfatay al-Fārūq wa-Ḏī n-Nūrayn” [English title: “The Qurʾān Academies of Iraq in the Time of ʿUmar b. al-Khaṭṭāb and ʿUthmān b. ʿAffān”]. Al-Majmaʿ 12 (1439/2017), pp. 157-187.


  • Ibn Ṭulūn (d. 953/1546): aṭ-Ṭariʼ ‛alā zallat al-qāriʼ; introduced and edited by Omar Hamdan. Beirut: Dār Ibn Ḥazm, 1439/2018, pp. 1-74. [Together with the following]
  • Aṭ-Ṭahṭāwī (d. 1231/1816): Zallat al-qāriʼ; introduced and edited by Omar Hamdan. Beirut: Dār Ibn Ḥazm, 1439/2018, pp. 75-116.
  • Ḥarakat at-taǧdīd wat-taḥdīṯ fī l-qarn al-‛āšir al-hiǧrī: al-mawlā Taşköprüzâde Unmūḏaǧan ma‛a taḥqīq maǧmū‛a min rasāʼilih [Turkish title: Hicrî Onuncu Asırda Yenilik ve Değişim Hareketi: Taşköprüzâde Örneği ve Bazı Risâlelerinin Tenkitli Neşri]. Baqa al-Gharbiya: al-Qasemi Arabic Language Academy/al-Qasemi Academic College of Education, 1439/2018, 148/H pages.
  • “Taṭwīr manẓūmat al-‛ulūm al-qurʼāniyya: ‛Ilm zallat al-qāriʼ namūḏaǧan” [English title: “On the Evolution and Systematisation of Qurʾānic Sciences: as Exemplified by the Discipline of zallat al-qāriʾ”]. The Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies (JCSIS) [Qatar University] 35/2 (1439/2018) 25-91.
  • Mu‛ǧam muṣannafāt ‛ulūm al-Qurʼān fī Ǧami‛ ad-Dānī wa-Ma‛rifat aḏ-Ḏahabī wa-Ġāyat Ibn al-Ǧazarī [English title: Lexicon of the compiled works on the sciences of the noble Quran]. Beirut: Dār Ibn Ḥazm, 1. Publishing, 1439/2018, 382 pages.
  • Zallat al-qāri՚; compiled by Abū l-Layth Muḥarram b. Muḥammad b. al-ꜤĀrif az-Zīlī (st. 1010/1601); tasdīr wa-taqdīm wa-taḥqīq: Omar Hamdan. [English title: The Lapse of the Qur՚ān-reader: a study and critical edition]. Amman: Ǧam‛iyyat al-Muḥāfaẓa ‛alā al-Qurʼān al-Karīm, 1439/2018, 168 pages.
  • “L'enseignement des sciences de la chari`a dans les universités allemandes. Caractéristiques et méthodes. In Francis Messner et Moussa Abou Ramadan: L'enseignement universitaire de la théologie musulmane: perspectives comparatives. Paris: les Éditions du Cerf, 2018, pp. 235-245.
  • “Al-Inṣāf fī mušāǧarat al-aslāf lil-mawlā Taşköprüzâde ta‛rīfan wa-taḥqīqan” [English title: “Fairness in the Predecessors’ quarrel by Taşköprüzâde: controversial issues and dilemmas in the science of rhetoric”]. Al-Majmaʿ: Studies in Arabic Language, Literature, and Thought 13 (1439/2018) 127-164.
  • ‛Ulūm al-Qurʼān al-Karīm bayn at-taǧdīd wat-taḥdīṯ: ‛Ilm zallat al-qāriʼ unmūḏaǧan maꜤ taḥqīq Kitāb zallat al- al-qāriʼ Ꜥan al-Qāḍī aš-Šahīd al-Muḥsin [English title: The Qurʾānic Sciences between renewal and modernization as exemplified by the discipline of zallat al-qāriʾ with Textedition of Zallat al-qāriʾ by al-Qāḍī aš-Šahīd al-Muḥsin]. Beirut: Dār Ibn Ḥazm, 1. Publishing, 1439/2018, 186/B pages.
  • “Min muṣḥaf al-ḫilāfa ilā muṣḥaf ar-raꜤiyya: naqd al-ittiǧāhāt al-ġarbiyya al-muꜤāṣira fī nafyihā tārīḫiyyat al-Qurān min ḫilāl mašrūꜤay al-maṣāḥif al-Ꜥuṯmāniyya wal-ḥaǧǧāǧiyya” [English title: “From the Qurʼān of the caliphate to the Qurʼān of the Community: Criticism of contemporary Western trends in its denying the historicity of the Qur'an through the Quranic projects by ʽUthmān and al-Hājjāj”]. Al-Qasemi Journal of Islamic Studies 3/2 (1440/2018) 107-148.
  • “Emeviler Devrinde İkinci Mushaf Projesi”. Journal of Sakarya University Faculty of Theology [SAUIFD] 20/3 (2018) 283-312.
  • “Al-Imām aṭ-Ṭabarī rāwiyan wa-ṣāḥiba -ḫtiyārin wa-ta՚līfin fī l-qirā՚āt” [English title: Al-Imām aṭ-Ṭabarī as transmitter, owner of iḫtiyār, and compiler of a work concerning the Qur՚ānic readings]. Journal of Qur’anic Research and Studies 18 (1440/2018) 89-204.


