Institut für Kriminologie

Guidelines for Guests from Outside Germany

Institute of Criminology, University of Tuebingen

November 2016

The University of Tuebingen Institute of Criminology (IOC) is glad to welcome guests from outside Germany. The IOC will entertain requests for:

  • short stays up to one week;
  • longer stays for the purpose of conducting individual research or research in cooperation with one of the collaborators of the IOC up to several months;
  • stays for the purpose of achieving a German academic degree.


In particular, the IOC will accept

  • full professors or associate professors as “visiting professors”,
  • assistant professors, honorary professors and post-docs as “visiting fellows”,
  • graduates with a degree in (penal) law, criminology, sociology, psychology or related academic disciplines as “visitors”.


Regarding the benefits granted to guests from outside Germany, admission requirements, application process, and a series of practical matters, please note the following information.


Possibly granted benefits

Guests from outside Germany visiting the IOC for short stays will be granted full access to the IOC library including OPAC research and a WLAN guest account.

Guests from outside Germany visiting the IOC for longer stays or with the purpose of achieving a German academic degree will be granted full access to the IOC and the law school library, and full access to the online data bases available to students and faculty members. Upon your request, you will be offered a designated desk in the IOC premises. Most guests bring their own laptops. In special cases, however, use of a desktop computer may be arranged through the IOC. During the opening hours, you will be granted unrestricted access to the IOC premises. Upon your request, use of a designated key to the IOC premises may be arranged with the central university administration.

Guests who wish to participate in the University of Tuebingen PhD-program may apply for admission as a doctoral candidate. Once you are accepted as a doctoral candidate, you may apply for admission as a doctoral student with the University of Tuebingen. Through matriculation you will be granted access to all university facilities and services provided to students.

Language proficiency

Guests from outside Germany visiting the IOC for short stays and longer stays are expected to possess language proficiency sufficient to conduct independent research on the basis of scientific resources in German language and to get along in everyday life. English language proficiency will be expedient.

Guests who wish to visit the IOC for the purpose of achieving a German academic degree are required to possess sound German language proficiency. Please note that the IOC is required to assess your language proficiency in order to determine if you can succeed in conducting independent research and writing your dissertation. Language proficiency may be demonstrated with TestDaF or an equivalent language certificate.

LL.M. candidates

Participants in the University of Tuebingen LL.M. program may specialize among other academic fields in criminology, criminal justice and victimology. For comprehensive and current information about the University of Tuebingen LL.M. program, the admission requirements and the application process, please turn to

Doctoral candidates and doctoral students

Doctoral candidates and doctoral students are not required to attend any lectures and may focus primarily on their dissertation. However, it may be advisable and fruitful to develop an individual schedule for the attendance of selected lectures related to the subject matter of their dissertation, in close co-operation with the supervisors.

The admission of doctoral candidates and doctoral students is governed by the PhD-Regulations of the University of Tuebingen Faculty of Law. To be eligible as a doctoral candidate or doctoral student you need to hold a university degree that demonstrates scholarly distinction and the ability to advance knowledge through independent research and writing a dissertation. That means examination results must clearly surpass average standards.

Attendance of at least one seminar in the academic field of your dissertation and one further seminar in legal history is mandatory. Participation in those seminars includes a seminar paper written in German language and an oral presentation of your paper held in German language. You need to achieve the grade “good” in at least one seminar.

To be awarded a doctorate you must present a dissertation that gives evidence of original and significant research and successfully defend the dissertation in oral. As a rule, doctoral candidates are required to write and to defend their dissertation in German language.

Moreover, doctoral candidates are required to publish the dissertation and deposit a certain number of unpaid copies.

For the German language version of the PhD-regulations please turn to the homepage of the University of Tuebingen Law School (

Please read the PhD-regulations carefully.


There are no specific deadlines for requests for admission as a visiting professor, visiting fellow, or visitor. Please note, however, that your request must be filed with the IOC at minimum six (6) months prior to the intended start of your stay. Please include as part of your request: a letter of interest outlining the reasons for requesting for a stay with the IOC, a specification of the planned research, a description of the ways in which you intend to conduct research, and the desired dates of your stay.

There are no specific deadlines for requests for admission as a doctoral candidate with the University of Tuebingen Law School. Once you are accepted as a doctoral candidate you may file a request for admission as a doctoral student with University Student Office.

Applications for the University of Tuebingen LL.M. program must be filed up to certain dates. You will find the application deadlines on the homepage of the University of Tuebingen Law School (

Funding and logistical matters

Neither the IOC nor the University of Tuebingen Law School can provide any financial support.

Guests from outside Germany are responsible for securing their own funding to support their sojourn. They are also responsible for handling all of the logistical matters related to their stay, including all arrangements related to travel and housing.

Please note, however, that requests for scholarships may be filed in particular with the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutsche Akademischer Austauschdienst – DAAD). For detailed information, please refer to the homepage of the DAAD ( and the scholarship database

For further information regarding all non-academic topics (e.g. accommodation, visa application, health insurance), guests may contact the Welcome Center of the University of Tuebingen (