Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology


Schloss Conversations: Reformation and Refugees: Alternative Histories

Dienstag 14.11.2017, 18.15 Uhr

Das Forschungsprojekt "Religion and Public Memory in Multicultural Societies", angegliedert am Ludwig-Uhland-Institut, lädt ein: Schloss Conversations

Titel: Reformation and Refugees: Alternative Histories

A conversation with Nicholas Terpstra (University of Toronto) and Peter van der Veer (MPI Göttingen)hosted by Pamela Klassen (University of Toronto) and Monique Scheer (Ludwig-Uhland-Institut, University of Tübingen)
Both the 500-year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation and the arrival of hundreds of thousands of refugees have sparked intense reflection upon religion and public memory in Germany this year. This first in a series of 'Schloss Conversations' will take up these issues from historical and anthropological perspectives.

Ort: Schloss Hohentübingen (Fürstenzimmer), 18 Uhr c.t.

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