- Fernandes, Mario; Martin Becker; Kerstin Pull; Andreas Walter: When a B becomes an A: Causal Evidence on the Effects of a Journal Ranking Update on Academics’ Publication Behavior. Studies in Higher Education.
DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2024.2447788
- Joecks, Jasmin; Anna Kurowska; Kerstin Pull; Pia Schober: Multidimensional gender ideologies: How do they relate to wor-family arrangements of mothers with dependent children in Poland and Western Germany? International Journal of Comparative Sociology.
DOI: 10.1177/00207152241293463
Grimm, Sarah; Jasmin Joecks; Sarah Mütsch (2024): Teilen macht froh - Topsharing: Chancen und Herausforderungen von geteilter Führung. Personalführung 5/2024: 58-64.
- Diederich, Sarah; Anja Iseke; Kerstin Pull; Martin Schneider (2024): Role (in-)congruity and the Catch 22 for female
executives: how stereotyping contributes to the gender pay gap at top executive level. The International Journal of Human Resource
Management 35(2024)7: 1283–1311.
DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2023.2273331
- Diederich, Sarah; Anja Iseke; Kerstin Pull; Martin Schneider (2024): Vorstandsgehälter auf höchstem Niveau. Personalwirtschaft 3/2024: 56-58.
- Joecks, Jasmin; Kerstin Pull; Katrin Scharfenkamp (2024): Women Directors, Board Attendance and Corporate Financial Performance. Corporate Governance: An International Review 32(2024)2: 205-227.
DOI: 10.1111/corg.12525
Joecks, Jasmin; Eldin Muratovic (2023): Autonomes Fahren: Von Männern bevorzugt? Organisator 5(2023)6: 38-39.
Moritz, Raphael; Christian Manger; Kerstin Pull (2023): #InviteMe: Can social media information reduce discrimination? Evidence from a field experiment. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 213(2023): 373-393.
DOI:10.1016/j.jebo.2023.07.032 -
Joecks, Jasmin; Kerstin Pull; Katrin Scharfenkamp (2023): Women directors and firm innovation: The role of women directors’ representative function. Managerial & Decision Economics 44(2023)2: 1203-1214.
- Glökler, Thomas; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler (2022): Do output dependent prizes alleviate the sabotage problem in tournaments? Games 13(2022)65.
- Moritz, Raphael; Christian Manger (2022): Somebody that I want to know: The non-monotonic effect of personality information on ethnic and gender discrimination in the market for shared housing. Journal of Housing Economics 57(2022): 101842.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhe.2022.101842
- Veer, Theresa; Philip Yang; Jan Riepe (2022): Ventures’ conscious knowledge transfer to close partners, and beyond: A framework of performance, complementarity, knowledge disclosure, and knowledge broadcasting. Journal of Business Venturing 37(2022): 106191.
- Ayaita, Adam; Kerstin Pull (2022): Positional preferences and narcissism: evidence from “money burning” dictator games. Applied Economics Letters 29(2022)3: 267-271.
DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2020.1863320
Scharfenkamp, Katrin; Stephanie Kiefer; Linn-Brit Bade (2021): Gender-specific impact of age diversity on the performance
of small teams: empirical evidence from professional biathlon relays. European Sport Management Quarterly (2021).
DOI: 10.1080/16184742.2021.196741 -
Frick, Bernd J.; Katharina Moser (2021) : Are Women Really Less Competitive Than Men? Career Duration in Nordic and Alpine Skiing. Frontiers in Sociology 5(2021), Article 539766.
DOI: 10.3389/fsoc.2020.539766 -
Joecks, Jasmin (2021): The provision of Work-Life Balance Practices across Welfare States and Industries and their Impact on Extraordinary Turnover. Social Policy & Administration 55(2021):1325–1340.
DOI: 10.1111/spol.12728 -
Bäker, Agnes; Susanne Breuninger; Kerstin Pull (2021): Pushing performance by building bridges: Human and social capital as mechanisms behind the mobility-performance link. Journal of Vocational Behavior 129(2021): 103613.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jvb.2021.103613 -
Frick, Bernd; Katharina Moser; Rob Simmons (2021): Spillover Effects of Scandals on Exits from the Catholic and Protestant Churches in Germany. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 60(2021)3: 482-497.
DOI: 10.1111/jssr.12736 -
Bozhinov, Viktor; Jasmin Joecks; Katrin Scharfenkamp (2021): Gender Spillovers from Supervisory Boards to Management Boards. Managerial and Decision Economics 42(2021)5: 1317-1331.