  • “Die Anfänge qadaritischer und muʿtazilitischer Theologie”. In Maha El Kaisy-Friemuth, Reza Hajatpour & Mohammed Abdel Rahem (Hrsg.): Rationalität in der Islamischen Theologie: Band I: Die klassische Periode. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 1. Aufl., 2019, S. 3-34.
  • Mina l-waḥy al-matluww ilā l-muṣḥaf al-mudawwan: muqārabāt muꜤāṣira fī Ꜥilm ar-rasm wa-hiǧā՚ih. [English title: From the recited revelation to the written down codex: current approaches in the science of Quranic orthography]. Amman: ǦamꜤiyyat al-Muḥāfaẓa Ꜥalā al-Qurʼān al-Karīm, 1. Publishing, 1440/2019, 314 pages.
  • “Al-ꜤInāya fī taḥqīq al-istiꜤāra lil-mawlā Taşköprüzâde taꜤrīfan wa-taḥqīqan”. Al-MajmaꜤ: Studies in Arabic Language, Literature, and Thought 14 (1440/2019) 185-204.
  • Tanbīh al-khāṭir Ꜥalā zallat al-qāri՚ wadh-dhākir; compiled by al-Amīr Abū al-Ḥasan ꜤAlā՚ ad-Dīn ꜤAlī b. Balabān b. ꜤAbd al-Lāh al-Fārisī al-Ǧandī al-Ḥanafī, known as Ibn Balabān (675-739/1276-1339); edited and annotated by Omar Hamdan; reviewed and revised by Taghrid Hamdan. Istanbul: Dar al-Lobab, 1. Publishing, 1440/2019, 197 pages. 


  • Der Koran als Kanon. Berlin: EB-Verlag, 2020.
  • Camilla Adang, Bruno Chiesa, Omar Hamdan, Wilferd Madelung, Sabine Schmidtke and Jan Thiele (eds.): Jewish-Muslim intellectual history entangled: textual materials from the Firkovitch Collection, Saint Petersburg. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2020. [Cambridge Semitic languages and cultures; 4]
  • Min maẓāhir ʿabr an-nawʿiyya wa-taǧalliyātihā fī l-adab al-ʿarabī al-qadīm: adab al-mufāḫarāt al-buldāniyya: al-Baṣra wal-Kūfa namūḏaǧan” [English title: Trans-generic writing and its manifestations in ancient Arabic literature: The literature of the interurban feats (Adab al-Mufākharāt) as demonstrated in Basra and Kufa]. Al-Majmaʿ: Studies in Arabic Language, Literature, and Thought 15 (1441/2020) 111-134.
  • Hamdan, Omar and Abu Jaber, Saleem: Tarkīb al-ṣuwar wa-tartīb al-suwar by al-Bakrī al-Ṣiddīqī: Presentation und text edition. Al-Qasemi Journal of Islamic Studies 5/1 (1441/2020) 73-111.


