Lectures and Courses
Heterochirality | Homochirality |
- Seminar: Theoretical basics to organic chemistry courses
- Lecture: Stereochemistry
- Lecture: Aromatic compounds
- Introductory course: Gas chromatography
- Separation methods course: Gas chromatography, derivatization
- Advanced compulsory subject "Analytical chemistry": Extraction, chromatography, enantiomeric separation using HPLC
- Advanced compulsory subject "Synthetic chemistry": Supramolecular chemistry
- Advanced compulsory subject "Structural chemistry": Stereochemistry, heterotopie concept, chiral polymers
- Graduate College "Analytical Chemistry": Enantiomer separation, electromigrations methods, chromatography
- Graduate College "Chemistry in Interphases": Chiral polysiloxanes (Chirasil-Phases), chiral metal-chelate complexes for catalysis
'Educational activitites'
Supervision of 35 Diploma Theses and 45 Doctoral Theses
Supervision of 36 Diploma Theses and 45 Doctoral Theses
Former coworkers were appointed as Professors of Chemistry:
Professor Dr. Bernhard Koppenhöfer, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany (Diploma 1976)
Prof_Koppenhoeferspam prevention@yahoo.de
Professor Dr. Bernd Herr, University of Reutlingen, Reutlingen, Germany (Diploma 1985)
Bernd.Herrspam prevention@reutlingen-university.de
Professor Dr. Johann Jauch, University of the Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany (Doctoral Thesis 1992)
j.jauchspam prevention@mx.uni-saarland.de
Adjunct Professor Dr. Heike N. Hofstetter, née Diebold, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, USA (Doctoral Thesis 1997)
hofstetterspam prevention@chem.wisc.edu
Professor Dr. Oliver Hofstetter, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, USA (Doctoral Thesis 1999)
ohofstspam prevention@niu.edu
Professor Dr. Oliver Trapp, Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich, Munich, Germany (Doctoral Thesis 2001)
oliver.trappspam prevention@cup.uni-muenchen.de
Professor Dr. Ashraf Ghanem, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia (Doctoral Thesis 2002)
Ashraf.Ghanemspam prevention@canberra.edu.au
Professor Dr. Pavel Levkin, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany (Doctoral Thesis 2007)
levkinspam prevention@kit.edu
Professor Dr. Zhengjin Jiang, College of Pharmacy, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China (Postdoctoral Fellow)
jzjjacksonspam prevention@hotmail.com
Professor Dr. Jingwu Kang, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China (Postdoctoral Fellow)
jingwu.kangspam prevention@sioc.ac.cn
Professor Dr. Waldemar Iwanek, The Jan Kochanowski University of Humanicity and Sciences, Kielce, Poland (Postdoctoral Fellow)
iwanekspam prevention@ujk.kielce.pl
Professor emeritus Dr. Zoltán Juvancz, Obuda University, Budapest Tech, Hungary (Postdoctoral Fellow)
Professor Ing. Dr. Ivan Špánik, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia (Research associate)
ivan.spanikspam prevention@stuba.sk