DOI: 10.1002/mde.3311 - Schneider, Martin; Anja Iseke; Kerstin Pull (2021): The Gender Pay Gap in European Executive Boards: The Role of Directors’ Pathways into the Board. International Journal of Human Resource Management 32(2021)14: 2952–2974.
DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2019.1620307
- Joecks, Jasmin; Anna Kurowska; Kerstin Pull (2021): Is the push by female employees for family-friendly practices context-dependent? Comparative evidence from Sweden, Poland and Germany. Journal of Business Research 126(2021): 153-161.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.11.061
- Joecks, Jasmin (2020): How to Get Women on Board(s)? The Role of a Female-Friendly Culture. Journal of Managerial Issues 32(2020)3: 237-254.
- Puhani, Patrick; Philip Yang (2020): Does Increased Teacher Accountability Decrease Leniency in Marking? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 171(2020): 333-341.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2019.12.017
- Tenzer, Helene; Philip Yang (2020): The impact of organizational support and individual achievement orientation on creative deviance. International Journal of Innovation Management 24(2020)2: 2050020.
DOI: 10.1142/S1363919620500206
- Glökler, Thomas; Kerstin Pull (2020): Zusammenarbeit im Unternehmen fördern? Auf Forced-Distribution-Systeme verzichten! PERSONALquarterly 72(2020)3: 37-41.
- Bäker, Agnes; Julia Muschallik, Kerstin Pull (2020): Successful Mentors in Academia: are they Teachers, Sponsors and/or Collaborators? Studies in Higher Education 45(2020)4: 723-735.
DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2018.1544235
- Ayaita, Adam; Kathleen Stürmer (2020): Risk Aversion and the Teaching Profession: An Analysis Including Different Forms of Risk Aversion, Different Control Groups, Selection and Socialization Effects. Education Economics 28(1): 4–25.
DOI: 10.1080/09645292.2019.1675592
- Frick, Bernd; Katharina Moser; Katrin Scharfenkamp (2019): The Economics of Running. In: Downward, Paul; Bernd Frick; Brad Humphreys; Tim Pawlowski; Jane Ruseski; Brian Soebbing (Hrsg.): Handbook of Sports Economics. Sage Publications, 2019, S. 441-451.
- Meuer, Johannes; Christian Tröster; Michele Angstmann; Uschi Backes-Gellner; Kerstin Pull (2019): Embeddedness and the Repatriation Intention of Company-backed and Self-initiated Expatriates. European Management Journal 37(2019): 784-793.
DOI: 10.1016/j.emj.2019.03.002
- Ayaita, Adam; Filiz Gülal; Philip Yang (2019): Where Does the Good Shepherd Go? Civic Virtue and Sorting into Public Sector Employment. German Economic Review 20(2019)4: e571-e599.
DOI: 10.1111/geer.12180
- Gülal, Filiz; Adam Ayaita (2019): The Impact of Minimum Wages on Well-Being: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in Germany. Journal of Happiness Studies.
- Yang, Philip; Jan Riepe; Katharina Moser; Kerstin Pull; Siri Terjesen (2019): Women Directors, Firm Performance and Firm Risk: A Causal Perspective. The Leadership Quarterly 30(2019)5: 101297.
DOI: 10.1016/j.leaqua.2019.05.004
- Weimar, Daniel; Katrin Scharfenkamp (2019): Effort reduction of employer-to-employer changers: Empirical evidence from football. Managerial and Decision Economics 40(2019): 277-291.
DOI: 10.1002/mde.3001
- Güth, Werner; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler; Alexandra Zaby (2019): Compulsory Disclosure of Private Information: Theoretical and Experimental Results for the Acquiring a Company Game. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 175(2019)3: 502-523.
DOI: 10.1628/jite-2018-0013
- Tenzer, Helene; Philip Yang (2019): Personality, values, or attitudes? Individual-level antecedents to creative deviance. International Journal of Innovation Management 23(2): 1950009.
DOI: 10.1142/S1363919619500099
- Iseke, Anja; Kerstin Pull (2019): Female Executives and Perceived Employer Attractiveness: On the Potentially Adverse Signal of Having a Female CHRO Rather Than a Female CFO. Journal of Business Ethics 156(2019)4: 1113-1133.
DOI: 10.1007/s10551-017-3640-1
- Meuer, Johannes; Marlies Kluike; Uschi Backes-Gellner; Kerstin Pull (2019): Expatriation strategies for the adaptation of employment modes to different market economies. European Journal of International Management 13(2019)3: 328-353.
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2019.10018146
Bäker, Agnes; Mario Mechtel (2019): The Impact of Peer Presence on Cheating. Economic Inquiry. 57(2019)2: 792-782.
