The TOSCAneo study is a representative longitudinal study commissioned by the Ministry of Education of Baden-Württemberg
A longitudinal study means that a sample, i.e. many pupils in the upper school, is scientifically monitored over a longer period of time. The researchers repeatedly collect data during this period. One of the advantages of this type of study is that it is easy to observe how something changes over time - in this case, the retention and learning trajectories of high school students.
Representative means that the data from the sample, i.e. the students studied, can be used to draw conclusions about all upper secondary school students, especially the upper secondary level of vocational high schools in Baden-Württemberg.
At the first data collection point, a total of 136 schools participated, including 97 vocational high schools, 29 general high schools, and 10 comprehensive schools. At the beginning and end of the entry phase (grade 11, or grade 10 for general high schools), domain-specific competencies of the students were assessed in the areas of mathematics, science, as well as German and English. For these assessments, tasks from the Institute for Educational Quality Improvement (IQB) were used, with the exception of the English section. For the key domain of mathematics, tasks were newly developed or adapted by cooperation partners Walther Paravicini (University of Tübingen) and Guido Pinkernell (University of Education Heidelberg). The development of the survey instruments was supported by another cooperation partner, Nicolas Hübner (University of Tübingen).
Surveys were conducted at the beginning (students and their parents), halfway through the school year (students or school leavers, school principals, and teachers), and at the end of the entry phase (students). Another data collection is planned for the final year of school.