School of Business and Economics

Accomodation in Tübingen

Student Dormitories

Studentenwerk Tübingen

Student Services Tübingen (“Studentenwerk” in German) manages several student dorms (“Studentenwohnheime” in German). You need to apply only once for all the dormitories.

You can apply online for a place in a dorm. The online form is available both in German and English (language selection at top right) and is open for applications for the winter semester from 01 April of the relevant calendar year, and from 01 October for the summer semester of the following year. Student Services provides further information on the online application process under this link. Your chances for a dorm room are much higher if you are prepared to start renting before the semester starts (from August or September). In case your application was successful, you will be sent a tenancy agreement that you will be asked to sign and return as soon as possible. You may also be asked to make an advance payment of the rent by bank transfer.

Dormitories managed by other providers

There are also a number of private dorm providers in Tübingen. Please find more information under this link:

Private Residential Market

Dorm places are in short supply. For this reason, we advise you to look for at least one other option on the private residential market.

You will find classifieds for private housing in the local newspaper “Schwäbisches Tagblatt” on Wednesdays (“Mittwochmarkt” in German) and Saturdays, including ads for rooms and apartments located in the small towns and villages around Tübingen for lower rents. Most of the surrounding towns and villages are easily accessible by public transport.

Rooms and shared flats can also be found online, for example under

Youth Hostel

For a limited time, students looking for accommodation may stay at the local Youth Hostel Tübingen.