Prof. Dr. Daniel Buhr
Biographical Data
Prof. Dr. rer. soc., born 1973, married, 2 children
Academical Career
- since October 2017: Co-Founder and Head of Steinbeis Transfer Center Social and Technological Innovation and Adjunct Professor for Political Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
- October 2010 - September 2017: Professor for Policy Analysis and Political Economy
- October 2005 - September 2010: Research assistant and Lecturer
- PhD about "Chaos oder Kosmos". The coordination of the innovation policy in Germany
- Since 2003: Lecturer the Institute for Political Science and Political Marketing
- Master Thesis: "Justice in the welfare state"
- Studies in Political Science and General Communication in Tuebingen (and Ohio, USA)
Areas of Specialization
- Welfare States and Comparative Capitalism
- Innovation Systems
- Political Economics
- Policy Analysis (Health and Care, Labour and Social, Economic and Innovation Policy)
- Political Communication and Marketing
- Digitalization of Economy, Politics and Society (Industry 4.0, Work 4.0, Welfare 4.0)
Professional Career
Different activities in Marketing and Communication (e.g. press spokesman, marketing director, PR-consultant, copywriter, speechwriter etc.) - especially in IT-companies; journalist/editor
Other Positions
Member of the Advisory Committee on "Digitalization of Health and Care" of the Land of Baden-Württemberg
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of BELSPO (Belgian Federal Science Poliy Office)
Coordinator of HELP (together with Prof. Dr. Gerhard Eschweiler and Prof. Dr. Udo Weimar)
Representative of the Federal Land of Baden-Württemberg at CORAL (Community of Regions for Assisted Living)
Official Representative of the Institute for Political Science of the University of Tuebingen at ECPR (European Consortium of Political Research)
Member of the Study Commission of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
SuSe 2017
- Lecture: Policy Analysis - Theories and Approaches
- Seminar: Political Economy
WiSe 2016
- Lecture: Theories and Methods of Comparative Capitalism
- Seminar: Policy Analysis in Comparison
- Seminar: Economic Policies and Structural Change (together with Rasmus C. Beck)
- Seminar: Demographic Change - Challenges and Solutions
SuSe 2016
- Lecture: Policy Analysis - Theories and Approaches
- Seminar: Political Economy
- Research Seminar
WiSe 15/16
- Lecture: Theories and Methods of Comparative Policy Analysis
- Seminar: Analysis of Selected Policy Fields: Innovation Policy
- Seminar: Political Economy: Capitalism and Welfare States
- Research Seminar
SuSe 14
- Lecture: Policy Analysis - Theories and Approaches
- Seminar: Political Economy
- Seminar: Applied Policy Analysis: Ageing and Innovations - an Interdisciplinary Perspective
- Research Seminar
WiSe 13/14
- Lecture: Theories and Methods of Comparative Policy Analysis
- Seminar: Political Economy: Comparative Capitalisms
- Research Seminar
SuSe 13
- Lecture: Policy Analysis - Theories and Approaches
- Seminar: Political Economy
- Research Seminar
WiSe 2012/2013
- Lecture: Theories and Methods of Comparative Policy Analysis (together with Dr. Rolf Frankenberger)
- Seminar: Comparative Capitalism
- Demographic Change: Effects, chances and risks for policy fields in Germany (together with Rasmus Beck)
- Research Seminar
SuSe 2012
- Lecture: Policy Analysis - Theories and Approaches
- Seminar: Political Economy
- Seminar: "Daten oder Raten?" Political competition under the banner of market research and opinion polling
- Research Seminar
WiSe 2011/2012
- Lecture: Theories and Methods of Comparative Policy Analysis (together with Dr. Rolf Frankenberger)
- Seminar: Comparative Capitalism
- Research Seminar
A list of further courses can be found here.