  • “Fehlinterpretation in der Koranexegese?. In: Margit Eckholt / Habib El Mallouki (Hg.): Offenbarung und Sprache: Hermeneutische und theologische Zugänge aus christlicher und islamischer Perspektive. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, 2021, S. 259-267.
  • Al-Bakrī al-Ṣiddīqī's treatise on the exegesis of the beginning of the Dukhān-sura (Q. 44:1-6); edited with an introduction by Omar Hamdan & Saleem Abu Jaber. Al-Majmaʿ: Studies in Arabic Language, Literature, and Thought 16 (1442/2021) 279-306.
  • Der Koran als Kodex. Berlin: EB-Verlag, [1442]/2021, 250 S.
  • Al-Bakrī al-Ṣiddīqī's treatise on the exegesis of the Isrāʾ-verse (Q. 17:1); edited with an introduction by Omar Hamdan & Saleem Abu Jaber. Al-Majlla: Journal of the Arabic Language Academy [Nazareth] 12 (1443/2021) 7-36.


  • Das Koranfragment (M a IV 157) mit Faksimile-Ausgabe. Hrsg. von Omar Hamdan. Unter Mitwirkung von Taghrid Hamdan. Tübingen: Lehrstuhl für Koranwissenschaften – Zentrum für Islamische Theologie – Universität Tübingen, 1. Aufl., 1443/2022, 64 S./62 S. [Tübinger Koranhandschriften; Heft 1].
  • Kitāb ʿadad āy al-Qurʾān ʿalā mahab ahl al-Bara. Verfasst von Abū l-ʿAbbās Muammad b. Yaʿqūb b. al-aǧǧāǧ al-Barī, bekannt als al-Muʿaddal (st. nach 320/932). Bevorwortet, eingeleitet und ediert von Omar Hamdan. Revidiert und redigiert von Taghrid Hamdan. Tübingen: Lehrstuhl für Koranwissenschaften - Zentrum für Islamische Theologie - Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 1. Auf., 2022/1443, 600 S.
  • Hidāyat al-mustaršidīn by the ashʿarite theologian al-Bāqillānī (d. 403/ 1013). The four extant parts introduced and edited by Omar Hamdan & Taghrid Hamdan. Amman: Maktabat ʿAbaq al-Misk, 1443/2022, 4 Volumes.
  • Kitāb al-ʿadad; compiled by Abū af ʿUmar b. ʿAlī b. Manūr al-Āmulī a-abarī al-Muqriʾ an-Nawī. Edited with an introduction by Omar Hamdan. Co-edited with Zaynalibad Hamdan. Revised & reviewed by Taghrid Hamdan. Amman: Maktabat ʿAbaq al-Misk, 1443/2022, 312 pages.
  • Hamdan, Omar & Abu Jaber, Saleem: Abū l-asan al-Bakrī al-iddīqī fī riāb at-tafsīr maʿ taqīq maǧʿa min rasāʾilih. [English title: Abū l-asan al-Bakrī al-iddīqī in the wideness of the Qurʾanic interpretation: A biographical account and critical edition of his exegetical treatises]. Amman: Maktabat ʿAbaq al-Misk, 1443/2022, 194 pages.


  • Das Koranfragment (M a VI 166) mit Faksimile-Ausgabe, Bearbeitet und kommentiert von Omar Hamdan, Seyma Nur Ünal, Funda Eryurt. Tübingen: Lehrstuhl für Koranwissenschaften - Zentrum für Islamische Theologie - Universität Tübingen, 1. Aufl., 2023/1443, 137 S./121 S. [Omar Hamdan (Hg.): Tübinger Koranhandschriften; Heft 2].
  • ayl Ibn Maktūm ʿalā abaqāt al-Qurrāʾ li-ahabī; compiled by Abū Muammad Tāǧ ad-Dīn Amad b. ʿAbd al-Qādir b. Amad al-Qaysī, known as Ibn Maktūm (682-749/1284-1348); introduced & edited by Omar Hamdan; reviewed & revised by Taghrid Hamdan, Tübingen: Chair of Quranic Studies - Center for Islamic Theology - University of Tübingen, 1st Edition, 2023 / 1445, 142 pages.
  • Hamdan, Omar: Die Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des vierten Jahrhunderts der Hidschra: Der Entwicklungsprozess der Erfassung koranbezogener Wissenschaften - Die Fachliteratur der Koranlesungen. Tübingen: Lehrstuhl für Koranwissenschaften - Zentrum für Islamische Theologie - Universität Tübingen, 1. Auflage, 2023/1445, 540 S. [Diese Reihe wird von Prof. Dr. Omar Hamdan herausgegeben und von Taghrid Hamdan redaktioniert. Erster Band].
  • Omar Hamdan: Kanon Olarak Kur`ân. Çev.: Şeyma Nur Ünal. Ankara: Fecr Yayınları 2023/1445, 278 S.
  • Omar Hamdan: Mushaf Olarak Kur’ân Kur’ân’ın Erken Dönemde Kopyalanması, Noktalaması ve Kur’ân Kopyalarının Sahipleri Üzerine Bireysel Çalışmalar. Çev.: Funda Eryurt. Ankara: Fecr Yayınları 2023/1445, 210 S.


  • Das Koranfragment (M a VI 155) mit Faksimile-Ausgabe. Bearbeitet und kommentiert von Şeyma Nur Ünal, Funda Eryurt. Unter Mitwirkung von Prof. Dr. Omar Hamdan. Tübingen: Lehrstuhl für Koranwissenschaften Zentrum für Islamische Theologie Universität Tübingen, 1. Aufl., 2024/1445, 80/41/[4] S. [Omar Hamdan (Hg.): Tübinger Koranhandschriften; Heft 3]. ISBN: 978-3-98-249017-5.
  • Das Koranpergament (Is. 1615 II) mit Faksimile-Ausgabe. Bearbeitet und kommentiert von Prof. Dr. Omar Hamdan. Tübingen: Lehrstuhl für Koranwissenschaften Zentrum für Islamische Theologie Universität Tübingen, 1. Aufl., 2024/1446, 96 S. [Von den alten Korankodexen; hrsg. v. Omar Hamdan. 1. Heft]. ISBN: 978-3-98-249019-9.


Apr. 2024

Kitāb ikfār al-mutaʾawwilīn by the ashʿarite theologian al-Bāqillānī (d. 403/1013).  

Jun. 2024

Kitāb al-muǧzī fī maʿrifat al-qurrāʾ as-sabʿa wa-qirāʾātihim; compiled by Abū Bakr Muammad b. Abī l-Qāsim al-amzī (d. after 389/999).

 Aug. 2024

Kitāb itilāf al-qurrāʾ a-amāniya al-mašhūrīn bil-amār; compiled by Abū ʿAlī al-asan b. ʿAlī b. ʿAbd al-Lāh al-ʿAṭṭār al-Baġdādī (d. 447/1056).

Okt. 2024

Kitāb Qurrat ʿayn al-qurrāʾ fī l-qirāʾāt (completed in 588/1192) by Abū Isāq Ibrāhīm b. Muammad b. ʿAlī al-Qawwāsī al-Marandī. [Text edition of the canonical and non-canonical Qurʾanic readings, 6 Volumes].



