Institute of Prehistory, Early History and Medieval Archaeology

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Ammerbuch-Entringen, Unteres Feld

In September 2017 we started new excavations on a long-known LBK settlement on the southern outskirts of Ammerbuch-Entringen, distr. of Tübingen. In the process of excavation longitudinal pits of several longhouses were uncovered, which could already be visualized with a geomagnetic mapping. The upper layers of have been effected already by strong erosion processes, so that the early Neolithic findings occur directly below the ploughing horizont. Based on the remains of the post holes of the houses, the erosion of the soil can be estimated to exceed one meter. Nevertheless, an extensive find material was recovered from the preserved pits, which reveals settlement phases during the elderly to middle and the younger LBK. In spring 2020 and 2022 another two excavation trenches were opened in the south and in the east of the site. The geomagnetic mapping showed in this area also characteristic structures of LBK longhouses.