DOI: 10.1111/ecin.12760 -
Güth, Werner; Charlotte Klempt; Kerstin Pull (2019): Cognitively Differentiating Between Sharing Games: Inferences from Choice and Belief Data of Proposer Participants. Economics Bulletin 39(2019)1: 605-614.
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Ayaita, Adam; Kerstin Pull; Uschi Backes-Gellner (2019): You get what you 'pay' for: Academic attention, career incentives and changes in publication portfolios of business and economics researchers. Journal of Business Economics 89(2019)3: 273-290.
DOI: 10.1007/s11573-017-0880-6 - Klempt, Charlotte; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler (2019): Asymmetric Information in Simple Bargaining Games: An Experimental Study. German Economic Review 20(2019)1: 29-51.
DOI: 10.1111/geer.12138
- Joecks, Jasmin; Kerstin Pull; Katrin Scharfenkamp (2019): Perceived Roles of Women Directors on Supervisory Boards: Insights from a Qualitative Study. German Journal of Human Resource Management 33(2019)1: 5-31.
DOI: 10.1177/2397002218783925
- Kiefer, Stephanie; Katrin Scharfenkamp (2018): Does Online Media Put Beauty Before Performance? The Impact of Physical Attractiveness on the Popularity of Female Tennis Players in Online Media. International Journal of Sport Finance 13(2018)2: 156-182.
- Scharfenkamp, Katrin (2018): The effects of bridging business and politics – A survival analysis of German Federal ministers. European Journal of Political Economy 55(2018): 433-454.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2018.04.004
- Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Agnes Bäker; Kerstin Pull (2018): The opportunity costs of becoming a dean: Does leadership in academia crowd out research? Schmalenbach Business Review 70(2018)2: 189-208.
DOI: 10.1007/s41464-018-0048-0
- Bäker, Agnes; Mechtel, Mario (2018): The role of task meaning on output in groups: Experimental evidence. Managerial and Decision Economics 39(2018)2: 131-141.
DOI: 10.1002/mde.2875
- Klempt, Charlotte; Kerstin Pull (2018): The Hidden Costs of Control Revisited: Should a Sanctioning Policy be Announced in Advance? Managerial and Decision Economics 39(2018)2: 158-170.
DOI: 10.1002/mde.2877
- Arbeitskreis Controlling heterogener Personalstrukturen der Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. (u.a. Kerstin Pull) (2017): Diversity Analytics: Stand und Perspektiven. Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung. Sonderheft 72(2017): 81-101.
- Berninghaus, Siegfried; Werner Güth; Charlotte Klempt; Kerstin Pull (2017): Assessing Mental Models via Recording Decision Deliberations of Pairs. Homo Oeconomicus 34(2017)2-3: 97-115.
- Güth, Werner; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler; Alexandra Zaby (2017): Blindfolded vs. Informed Ultimatum Bargaining - A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis. German Economic Review 18(2017)4: 444-467.
DOI: 10.1111/geer.12112
- Iseke, Anja; Kerstin Pull (2017): Weibliche Nachwuchskräfte gewinnen? Mit Geschlechterstereotypen brechen! PERSONALquarterly 69(2017)4: 17-21.
- Pull, Kerstin; Birgit Pferdmenges; Uschi Backes-Gellner (2017): Do research training groups operate at optimal size? Schmalenbach Business Review 18(2017)2: 129-145.
DOI: 10.1007/s41464-017-0029-8
- Bäker, Agnes; Kerstin Pull (2017): Who is attracted by teamwork? Evidence of multidimensional sorting from a real-effort experiment. German Journal of Human Resource Management 31(2017)1: 32-70.
DOI: 10.1177/2397002216644571
- Bäker, Agnes; Susanne Breuninger; Julia Muschallik; Kerstin Pull; Uschi Backes-Gellner (2016): Time to Go? (Inter)National Mobility and Appointment Success of Young Academics. Schmalenbach Business Review 17(2016)3:401-421.
- Pull, Kerstin; Birgit Pferdmenges; Uschi Backes-Gellner (2016): Composition of junior research groups and PhD completion rate: disciplinary differences and policy implications. Studies in Higher Education 41(2016)11: 2061-2077.
DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2015.1007941
- Kluike, Marlies; Moira Conway (2016): The location of creativity and U.S. companies in Germany. The Professional Geographer 68(2016)4: 686-696.
DOI: 10.1080/00330124.2016.1140504
- Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Marlies Kluike; Kerstin Pull; Martin Schneider; Silvia Teuber (2016): Human resource management and radical innovation. A fuzzy-set QCA of US multinationals in Germany, Switzerland, and the UK. Journal of Business Economics 86(2016)7: 751-772.
