Application procedure

As of July 2019, the School of Business and Economics has decided to introduce a new mechanism of registering your interest in writing a master thesis. Students who plan to start working on their thesis in the next semester are asked to fill out a short survey.

Details about the registration process (deadline, link to Ilias survey, etc.) will be communicated via email by the Academic Advisory Service.

Should you have any questions about the registration procedure, please contact the Academic Advisory Service.



The number of confirmations depends on the total number of candidates that are to be supervised at all departments and on the capacity of our own department.

It is highly recommended that you take part in the master seminar at the Chair of Managerial Accounting or at a department with similar research methodology before starting the master thesis.



Candidates are welcome to suggest own topics for their master theses. We have also a list of potential topics in mind that can be discussed in an initial meeting with the candidate. It is not necessary to specify a research question at the time of application. The topics should be in line with the general orientation of our department (managerial accounting, managerial economics, organizational economics, incentive and reward systems, delegation of decision rights, management practices, etc.). We also welcome master theses in cooperation with companies – however, the research question should be investigated quantitatively (e.g., analyzing firm data or survey data provided by the companies). Depending on the topic, students are also encouraged to conduct an own empirical study, for instance, a field experiment, an (online) questionnaire, or complementary interviews with firm representatives. We look forward to your applications.

The master thesis may be written in English or German.


Next steps

After having admitted to our department via the central application system, students have to register via a form provided by the examination office (Prüfungsamt). Details will be announced in meetings with the supervisor.

All students supervised at our department have to present the current state of their thesis at the department’s research colloquium (roundabout 2 months prior to submission of the final thesis).

For those students that have not taken part in a Bachelor- or Master-Seminar at the department yet, we strongly recommend to take part in a course on scientific writing offered by the department in the context of its master and bachelor seminars.


Formal guidelines for writing a master thesis at our department can be downloaded here (in German)

Formal guidelines for writing a master thesis at our department can be downloaded here (in English)


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