Steve Zäuner
Current Position
since 2008: PhD-Student in the Palaeoanthropology Department of the Zentrum für Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
PhD thesis: Metall, Reichtum und Macht – Zur Frage der Entstehung früher Eliten in der Kupferzeit Nordostbulgariens (Neue anthropologische Untersuchungen an den menschlichen Skelettresten der Nekropole von Varna und ihre regionale Bedeutung) (Metal, Wealth and Power – Appearance of early Elites in the Copper Age of northeastern Bulgaria)
2007 Magister artium at the University of Tübingen, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters
Magister thesis: "Anthropologische Untersuchung der Skelettreste aus dem Tell Junazite (Bulgarien) – ein chalkolithischer Kriegsschauplatz?", supervised by N.J. Conard and J. Wahl
Former and current activities
since 2010 | A nthropologist for the DFG Project „Archäometallurgische und paläoanthropologische Untersuchungen des Gräberfeldes von Varna, Bulgarien“ (Archaeo-metalurgical and palaeoanthropological Analysis of the Cemetery of Varna, Bulgaria) ![]() |
since 2009 | Supervisor of the anthropological evaluation of the early medieval cemetery of Bad Krozingen, Kreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald |
since 2008 | Teaching assistant at the Palaeoanthropology Department of the Zentrum für Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen |
2008 | Academic assistant at the Palaeoanthropology Department of the Zentrum für Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen |
since 2003 | Archaeological member and anthropological consultant of the excavation team at Tell Yunatsite, Pazardjik, Bulgaria |
2002 | Member of the project team “Eiszeitpark Engen”, Stadt Engen im Hegau |
Publications in progress
Zäuner, S.: Gelochte Schädel – interpersonelle Gewalt im chalkolithischen Tell Junazite. In: In memoriam Rumen Katchinarov. (accepted 2008)
Zäuner, S.: The Dark Side of the golden Chalcolithic. Evidence for warfare at Tell Yunatsite? – An anthropological approach. In: International Symposium “The golden fifth millennium. Thrace and its neighbour areas in the Chalcolithic”. (accepted 2009)
Oral presentations
Zäuner, S.: Krieg in der Steinzeit. Tell Junazite – ein Fallbeispiel aus dem Chalkolithikum.
GFA Nachwuchstagung (Blaubeuren, Germany) April 2008
Zäuner, S.: New anthropological studies on the question of emerging elites in Chalcolithic North-east Bulgaria.
Meeting StEve. Students in Evolution and Ecology. (Tübingen, Germany) November 2008
Zäuner, S.: The dark side of the Chalcolithic. Evidence for warfare at Tell Yunatsite? – An anthropological approach.
International Symposium “The golden fifth millennium. Thrace and its neighbour areas in the Chalcolithic”, (Pazardjik , Bulgaria) October 2009