- Scharfenkamp, Katrin (2016): It’s About Connections – How the Economic Network of the German Federal Government Affects the Top Earners’ Average Income Tax Rate. Journal of Economics and Statistics 236(2016)4: 427–453.
DOI: 10.1515/jbnst-2015-1020
- Ayaita, Omar Adam; Johannes Mellein (2016): Zu viel Empathie in der Politik. Novo Argumente, 19.05.2016.
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- Güth, Werner; Réné Levínsky; Kerstin Pull; Ori Weisel (2016): Tournaments and Piece Rates Revisited: A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Output-Dependent Prize Tournaments. Review of Economic Design 20(2016)1:69-88.
DOI: 10.1007/s10058-015-0184-7
- Muschallik, Julia; Kerstin Pull (2016): Mentoring in higher education: Does it enhance mentees’ research productivity? Education Economics 24(2016)2: 210-223.
DOI: 10.1080/09645292.2014.997676
- Stadler, Manfred; Kerstin Pull (2015): Piece Rates vs. Contests in Product Market Competition. Review of Economics 66(2015)3: 273–287.
DOI: 10.1515/roe-2015-1001 - Scholl, Johannes et al. (u.a. Omar Adam Ayaita) (2015): Gesundheitspolitik: Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention weiterdenken. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 112(2015)44:1830-1834.
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- Bäker, Agnes; Werner Güth; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler (2015): The Willingness to Pay for Partial vs. Universal Equality: Insights From Three-Person Envy Games. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 56(2015): 55-61.
DOI: 10.1016/j.socec.2015.03.004
- Kluike, Marlies (2015): Host-country effects in coordinated, liberal and hybrid market economies: US subsidiaries in Switzerland, Germany and the UK. International Journal of Human Resource Management 26(2015)17: 2211-2226.
DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2014.985322
- Pferdmenges, Birgit; Pull, Kerstin; Uschi Backes-Gellner (2015): Composition and Performance of Research Training Groups. In: Jansen, D. (Hg.): The Changing Governance of Higher Education and Research – Multilevel Perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer: 15-27.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09677-3_2
- Bäker, Agnes (2015): Non-tenured post-doctoral researchers’ job mobility and research output: An analysis of the role of research discipline, department size, and coauthors. Research Policy 44(2015)3: 634-650.
DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2014.12.012
- Bäker, Agnes (2015): The downside of looking for teamplayers in job advertisements. Journal of Business Economics 85(2015)2: 157-179.
DOI: 10.1007/s11573-014-0725-5
- Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Jens Mohrenweiser; Kerstin Pull (2015): The Effectiveness of Co-Determination Laws in Cooperative and Adversarial Employment Relations: When Does Regulation Have Bite? Economic and Industrial Democracy 36(2015)2: 215-238.
DOI: 10.1177/0143831X13501002
- Güth, Werner; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler (2015): Delegation, Worker Compensation, and Strategic Competition. Journal of Business Economics 85(2015)1: 1-13.
DOI: 10.1007/s11573-013-0702-4
- Duran, Mihael (2015): Bildungsgutscheine. In: Altmiks, Peter; Kathleen Klotchkov (Hg.). Bildung für alle: Bildungsvielfalt im Ideenwettbewerb. Frankfurt a. M.. Peter Lang Verlag: 115-128.
- Güth, Werner; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler, Alexandra Zaby (2014): Endogenous Price Leadership – A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 108(2014): 420-432.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2014.01.013 -
Goodall, Amanda H.; Agnes Bäker (2014): A Theory Exploring How Expert Leaders Influence Performance in Knowledge-Intensive Organizations. In: Welpe, Isabell M; Jutta Wollersheim, Stefanie Ringelhan, Margit Osterloh (Eds.). Incentives and Performance: Governance of Research Organizations. Heidelberg: Springer: 49-68.
Scharfenkamp, Katrin; Alexander Dilger (2014): The Higher the Better? A Comparative Analysis of Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Human Capital of German Federal Government’s Members. German Politics and Society 32(2014)4: 21-38.
| abstract | - Duran, Mihael; Kerstin Pull (2014): Der Beitrag der Arbeitnehmervertreter zur fachlichen und geschlechtlichen Diversität von Aufsichtsräten: Erkenntnisse einer qualitativ-explorativen Analyse. Industrielle Beziehungen – German Journal of Industrial Relations 21(2014)4: 329-351.
DOI: 10.1688/IndB-2014-04-Duran - Arnegger, Martin; Christian Hofmann; Kerstin Pull; Karin Vetter (2014): Firm Size and Board Diversity. Journal of Management and Governance 18(2014)4: 1109-1135.
