Institute of Sociology

Laura Völkle, M.A.


Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Centre for Gender and Diversity Research
Brunnenstr. 30, Room 13
72074 Tübingen

Email: laura.voelklespam

Research and Teaching

Main interests
  • Body sociology
  • Practical theories, especially ethnomethodology
  • Sociology of pregnancy and childbirth
  • Methods of qualitative social research, especially ethnography

Doctoral project: Being co-pregnant, expecting a child, becoming a father - men at the transition to parenthood (working title)

Course in the summer semester 2019
  • Ethnography (Völkle) - research methods seminar and tutorial (module So-B4.3, only for BA major students)

Scientific Background

since April 2018
Doctoral Project

Doctoral project: Being co-pregnant, expecting a child, becoming a father - men at the transition to parenthood (working title), University of Tübingen, State Graduate Funding Baden-Württemberg

since October 2018
Research Assistant at the Instiut for Sociology Mainz, Department of Sociological Theories and Gender Studies
MA in Sociology "Research Practice and Practice Research", Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Thesis: "Births in the delivery room. An ethnography of emotionalized situations."

Student Assistant at the Institute for Sociology Main, Department of Sociological Theories and Gender Studies
BA in Sociology with a minor in Educational Science

Thesis: " Undoing gender: The ambiguity of gender differentiation as a challenge for empirical research", Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen


2021 (mit Nico Wettmann): The Process of Pregnancy: Paradoxical Temporalities of Prenatal Entities. Human Studies (2021). Link

2021 Die Existenzweisen eines Fötus. Eine Einzelfallanalyse zu Prozessen der De/Personalisierung und De/Humanisierung bei Totgeborenen. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 50 (2): 114–130. Link

2019 (mit Eva Muthmann): "Natural" capabilities in crisis - Constructions of inability in childbirth and breastfeeding. Austrian Journal of Sociology (Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie) 44 (3), p.333-349 ( )

2017 (mit Stefan Hirschauer): Denn sie wissen nicht was sie lehren. Soziologie, 46 (4), S. 417-428.



2019 Becoming a father. About (A-) symmetrization of parenthood in prenatal processes." Project presentation at the Leibniz Koleg, University of Tübingen


"Birth, breast-feed, carry babies - naturalized skills in crisis." Lecture (with Eva Muthmann) at the Spring Conference of the Section "Sociology of the Body and Sports" of the German Society for Sociology, University of Mainz.
„Babys gebären, stillen, tragen – Naturalisierte Kompetenzen in der Krise.“ Vortrag (mit Eva Muthmann) auf der Frühjahrstagung der Sektion „Soziologie des Körpers und des Sports“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Universität Mainz


"Births in the delivery room" Presentation of data material in the workshop Ethnography with Prof. Dr. Georg Breidenstein; Spring School "Qualitativ Forschen", University of Tübingen 
„Geburten im Kreißsaal“ Präsentation von Datenmaterial im Workshop Ethnografie mit Prof. Dr. Georg Breidenstein; Spring School „Qualitativ Forschen“, Universität Tübingen


"Understand babies practice-theoretically. A proposal for the sociological handling of youngest children." Lecture (with Eva Muthmann) at the 5th Student Sociology Congress, University of Tübingen. 
„Babys praxistheoretisch begreifen. Ein Vorschlag zur soziologischen Handhabung von Kleinstkindern.“ Vortrag (mit Eva Muthmann) auf dem 5. Studentischen Soziologiekongress, Universität Tübingen


2019 Award for outstanding thesis from the department of Sociology and the Faculty 02, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz