Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology


Oral examination / Disputation

Donnerstag, 07.11.2013, 14 Uhr

Oral examination / Disputation - Ms Natasa Sardzoska, MA: From shifting borders towards liminal boundaries: The nomadic capture of morphing contouring spaces in the artwork and lives of some expatriated former Yugoslavian artists and writers

Ort: Seminarraum, Ludwig Uhland Institut

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Johler
Prof. Rossana Bonadei
Prof. Monique Scheer

The research that Mrs Sardzoska has undertaken explores features of cultural nomadic migrations, comprising nomadic expatriated writers and artists in the Balkans following the last war in former Yugoslavia and the anthropological approach to their diversified perceptions of the meaning of a border, and so the liminality, in the cultural, political, sociological and empirical context. She argues the impact that the dissolution of the borders has had on the artworks and lives of these expatriated, exiled and self-exiled artists and writers. The corpus of her research compiles case studies and field research with border inhabitants and artists thinking the border (its creation and rupture), the geopolitical implications and the lives of persons. She is focusing on those aspects of nomadic production that arise from the corruption of the border. Therefore, she proposes a series of productive and creative meanings of the border itself such as nomadic capture of spaces, inhabiting the mobility and refusal of domestication. From this logic, the nomadic is especially present when dealing with cultural encounters within a large scale of borders and the possible perceptions ofnotions of nation, ethnicity, affiliation and identification in Europe. In this sense, the thesis argues the liminal quality of the border and liaise artistic interpretations and nomadic captures of the ideas of lost home, of continuous displacement, of shifting borders and blurred cultural boundaries.

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