Personal und Organisation

Master seminar paper


The Master seminar at the Chair of "Personnel and Organization" usually takes place in the summer term. The Master seminar is dedicated to a specific thematic focus, and during the application process for a seminar spot, students can specify their preferences for a certain subfield of this thematic focus. During the semester break prior to the start of the summer semester, you can find more information about the specific thematic focus and subfields in the "Teaching" section of our website. A link to the current Master seminar is available at the bottom of this page.

Students who have obtained a seminar spot select a research question from the allocated thematic area in consultation with their supervisor, which is to be addressed within the scope of the seminar paper. There is no data collection or analysis carried out in the Master seminar. The selected research questions should be approached based on existing literature. The seminar paper will always include a theory and an empirics section.

Master seminar summer term 2024



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