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WiWi alumnus ranked number 1 in WirtschaftsWoche's business administration ranking

"Tax expert Martin Jacob from WHU Vallendar is currently the most researched business economist under the age of 40.", according to WirtschaftsWoche online of December 19, 2022. Jacob was a staff member and PhD student at the chair of Professor Emeritus Franz W. Wagner.

According to the exclusive WirtschaftsWoche ranking of the most research-intensive business economists, Jacob is ranked number 1. Martin Jacob received his PhD from the Faculty of Economics at the Eberhardt-Karls University of Tübingen in 2010. He wrote his dissertation under emeritus Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Franz W. Wagner, who held the chair of Business Taxation. In 2010-2012, Jacob was a Junior Professor of taxation at WHU Koblenz-Vallendar and has been a Professor of Business Taxation at WHU Koblenz-Vallendar since 2013. His field of research is corporate taxation. 
Read more about this in the article by Bert Losse and Henrike Adamsen in the  WirtschaftsWoche 51/19.12.2022): "BWL-RANKING - Die neue grüne Betriebswirtschaft"