DOI: 10.1007/s10997-013-9273-6 - Pull, Kerstin (2014): Internationalisierung der Forschung. Editorial. Die Betriebswirtschaft 74(2014)4: 211-212.
| fulltext | - Vetter, Karin; Philipp Sturm (2014): Stock price reaction to supervisory board interventions. Empirical evidence from Germany. Die Betriebswirtschaft 74(2014)3: 165-181.
- Duran, Mihael (2014): Board directors' preferences: What are good aggregation rules? Finance Research Letters 11(2014)2: 84-90.
DOI: 10.1016/ - Joecks, Jasmin; Kerstin Pull; Uschi Backes-Gellner (2014): Childbearing and (Female) Research Productivity – A Personnel Economics Perspective on the Leaky Pipeline. Journal of Business Economics 84(2014)4: 517-530.
DOI: 10.1007/s11573-013-0676-2 -
Chlosta, Kristin; Kerstin Pull; Shiho Futagami (2014): Tournament Structures in Japan and the U.S. Why are They Different and Will they Change? Management and Organizational Studies 1(2014)1: 63-71.
DOI: 10.5430/mos.v1n1p63 -
Bäker, Agnes; Werner Güth; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler (2014): Entitlement and the Efficiency-Equality Trade-off: An Experimental Study. Theory & Decision 76(2014)2: 225-240.
DOI: 10.1007/s11238-013-9364-5
- Kluike, Marlies; Kerstin Pull (2013): Similar, but still different: How US-MNCs in Germany and Switzerland use host-country training and skill practices. Industrial Relations Journal 44(2013)5-6: 495-513. DOI: 10.1111/irj.12031
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- Joecks, Jasmin; Kerstin Pull; Karin Vetter(2013): Gender diversity in the boardroom: What exactly constitutes a critical mass? Journal of Business Ethics 118(2013)1: 61-72.
DOI: 10.1007/s10551-012-1553-6
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- Bäker, Agnes; Werner Güth; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler (2013): Creativity, Analytical Skills, Personality Traits, and Innovative Capability: A Lab Experiment. Homo Oeconomicus 30(2013)2: 203-221.
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- Pull, Kerstin; Hendrik Bäker; Agnes Bäker (2013): The ambivalent role of idiosyncratic risk in asymmetric tournaments. Theoretical Economics Letters 3(2013): 16-22.
DOI: 10.4236/tel.2013.33A004
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- Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Kerstin Pull (2013): Tournament Compensation Systems, Employee Heterogeneity and Firm Performance. Human Resource Management 52(2013)3: 375-398.
DOI: 10.1002/hrm.21535
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- Alewell, Dorothea; Sven Hauff; Kerstin Pull (2013): Trennungsmanagement – Stand der Forschung und aktuelle empirische Befunde. In: Stock-Homburg, Ruth (Hg.): Handbuch strategisches Personalmanagement, 2. Auflage. Wiesbaden: Gabler: 245-261.
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Duran, Mihael (2013): Verlustpartizipation von Vorständen - Eine ökonomische Analyse der Herabsetzungsmöglichkeit von Vorstandsbezügen nach dem VorstAG. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 62(2013)1: 95-111.
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- Bäker, Agnes; Vanessa Mertins (2013): Risk-sorting and preference for team piece rates. Journal of Economic Psychology 34(2013)1: 285-300.
DOI: 10.1016/j.joep.2012.10.010
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- Klempt, Charlotte (2012): Fairness, Spite, and Intentions: Testing different Motives behind Punishment in a Prisoners' Dilemma Game. Economics Letters 116(2012)3: 429-431.
DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2012.04.048
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- Breuninger, Susanne; Kerstin Pull; Birgit Pferdmenges (2012): Like father(s), like son(s) – Does the relation between advisor and student productivity persist on group level? German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management – Zeitschrift für Personalforschung 26(2012)4:331-345.
DOI 10.1688/1862-0000_ZfP_2012_04_Breuninger
| full text Mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Rainer Hampp Verlags ( |
- Güth, Werner; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler (2012): Strategic Delegation in Price Competition. Theoretical Economics Letters 2(2012)4: 355-360.
DOI: doi:10.4236/tel.2012.24065
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- Bäker, Agnes; Mario Mechtel; Karin Vetter (2012): Beating thy Neighbor: Derby Effects in German Professional Soccer. Journal of Economics and Statistics 232(2012)3: 224-246.
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- Vetter, Karin; Ursula Weber (2012): Interventionsaktivitäten von Aufsichtsräten: Eine empirische Analyse deutscher Aktiengesellschaften. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis 64(2012)4: 384-401.
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- Baten, Jörg; Julia Muschallik (2012): The Global Status of Economic History. Journal of Economic History of Developing Regions 27(2012)1: 93-113.
DOI: 10.1080/20780389.2012.682390
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- Pull, Kerstin (2012): Mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen: Warum selbst gesteckte Ziele eine gute Idee sind. Editorial. Die Betriebswirtschaft 72(2012)2: 111-112.
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- Chlosta, Kristin (2012): Anreiz- und Selbstselektionswirkungen von Berufungswettbewerben an deutschen Universitäten. Eine Analyse der Erfolgsaussichten der jüngsten Dienstrechtsreform. München, Mering: Hampp.
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- Mechtel, Mario, Agnes Bäker, Tobias Brändle, Karin Vetter (2011): Red Cards: Not Such Bad News For Penalized Guest Teams. Journal of Sports Economics 12(2011)6: 621-646.
DOI: 10.1177/1527002510388478
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- Güth, Werner; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler (2011): Intrafirm Conflicts and Interfirm Competition. Homo Oeconomicus 28(2011)3: 367-378.
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- Unger, Birgit (2011): Gender Diversity in Forschernachwuchsgruppen. Femina Politica 20(2011)1: 173-175.
- Güth, Werner; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler; Agnes Stribeck: Gleich aufteilen oder effizient handeln? Theoretische Ideen und experimentelle Befunde. In: Genser, Bernd, Hans-Jürgen Ramser; Manfred Stadler (Hg.): Umverteilung und soziale Gerechtigkeit. 40. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Seminar Ottobeuren. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck: 39-53.
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- Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Kerstin Pull (2011): Betriebswirtschaftliche Arbeitsrechtsanalyse: Genese, Stautus Quo und Perspektiven. Die Betriebswirtschaft 71(2011)3: 199-201.
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- Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Kerstin Pull (Hg.): Die Betriebswirtschaft Themenheft "Betriebswirtschaftliche Arbeitsrechtsanalyse" 71(2011)3.
- Braun, Irene; Kerstin Pull, Dorothea Alewell, Susi Störmer, Kirsten Thommes (2011): HR outsourcing and service quality: theoretical framework and empirical evidence. Personnel Review 40(2011)3: 364 - 382.
DOI: 10.1108/00483481111118667
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- Alewell, Dorothea; Sven Hauff; Kerstin Pull (2010): Trennungsmanagement – Stand der Forschung und aktuelle empirische Befunde. In: Stock-Homburg, Ruth; Birgitta Wolff (Hg.): Handbuch strategisches Personalmanagement. Wiesbaden: Gabler: 587-602.
- Chlosta, Kristin; Kerstin Pull; Marina Fiedler; Isabell Welpe (2010): Should I stay or should I go? Warum Nachwuchswissenschaftler in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre das Universitätssystem verlassen. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 80(2010)11: 1207-1229.
DOI: 10.1007/s11573-010-0403-1
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- Chlosta, Kristin; Kerstin Pull (2010): The Incentive Effects of Appointment Tournaments in German Higher Education. Schmalenbach Business Review 62(2010): 378-400.
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- Unger, Birgit; Kerstin Pull; Uschi Backes-Gellner (2010): The Performance of German Research Training Groups in Different Disciplinary Fields: An Empirical Assessment. In: Jansen, D. (Hg.): Governance and Performance in the German Public Research Sector: Disciplinary Differences. Dordrecht: Springer: 93-106.
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- Stribeck, Agnes (2010): Wer wählt Teamarbeit? Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse der Effekte der Forderung nach Teamfähigkeit. München, Mering: Hampp.
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- Pull; Kerstin, Ann-Cathrin Vogt (2010): Viel Lärm um Nichts? Der Einfluss der Elterngeldreform auf die Inanspruchnahme von Elternzeit durch Väter. Soziale Welt 61(2010)2: 121-137.
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- Unger, Birgit (2010): Heterogenität und Performance von Forschernachwuchsgruppen. Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel von DFG-geförderten Graduiertenkollegs. München, Mering: Hampp.
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- Arnegger, Martin; Christian Hofmann; Kerstin Pull; Karin Vetter (2010): Unterschiede in der fachlichen und demographischen Zusammensetzung deutscher Aufsichtsräte. Die Betriebswirtschaft 70(2010)3: 239-257.
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- Futagami, Shiho; Uschi Backes-Gellner; Kerstin Pull (2010): Stand und aktuelle Herausforderungen des japanischen Hochschulsystems. Hochschulmanagement 5(2010)1: 21-24.