Participation in Scholarly Meetings

  • “Können die verschollenen Korantexte der Frühzeit durch nichtkanonische Lesarten rekonstruiert werden?”
    A Symposium on “The Qurʾān as Text”. Bonn, 17.-21.11.1993.
  • “Lautet das Ḥadīth ,,idhā raʾaitum Muʿāwiya ʿalā minbarī fa-qtulūhʾʾ oder ,,fa-qbalūhʾʾ?” Ein Beitrag zum frühmedinensischen Teil der Sīra-Literatur”
    26. Deutscher Orientalistentag [DOT]. Leipzig, 25.-29.09.1995.
  • “The prayer in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam”
    Khan Yunis, 26.-27.02.1997.
  • “Moses in the three Abrahamic Religions”
    Lemasol, 22.-25.07.1998.
  • “Sanctity of the land in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam”
    Ashqelon, 04.-05.06.1999.
  • “Übermenschliche Aspekte über den Körper des Propheten Muḥammad. Ein Beitrag zur Literatur der sogenannten Schamāʾil Muḥammadiyya”
    28. Deutscher Orientalistentag [DOT]: Orientalistik zwischen Philologie und Sozialwissenschaft. Bamberg, 26.-30.3.2001.
  • “Die Doppeltheorie der Übereinstimmung und Gleichartigkeit des Korans mit der Torah inhaltlich und strukturell und seine Vorzüge und Vorteile gegenüber ihr und anderen heiligen Schriften”
    28. Deutscher Orientalistentag [DOT]: Orientalistik zwischen Philologie und Sozialwissenschaft. Bamberg, 26.-30.03.2001.
  • “Ways to the legitimacy of caliphate in the early Islam”
    Political thought in Islam, Department of Middle Eastern and African History, Tel Aviv University, 07.01.2003.
  • “Die Entwicklung der koranischen Orthographie”
    Historische Sondierungen und methodische Reflexionen zur Korangenese - Wege zur Rekonstruktion des vorkanonischen Korans. Berlin, 21.-25.1.2004.
  • “Die älteste Schule der arabischen Grammatik. Ein Beitrag zur Entstehung der arabischen Sprachwissenschaft im Kontext der frühen Koranexegese”
    29. Deutscher Orientalistentag [DOT]: Barrieren - Passagen. Halle (Saale), 20.-24.9.2004.
  • “Neuere Erkenntnisse zu den Besonderheiten der koranischen Orthographie”
    29. Deutscher Orientalistentag [DOT]: Barrieren - Passagen. Halle (Saale), 20.-24.09.2004.
  • “Comparing the Cairo edition of the Qurʾan to three early hijāzī-manuscripts”
    Corpus Coranicum - Exploring the Textual Beginnings of the Qurʾan. Berlin, 06.-09.11.2005.
  • “The development of Arabic orthography through newly discovered sources on variant readings (qirāʾāt)”
    Corpus Coranicum - Exploring the Textual Beginnings of the Qurʾan. Berlin, 06.-09.11.2005.
  • “Neuere Ansätze zur Genese der koranischen Orthographie”
    Internationales Symposium Geistiges Erbe des Islam: Koranwissenschaften heute – Genese, Exegese, Hermeneutik, Ästhetik. Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, 05.-07.06.2008.
  • “Das Verhältnis von Mann und Frau im Koran”
    International Conference ‹‹Male and Female He created Them›› Masculine and Feminine in the Mediterranean Religions and Their Influence on Matrimonial Religious Law. Institutum Judaicum, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 16.-18.09.2008.
  • “Zeitgenössische Koranforschung in der arabischen Welt: ihre Schwierigkeiten und Herausforderungen”
