Serena Lombardo
Function: Doctoral Candidate
Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
Institute for Archeaological Sciences
Rümelinstr. 23
D-72070 Tübingen
Room 519, Hauptgebäude, 2.OG
Serena Lombardo graduated in 2017 from the University of Pisa, Italy, with a B.A. in Cultural Heritage Sciences. As part of her thesis, she examined changes in the supply and exploitation of raw materials in the transition from Middle to Upper Paleolithic at the site of Grotta La Fabbrica (GR, Italy).
In 2019, she obtained a Master's in Archaeology at the University of Pisa, prehistoric curriculum. For her M.A. thesis, she worked on the epigravettian site of Riparo Fredian (LU, Italy), analyzing the aspects concerning lithic technology, reduction sequences, raw materials management and their procurement strategies. In 2022, she graduated from the Specialization School in Archaeology at the University of Pisa.
Currently, she is enrolled as a PhD candidate at the University of Tübingen in the framework of the ERC-funded FIRSTSTEPS project. Her research will be directed toward the study of Upper Palaeolithic lithic assemblages from Greece and Italy.
Academic Trajectory
2022 - Present
Doctoral candidate
FIRSTSTEPS project, University of Tübingen, Germany.
Specialization School in Archaeology
University of Pisa, Prehistoric curriculum
M.Sc. in Archaeology
Prehistoric curriculum, University of Pisa, Italy.
B.A. in Cultural Heritage Sciences
University of Pisa, Italy.
Lombardo S. & Tozzi C. (2023). L’Epigravettiano finale di Riparo Fredian (Molazzana, LU). Analisi tecno-economica dell’industria litica. Atti Soc Tosc Sci Nat, Mem., Serie A, 130, 19-33.
Angeli A., Conforti J., Lombardo S., Parisi M. Grotta del Leone di Agnano (San Giuliano Terme, PI). Notiziario di Preistoria e Protostoria 6.I, 18-21.