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- Güth, Werner; Kerstin Pull; Manfred Stadler; Agnes Stribeck (2010): Equity versus Efficiency? Evidence from Three-Person Generosity Experiments. Games 1(2010)2: 89-102.
DOI: 10.3390/g1020089
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- Vogt, Ann-Cathrin (2010): Warum Väter ihre Erwerbstätigkeit (nicht) unterbrechen. München, Mering: Hampp.
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- Vogt, Ann-Cathrin; Kerstin Pull (2010): Warum Väter ihre Erwerbstätigkeit (nicht) unterbrechen: Mikroökonomische versus in der Persönlichkeit des Vaters begründete Determinanten der Inanspruchnahme von Elternzeit durch Väter. Zeitschrift für Personalforschung 24(2010)1: 48-68.
DOI: 10.1688/1862-0000_ZfP_2010_01_Vogt
| fulltext | Mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Rainer Hampp Verlags (
- Pull, Kerstin (2009): Korreferat zum Referat R. Fahr, B. Irlenbusch: Information Cascades among Groups and Individuals - First Results. In: Franz, Wolfgang et al. (Hg.): Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Seminar Ottobeuren 38(2009): 77-78.
- Pull, Kerstin; Manfred Stadler (2009): Korreferat zum Referat S. Fischer, W. Güth, C. Köhler: Effects of Profitable Downsizing on Collective Bargaining. In: Franz, Wolfgang et al. (Hg.): Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Seminar Ottobeuren 38(2009): 249-251.
- Pull, Kerstin (2009): Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Leistungsmessung von Professoren: Warum wir sie brauchen und warum wir dennoch aufpassen müssen. Die Betriebswirtschaft 69(2009)3: 311-313.
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- Alewell, Dorothea; Kerstin Pull (2009): Determinanten der Outplacement-Gewährung: Ergebnisse einer theoriegeleiteten empirischen Analyse. Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung 42(2009)2: 155-169. DOI: 10.1007/s12651-009-0010-1
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- Braun, Irene (2009): Outsourcing von Personalfunktionen: Eine Strategie zur Erhöhung der Dienstleistungsqualität? München, Mering: Hampp.
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| Rezension |
- Pull, Kerstin; Birgit Unger (2009): Heterogenität und Forschungsoutput von Forschernachwuchsgruppen - Ein Beitrag zur Governance von Non-Profit-Einheiten. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis 61(2009)1: 41-55.
- Fischer, Michaela; Kerstin Pull (2008): Studiengebühren und Matchingqualität. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 78(2008)11: 1111-1142.
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- Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Kerstin Pull (2008): Travel Incentives as Tournament Compensation - Problems of Contestant Heterogeneity and Solutions. Best Paper Conference Proceedings of the Academy of Management Anaheim.
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- Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Kerstin Pull (2008): Ökonomische Analyse von Incentive-Reisen. In: Franz, Wolfgang et al. (Hg.): Arbeitsverträge. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 125-141.
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- Pull, Kerstin; Birgit Unger (2008): Die Publikationsaktivität von DFG-Graduiertenkollegs und der Einfluss nationaler und fachlicher Heterogenität. Hochschulmanagement 3(2008)3: 58-61.
- Fischer, Michaela (2008): Studiengebühren als Signaling- und Screening-Instrument. München, Mering: Hampp.
| Klappentext |
- Pull, Kerstin (2008): Die betriebswirtschaftliche Logik von Outplacement-Leistungen: Theoretische Erklärungsansätze und ihre Plausibilität im Lichte vorliegender empirischer Befunde. Industrielle Beziehungen 15(2008)3: 233-255.
| abstract | fulltext | Mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Rainer Hampp Verlags (
- Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Donata Bessey; Kerstin Pull; Simone Tuor (2008): What Behavioural Economics Teaches Personnel Economics. Die Unternehmung 62(2008)3: 217-234.
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- Pull, Kerstin (2008): Flexibility in HRM and Foreign Direct Investment: Do international investors self-select? The International Journal of Human Resource Management 19(2008)2: 314-329.
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- Pull, Kerstin; Kristin Chlosta (2007): Die Attraktivität wissenschaftlicher Karrieren. attempto! 23(2007): 18-19.
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- Pull, Kerstin (2007): Korreferat zu Siegfried K. Berninghaus, Werner Güth, Christian Hoppe, Christian Paul: International Competition in Hiring Labour and Selling Output: A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis. In: Franz, Wolfgang; Ramser, Hans Jürgen und Manfred Stadler (Hg.): Dynamik internationaler Märkte, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Seminar Ottobeuren 36(2007): 247-251.