    International Workshop ″Vergleichende Arabische Philologien″ - Perspektiven der Arabistik im 21. Jahrhundert. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaft, Berlin, 11.-12.02.2011.
  • “Koranwissenschaft: Sure 96”
    International Workshop ″Vergleichende Arabische Philologien″ - Perspektiven der Arabistik im 21. Jahrhundert. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaft, Berlin, 11.-12.02.2011.
  • „Curriculumentwicklung für Islamische Theologie an der Universität Osnabrück“, Zentrum für Interkulturelle Islamstudien (ZIIS), Osnabrück, 25.02.2011.
  • “Zur Problematik der vermeintlich vom dritten Kalifen ʿUthmān b. ʿAffān stammenden Aussage «Es befinde sich eine Art von laḥn im Muṣḥaf»: Ein Beitrag zur frühen Orthographie des Korantextes”
    Colloque International Les origines du Coran, Le Coran des origines. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (AIBL), Paris, 03-04.03.2011.
  • Wahrnehmungen des Anderen in Judentum, Christentum und Islam, Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, 02.07.2012.
  • Islamische Gelehrsamkeit auf europäischem Boden am Beispiel Andalusiens, Universität Osnabrück in Kooperation mit der Universität Tübingen. Granada, 1.-5.10.2012.
  • “Vom Waḥy zum Muṣḥaf: Kanonisierungsprozesse der Mündlichkeit des Korans sowie der Schriftlichkeit des Korantextes”
    Offenbarung(swissen) und Kanon(bildung) in Christentum, Judentum und Islam: Workshop zum Verhältnis von Offenbarungswissen und Religiösem Wissen. Graduiertenkolleg 1662 „Religiöses Wissen im vormodernen Europa (800-1800)“, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 19.-20.02.2013.
  • International Symposium of “A Shared Road Map: Ijmâ‛ and Collective Consciousness”, Istanbul Congress Center, Istanbul, 27.-28.04.2013.
  • “Aršīf al-mustašriq Bergsträsser”
    al-Muʼtamar al-‛ālamī al-awwal fī l-Qirāʼāt al-qurʼāniyya fī l-‛ālam al-islāmī: awḍā‛ wa-maqāṣid. Markaz al-Imām Abī ‛Amr al-Dānī lil-Dirāsāt wal-Buḥūṯ al-Qirāʼiyya al-Mutaḫiṣṣasa / al-Rābiṭa al-Muḥammadiyya lil-‛Ulamāʼ, Marrakech/Morocco, 07.-09.05.2013.
  • “Friede im Koran”
    Christlich-Islamisches Symposion: Religion – Kraft des Friedens oder des Unfriedens?, Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg (PHL)/Zentrum für Islamische Theologie, Universität Tübingen (ZITH), Ludwigsburg/Tübingen, 25.06.2013.
  • “Mohammed and the Koran, Moses and the Torah: paralles and divergences”
    Muslim Perceptions and Receptions of the Bible, The Third New Frontiers in Islamic Studies German-Israeli Summer School, HUJ/FUB, Jerusalem, 09.09.2013.
  • „Sūrat al-iḫlās bayn at-tanzīh ath-thātī wat-tawḥīd al-ilāhī‟
    32. Deutscher Orientalistentag (DOT), Münster, 27.09.2013.
  • „Gewaltdebatte in der klassischen und modernen Koranexegese‟
    Internationales Symposium "Gewaltpotenzial der Religionen", Leibniz Universität Hannover, 23.-24.10.2013.
  • „Die Ambiguität der koranischen Ansprache‟
    Eröffnungsvortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung "Islamische Theologie als Wissenschaft in Europa" am Institut für Islamische Studien, Universität Wien, 05.11.2013.

