Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology


Our vision at ALIFE is to sustainably enrich the educational landscape through tailored, innovative, accessible, and effective professional development offerings, and to provide teachers with the best possible support in their professional growth. At the core of ALIFE is the ALIFE Academy.

In the ALIFE Academy, we strategically design innovative and evidence-based online professional development programs in close collaboration with practitioners, specifically tailored to the needs of teachers. These online programs are systematically evaluated to gradually optimize the quality of our offerings.

All ALIFE professional development programs are characterized by the consistent application of the principle of adaptivity. This means that the individual needs and requirements of all teachers are considered in our online professional development offerings to provide them with the best possible learning environment, neither overwhelming nor under-challenging them. For example, the prior knowledge and interests of participating teachers are taken into account in every professional development offering. To monitor the effectiveness of this approach, several research projects are conducted, focusing on the impact of our adaptive training on motivation, learning success, self-regulated learning behavior, and subsequent teaching practices. Participating teachers can thus provide informed consent to participate in these research projects, supporting collaboration between science and practice. These research projects also help to optimize the professional development offerings.

Within ALIFE, adaptive training programs are developed on various key topics. Currently, these include the use of digital media in the classroom and the topic of giftedness.

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