Nantes University, France: EuQu ERC Synergy Grant Project, 2-4 Dec. 2021, “Early-Modern Collecting and Cataloguing Qur’ān-s, Quranic Literatures, and Islamic Knowledge at the Bodleian Library”
OCCT, UK (online), 22-24 Jul. 2021, “Multilingual Commentary Literatures of the Islamicate and their Role in Early-Modern Orientalism”
Maynooth University, UK, 12 Nov. 2020, “Born-Heterolingual Texts: Anglo-Arabic Writing and the Practice of Worldliness” (invited)
New Haven, CT, Yale U, Desert Futures: Sahara, 24-26 Apr. 2020, “Aridity Line Literatures (invited)”
Conference Series ZoneZadir “Pour une écopoétique transculturelle” #2, St Martin de Londres, 4-6 Jul. 2019, “Detox, Salvage, Expose: The Politics of Performing Bodies in Sorling & Wong and LaToya Ruby Frazier”
Paris, Columbia Centre, Reid Hall, 17-20 Jun. 2019, “Conceptions and Configurations of the Arabic Literary Canon Workshop”
Paris, Paris 8 University, “Body in Motion, Travelling Bodies” International Conference, 24-25 May 2019, “Walking/Writing with the Refugees”
Paris, SEAA 17/18 International Conference, 18-19 Jan. 2019, “Fictions of Society, Law, and Criminality Under Early Colonialism” (with O. Jokic)
Château du Tertre, Conference Series ZoneZadir “Pour une écopoétique transculturelle” #1, 5-6 Jul. 2018, “Inhabiting the un-inhabitable – Poetics from the Arctic”
Paris, Paris Diderot, Camera Memoria Seminar, 1 Jun. 2018, “From Hollowed Space to Resurfacing Shadows. Orientalist Landscapes, Imperial Erasures, and the Politics of Reappearance in Emily Jacir’s, Fazal Sheikh’s, and Jananne Al-Ani’s Photography”
Dijon, Université de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Frantz Fanon’s Legacy in the Literature and the Arts of the Americas Conference, 6 April 2018, “Frantz Fanon and the Power of Literature as Struggle and as Cure”
London, SOAS, Creative Multilingualism Conference, 18-20 Jan. 2018, “Contemporary Literary Production in English and Arabic – Displacing, Rethinking and Reinventing Language, Literature, and Belonging”
Utrecht, ACLA Annual Congress, 6-9 Jul. 2017, “Creating the Archive. Of Counter-Memories, Breakable Memories and other Proleptic Moves into the Past in Larissa Sansour’s and Wael Shawky’s Arts”
Paris, Inalco, GIS – MOMM Congress, 5-8 Jul. 2017, “Just Bomb Into It – Rejecting the Category of the Refugee and Welcoming Destruction in Contemporary Arab Art and Literature”
Aix en Provence, Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme, Conférence Annuelle de la Halqa, 8-9 Jun. 2017, “Talal Asad: Pensée islamique décoloniale du séculier et silence français”
Paris, Paris 3, “Figures et figurations des terroristes: enjeux postcoloniaux”, 23-24 Mar. 2017, “When Literature Becomes ‘Enhanced National Security Threat’ – The Literary Interventions of the ‘Terrorist’ and the ‘Terrorist’ Interventions of Literature”
Paris, Université de la Sorbonne, “Empire”, International Congress SEAA 17/18, 20-21 Jan. 2017, “The Empire of Letters. Reconfiguration of Eastern Literatures and the Creation of an Imperial Literary Canon”
London, SOAS, Workshop Multilingual Locals and Significant Geographies Before Colonialism, 16-18 Jun. 2016, “A Passage to Britain. Early-Modern Orientalism and the Reconfigurations of the Eastern Literary Canon”
Lyon, Université Lyon 3, Workshop “New Literatures”, Congrès SAES, 2-4 Jun. 2016, “American Hyphenation and Palestinian Return – The Aesthetics and Politics of Confluence in the Work of Susan Abulhawa”
Paris, EHESS, “La question palestinienne : quelles comparaisons possibles?”, 12 Feb. 2016, “Branchements poétiques dans la littérature palestinienne contemporaine de langue anglaise”
London, Queen Mary University, Symposium, “Contemporary Middle Eastern Literatures in English/ Translation: Critical Prisms for Postcolonial Studies”, 5 Dec. 2015, “Othering postcolonial studies – What Arab literary theory has to say”
Paris, CNRS Thalim, Journée d’étude “Questions de délimitations” Projet Idex DELI, 3-4 Dec. 2015, “Les orientalistes britanniques de la fin du XVIIIe siècle et la création du canon littéraire indien”
Oxford, Oxford Comparative Criticism and Translation, International Conference, “Minding Borders”, Sept. 2014, “An Intermedial Study of the Representation of the Palestinian Border in Selma Dabbagh’s novel Out of it and in Mohammed Musallam’s artwork Geography Torn”
Lyon, TRIANGLE (UMR5206) & ENS, May 2014, “Edward Said, Theory, and the Palestinian Prism”
Grenoble, CEMRA, International Conference, “Location and Dislocation of Myth”, 9-11 Apr. 2014, “Dislocation, Relocation, and Escape in Nadeem Aslam’s Maps for Lost Lovers”
Paris, Paris 8 & CNRS/ARIAS, Journée d’étude “Problèmes d’histoire littéraire indienne”, March 2014, “The Late Eighteenth-Century ‘Oriental Renaissance’: The Invention of a Literary Tradition”
Oxford, BSECS Annual International Conference, 8-10 Jan. 2014, “A Qur’an to be read aloud: Sale’s Literary Contribution to the translation of the Qur’an”
Dijon, SAES Congress, 17-19 May 2013, “Sir William Jones’s Notebook. A Reflection on the Vagaries of the Construction of Orientalist Knowledge”
Paris, Paris 7 & Paris 3, Conference “Curiosité et géographie en Orient et en Occident, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles”, 29-30 March 2013, “Sir Thomas Palmer’s Essay on the Meanes How to Make our Trauailes Profitable (1606): Regulating Curiosity and Ordering the World”
Dublin, University College, Conference “Reading the Ancient Near East in Early Modern Europe”, 22-23 Nov. 2012, “Classical sources, Arabic material and experimental science in John Greaves’s Pyramidographia (1646)”
Newtown, Gregynog Hall – University of Wales, Conference “Indian Pluralism and Hasting’s Orientalist Regime”, 18-20 Jul. 2012, “Historical Studies in Hyderababad. The Correspondence Between Lt-Col Mark Wilks and Maj-Gen William Kirkpatrick (1809-1811)”
Paris, Sorbonne-Nouvelle, Perso-Indica Conference, 30-31 May 2012, “Eighteenth-Century European Knowledge of India through Persian Works and Translations”