Invited Lectures

  • “Al-Ḥajjāj and the second Maṣāḥif-Project”
    Department of Arabic Language and Literature and Middle East Studies, Tel Aviv University, 04.12.1997.
  • “The literature of falsified Ḥadīths (al-mauḍūʿāt)”
    Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Haifa, 02.06.1999.
  • “Biblical quotations in early Arabic literature: Primary attempts to translate the Bible into Arabic during the 1./7. and 2./8. Century”
    Department of Arabic Language and Literature and Middle East Studies, Tel Aviv University, 01.06.2000.
  • “ʿUthmānic orthography of the Qurʾanic text: Some notes on the final Yāʾ and final Alif”, College for Sharīʿa and Islamic Studies, Bāqa al-Gharbiyya, 25.04.2001.
  • “ʿUthmānic orthography of the Qurʾanic text: Some notes on the so-called twin-alif”
    Department of Arabic, Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, 23.12.2001.
  • “Islam and empire: The religious and textual politics of the early Umayyad caliphs”
    Jewish and Islamic hermeneutics as cultural critique: The emergence of a canon and its reflection in tradition. Berliner Seminar, Winter Term 2003/2004. Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, 17.11.2004.
  • “Die Entwicklung der arabischen Schreibung am Beispiel der koranischen Orthographie”
    Gastvortrag am Seminar für Semitistik und Arabistik, Freie Universität Berlin, 14.12.2005.
  • “Dreams and visions in the process of canonization of Qur’anic readings: influences and effects”
    Department of Arabic Language and Literature and Middle East Studies, Tel Aviv University, 10.01.2007.
  • “Neue Erkenntnisse zur alten arabischen Schreibung”
    Gastvortrag am Seminar für Semitistik und Arabistik, Freie Universität Berlin, 15.10.2007.
  • “The first Maṣāḥif-Project under criticism from inside and outside”
    Guest Lecture at Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Tel Aviv University, 08.03.2011.
  • “Perspektiven einer Islamischen Theologie in Deutschland”
    Gastvortrag am Seminar für Semitistik und Arabistik, Freie Universität Berlin, 17.11.2011.
  • “Ich-Du-Wir-Veranstaltung: Schüler im interreligiösen Dialog”
    Greeting at the presentation of a school competition, Stuttgarter Lehrhaus, 15.07.2012.
  • „Vater Abraham - Beispiel des Vertrauens, Beispiel der Tat“
    Toralernwoche Speech at the Jewish learning week, Bad Boll, 09.08.2012.
  • „Der koranische Begriff umma“
    Internationale Islamische Gemeinschaft e.V., Reutlingen, 11.08.2012.
  • Guest lecture „Koran-Exegese“Official training (Kirchlich theologischer Arbeitskreis),
    Pauluskirche Zuffenhausen (Stuttgart), 11.10.2012.
  • “Mevzu Hadis Örnekleriyle Hadis Tenkidi”
    İslam Araştırmaları Merkezi (İSAM), Istanbul, 26.03.2013.
  • “Außen- und Innenkritik am ersten Maṣāḥif-Projekt”
    Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi, 27.03.2013.
  • “al-maġḍūb ‛alayhim waḍ-ḍāllīn bayn at-taḫṣīṣ at-ta‛mīm bil-manẓūr ad-dalālī”
    Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi, 28.03.2013.
  • “Hz. Osman’ın Arapҫaya Yazı Deline Katkısı”
    İslam Araştırmaları Merkezi (İSAM), Istanbul, 08.04.2013.
  • “Tafsīr (Allāh aṣ-ṣamad) [Q. 112:2]”
    Université Amar Telidji - Laghouat, Algeria, 05.05.2013.
  • Festvortrag zum Thema “Islamische Theologie: Gegenwart und Zukunft”
    Integrationspreis 2013: Auszeichnung für ein gutes Miteinander von Einheimischen und Zugewanderten. Diakonie Württemberg, Stuttgart, 11.10.2013.
  • “Das Gottesbild im Koran”
    III. Rottweiler Reihe Religionen „O mein Gott …“: Gottesbilder im Gespräch, Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Rottweil, Mitveranstalter: DITIB Rottweil, 15.10.2013.

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