The study programme Bachelor of Education Höheres Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen mit der beruflichen Fachrichtung Sozialpädagogik / Pädagogik is the second part of a consecutive teacher education programme (Bachelor of Science with consecutive Master of Education) with the professional profile subject social pedagogy / pedagogy and a general secondary subject for higher teaching at professional schools. Mathematics can be chosen to be this secondary subject.
During the master studies in mathematics (M.Ed.) the students deepen their mathematical and didactical knowledge and expertise. This enables them to design specific teaching, learning and educational processes in mathematics and to embed new developments concerning the subject or links between the subject and other subjects into teaching and school development. Like the Bachelor of Education it is a scientific study programme. The students are exemplarily introduced to recent topics of scientific investigation in their subject.
The Master of Education degree is required for the admission to the teacher trainee period (Referendariat) and, therefore, to be employed as a teacher at a professional school in Germany.
Detailed information is offered at the beginning of the study. For details about the single parts of the study, regular informative meeting are held by the department. For further information students may ask the department's counselling office, the responsible study advisor or the dean of academic affairs.