Department of Computer Science

Martin Pawelczyk

I am a PhD candidate in computer science at the Data Science and Analytics Lab at the University of Tuebingen. Prior to this, I did a MSc in Statistics (Research) at the London School of Economics (LSE), where I focused on statistical learning. In my LSE dissertation, I advanced a nonparametric test for statistical independence that can be applied to infer undirected Gaussian and general graphical models in high-dimensional scenarios when the number of features exceeds the number of observations. Before graduating from LSE, I also studied Econometrics at the University of Edinburgh (MSc) and Economics at the University of Cologne (BSc). During my graduate studies, I was fortunate enough to be generously supported by the German National Merit Foundation. 

Research Interests

  • Fairness and Explainability with guarantees
  • Generation of counterfactual explanations with guarantees

If you are interested in one of the topics mentioned above and you would like to write your thesis in that area, you are welcome to contact me. Additionally, we regularly publish thesis announcements on our webpage.

Recent Publications