- Fischer, Sven; Werner Güth, Kerstin Pull (2007): Is there As-if-Bargaining? The Journal of Socio-Economics 36(2007): 546-560.
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- Fischer, Sven; Werner Güth; Kerstin Pull (2007): Evolution in Imperfect Commitment Bargaining - Strategic versus Ignorant Types. Metroeconomica 58(2007)2: 299-309.
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- Ulrike Berberich; Harald Strotmann; Diana Weber (2006): Betriebliche Weiterbildung in Baden-Württemberg 2005. IAW-Kurzbericht 2(2006).
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- Günther Klee; Diana Weber (2006): Betriebliche Ausbildung in Baden-Württemberg 2005. IAW-Kurzbericht 1(2006).
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- Weber, Diana (2006): Work-Family Balance: The Effects of Organizational Initiatives on Creating a Family-Supportive Work Environment. IAW-Report 34(2006)1: 103-154.
- Hitzemann, Kristin; Kerstin Pull (2006): Risk Aversion and tournaments: The case of Japan and the US. In: Larimo, Jorma und Sami Rumpunen (Hg.): Internationalization and Management of Foreign Operations. Proceedings of the University of Vaasa, Reports 130, Vaasa 2006: 284-296.
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- Strotmann, Harald; Diana Weber (2005): Frauen in Führungspositionen in baden-württembergischen Betrieben. IAW-Kurzbericht 6(2005).
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- Alewell, Dorothea; Kerstin Pull (2005): Rechtsschutz für Mütter - eine ökonomische Analyse des Mutterschutzgesetzes und seiner Wirkungen auf die Beschäftigungssituation von Frauen. Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung 38(2005)2/3: 341-356.
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- Pull, Kerstin (2005): Korreferat zu Martin Brussig und Ute Leber: Formelle und informelle Weiterbildung im Ost-West-Vergleich. In: Bellmann, Lutz; Dieter Sadowski (Hg.): Bildungsökonomische Analysen mit Mikrodaten, Beiträge zur Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung Nr. 295 (2005): 145-149.
- Pull, Kerstin (2005): Standortfaktor Arbeitsrecht: Die Bewertung durch ausländische Investoren. Wirtschaftsdienst 85(2005)10: 638-645.
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- Pull, Kerstin (2005): Labour Regulations and FDI: Who is attracted? In: Proceedings of the European Academy of Management Annual Conference (EURAM), München 2005.
- Alewell, Dorothea; Kerstin Pull (2005): Die Neugestaltung der Finanzierung des Mutterschutzes - Ein Kommentar zum Mutterschutz-Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts. ifo Schnelldienst 58(2005)4: 22-27.
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- Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Kerstin Pull (2005): Quo vadis Personalökonomik? - Stellungnahme zum Beitrag "10 Jahre personalwirtschaftliche Forschung - ökonomische Hegemonie und die Krise einer Disziplin" - von J. Weibler und A. Wald. Die Betriebswirtschaft 65(2005): 89-94.
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- Alewell, Dorothea; Kerstin Pull (2004): Mutterschutzbedingte Reorganisationskosten des Arbeitgebers - eine international vergleichende Analyse gesetzlicher Schutzbestimmungen. Zeitschrift für Personalforschung 18(2004)4: 374-395.
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- Güth, Werner; Kerstin Pull (2004): Will Equity Evolve? An Indirect Evolutionary Approach. European Journal of Political Economy 20(2004)1: 273-282.
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- Pull, Kerstin (2004): Rezension zu: Fabel OLiver; Reingard M. Nischik (Hg.): Femina Oeconomica. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 74(2004)8: 860-863.
- Pull, Kerstin (2003): Arbeitsmarktregulierung und Standortwahl. München, Mering: Hampp.
| Klappentext |
- Pull, Kerstin (2003): Der Einfluss personalpolitischer Flexibilität auf die Standortwahl Multinationaler Unternehmen: Eine empirische Analyse. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 73(2003): 849-873.
| abstract | - Pull, Kerstin (2003): Managerial Flexibility, Labour Market Regulation and the Comparative Attractiveness of the UK as a Business Location. European Business Journal 15(2003)2: 49-60.
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- Pull, Kerstin (2003): Firm size, wages, and production technology. Small Business Economics 21(2003)3: 285-288.
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- Pull, Kerstin (2003): Ultimatum Games and Wages: Evidence of an 'Implicit Bargain'? Schmalenbach Business Review 55(2003): 161-171.
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- Pull, Kerstin (2003): Rezension zu: Schmidtke, Corinna: Signaling im Personalmarketing. Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse des betrieblichen Rekrutierungserfolges. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 73(2003): 902-906.
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