Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology

Dr. Ann-Kathrin Jaggy

Ann-Kathrin Jaggy is a postdoctoral researcher in the field of potential development and giftedness. She is part of the scientific support team of the Hector Seminar, an extracurricular enrichment programme to support particularly gifted and highly gifted children in Baden-Württemberg. Her research focuses on talent development and the interplay between creativity, motivation and intelligence.




  • Jaggy, A. K. (2020). Pretend Play in an Interactional Context: Emergence and Assessment of Preschool Children’s Social Pretend Play and its Role in their Social Development (Doctoral dissertation).

Journal Articles

  • Jaggy, A. K., Kalkusch, I., Bossi, C. B., Weiss, B., Sticca, F., & Perren, S. (2023). The impact of social pretend play on preschoolers’ social development: Results of an experimental study. Early Childhood Research Quarterly64, 13-25.
  • Golle, J., Flaig, M., Jaggy, A. K., & Göllner, R. (2022). Who’s bored in school? The relationships between academic boredom, general cognitive ability, and intrinsic value in math and language classes in primary school children. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 1-25.
  • Kalkusch, I., Jaggy, A. K., Burkhardt Bossi, C., Weiss, B., Sticca, F., & Perren, S. (2022). Fostering children’s social pretend play competence and social skills through play tutoring: What is the mechanism of change?. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 46(5), 461-471.
  • Holzapfel, M. A., Jaggy, A. K., & Brückmann, M. (2022). Creativity in German Science Education in Elementary Schools: Preservice Teachers’ Perspective on Whether It Is Essential, Possible or Completely Unnecessary. Creative Education, 13(4), 1421-1438.
  • Jaggy, A.-K., Mainhard, T., Sticca, F., & Perren, S. (2020). The Emergence of Dyadic Pretend Play Quality during Peer Play: The Role of Child Competence, Play Partner Competence and Dyadic Constellation. Social Development.
  • Jaggy, A.-K., Perren, S., & Sticca, F. (2020). Assessing Preschool Children’s Social Pretend Play Compe-tence: An Empirical Comparison of Three Different Assessment Methods. Early Education & Development.
  • Kalkusch, I., Jaggy, A. K., Burkhardt Bossi, C., Weiss, B., Sticca, F., & Perren, S. (2020). Promoting Social Pretend Play in Preschool Age: Is Providing Roleplay Material Enough?. Early Education and Development, 1-17.
  • Weiss-Hanselmann, B., & Jaggy, A.-K. (2019). Frühe Kindheit: Fantasiespiel als Bildungschance. Bildung Schweiz, 3. https://www.lch.ch/fileadmin/files/documents/BILDUNG_SCHWEIZ/2019/1903.pdf

Book Chapters

  • Perren, S., Weiss, B., Jaggy, A.-K., & Burkhardt Bossi, C. (2018). Kindliche Entwicklungsprozesse an „geheimen Orten“. In V. Pannier & S. Karwinkel, (Hrsg.): Was Kinder wollen und warum wir darauf hören sollten. Argumente und Anregungen für eine kindorientierte frühe Bildung (S. 67-69).

Curriculum Vitae

since 2021
Postdoctoral Researcher

Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology, University of Tübingen

Teaching Assistent (Psychology)

FernUni Schweiz

Ph.D. in Psychology (Dr. rer. nat)

University of Konstanz, Supervisors: Prof. Dr Sonja Perren, Dr. Tim Mainhard

2017 - 2020
Research Assistant/ PhD Candidate

Chair of Development and Education in Early Childhood, University of Konstanz and Thurgau University of Teacher Education– RELEFANT project

2015 – 2016
Master’s degree in Psychology

University of Konstanz

2011 - 2015
Bachelor’s degree in Psychology

University of Konstanz

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