
Neue Publikation: These maps of support for Germany’s far-right AfD lay bare the depth of the urban-rural divide

Autor: Dr. Rolf. Frankenberger

The process of industrialisation, globalisation and urbanisation – spreading out from urban centres into the countryside – is one of the core developments of modern society. It has changed people’s lives in almost every part of the world. This is a process that has been going on for more than a century. New lifestyles have developed and traditional ones have been challenged.

A new division has emerged as a result between the urban and the rural. The two are more than just forms of settlements – they reflect ideals, values and lifestyles. Those who live in towns and cities lead almost entirely different lives to those who live in the countryside.

Where the two meet, there is potential for tension. And that tension can be politicised. In Germany, the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), a far-right nationalist and völkisch party, is using the “urban-rural divide” to polarise and mobilise an electorate that is attracted by romanticised notions of purity, tradition, nation and rurality.

Using spatial and data analysis, we can illustrate the patterns of this politicisation.

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Der Artikel und eine Podcast-Folge mit dem Thema “Where support for Germany’s far-right AFD is growing and why” mit Rolf Frankenberger sind im Februar 2025 bei The Conversation erschienen.



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