
Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs

Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Auflistung aller Habilitationen und Dissertationen, die im Rahmen des SFB 833 eintstanden sind:

Habilitationen des SFB 833

Projekt A1

  • Zobel, S. (2019). The many faces of German als-phrases and English as-phrases. A study of predicative adjunct als/as-phrases and their range of interpretation. 
  • Bücking, S. (2017). Grammatische Beschränkung und pragmatischer Spielraum. Studien zur Interpretation von Modifikatoren.

Projekt A2

  • Zirker, A. (2014). Stages of the soul in Early Modern English poetry: William Shakespeare and John Donne

Projekt A7

  • Konietzko, A. (2020). Islands and complex constructions in English and German: Bridging the gap between theory of grammar, processing and neurolinguistics. 
  • Hartmann, J. (2016). The syntax and focus structure of specificational copular clauses and clefts

Projekt B1

  • Augurzky, P. (erw. 2022). The role of linguistic and non-linguistic information in predictive language comprehension: Behavioral and neurophysiological evidence.  
  • Bott, O. (2016). Processing quantifiers: A psychlinguistic investigation

Projekt B2

  • Patel-Grosz, P. (2015). On structural and contextual relations in the grammar. Individual variables, agreement and anaphoric presuppositions

Projekt C4

  • Patel-Grosz, P. (2015). On structural and contextual relations in the grammar. Individual variables, agreement and anaphoric presuppositions
  • Winter-Froemel, E. (2014). The dynamics of meaning in usage and in language change. Ambiguity in the domain of indefiniteness and 1PL meaning

Projekt C6

  • Grosz, P. G. (2015). Functional elements: Modal particles, pronouns and agreement

Dissertationen des SFB 833

Projekt A1

  • Lauterbach, J. (in Arbeit). Zwischen Wahrnehmung und Erkenntnis: Komposition und Uminterpretation bei mentalen Verben
  • Elxnath, N. (2022). Komposita als Mittel der Konzeptbenennung: Untersuchungen zur Semantik und Pragmatik von Adjektiv-Nomen-Komposita im Deutschen. 
  • Metzger, S. (2021). Wörtliche und nicht-wörtliche Lesarten bei stativ-eventiv ambigen Verben
  • Pryslopska, A. (2021). Being friendly is difficult. Psycholinguistic experiments on agentivity in copular constructions. 
  • Herdtfelder, J. (2018). Die Interpretation von kausalen Präpositionalphrasen: Spielräume und Konflikte
  • Lukassek, J. (2018). Lexikalische Semantik und Kombinatorik stativ-eventiv-ambiger Verben
  • Wang, V. (2018). Bedeutungsanpassung bei temporalen Modifikatoren
  • Buscher, F. (2016). Kompositionalität und ihre Freiräume: Zur flexiblen Interpretation von Einstellungsadverbialen
  • Gese, H. (2012). Empirische Studien zum Zustandspassiv: Bedeutungsstrukturen und ihre Verarbeitung
  • Bücking, S. (2011). Kompositional flexibel: Partizipanten und Modifikatoren in der Nominaldomäne

Projekt A2

  • Braun, J. (in Arbeit). The South-German Perfekt: Diachronic development, synchronic semantics and relevance in school teachings. 
  • Riecker, S. (2021). Reflections on fictionality: The poetics of Henry V
  • Brockmann (geb. Ottschofski), S. (2018). The relation between pronouns and definites: Evidence from first language acquisition
  • Dörge, C. (2016). The notion of turning in metaphysical poetry
  • Bade, N. (2015). Obligatory presupposition triggers in discourse - Empirical foundations of the theories maximize presupposition and obligatory implicatures
  • Niefer (geb. Zimmermann), J. (2014). Inspiration and utmost art: The poetics of Early Modern English psalm translations

Projekt A3

  • Beer (geb. Fischer), P. (in Arbeit). Semi-supervised parsing for ambiguity resolution using selectional preferences and deep neural networks
  • Strakatova, Y. (in Arbeit). Lexical-semantic modelling of adjective-noun collocations
  • Dima, C. (2019). Composition models for the representation and semantic interpretation of nominal compounds
  • Henrich, V. (2015). Word sense disambiguation with GermaNet
  • Versley, Y. (2010). Resolving coreferent bridging in German newspaper text

Projekt A4

  • Rudzewitz, B. (2020). Learning analytics in intelligent computer-assisted language learning
  • Ziai, R. (2016). Short answer assessment in context: The role of information structure
  • Quixal, M. (2012). Application-driven Natural Language Processing: Shaping NLP to the needs of foreign language teaching and learning
  • Boyd, A. (2011). Automatic diagnosis of written errors for beginning learners of German

Projekt A5

  • Wolman, R. (in Arbeit). Intrigen und Irreführung im bürgerlichen Trauerspiel – Eine pragmalinguistische Analyse im Common Ground Modell
  • Sun, Y. (in Arbeit). Zur semantischen und funktionalen Interpretation von parenthetischen attributiven Konstruktionen
  • Schwarz (geb. Trott), I. (2018). Attribute an der Schnittstelle - Zur (nicht-)restriktiven und (quasi-)adverbialen Interpretation von Adjektiv-, Partizipial- und Relativsatzattribut zwischen Syntax, Semantik und Pragmatik.

Projekt A7

  • Cortés Rodríguez, Á. (in Arbeit). An experimental lens on multiple sluicing: Amelioration effects and cross-linguistic variation
  • Kehl, A. (2021). Adjunct islands in English: Theoretical perspectives and experimental evidence
  • Jäger (geb. Knecht), M. (2017). Focus particles and extraction: An experimental investigation of German and English focus particles in constructions with leftward association
  • Remmele, B. (2017). The prosody of sluicing: Production studies on prosodic disambiguation
  • Wagner, W. (2017). Idioms and ambiguity in context
  • Konietzko, A. (2014). The syntax and information structure of bare argument ellipsis in English and German: Experimental and theoretical evidence

Projekt B1

  • Armenante, G. (in Arbeit). Issues in tense semantics: Variation, composition, incrementality
  • Schlotterbeck, F. (2016). From truth conditions to processes: How to model the processing difficulty of quantified sentences based on semantic theory

Projekt B2

  • Balbach, N. (in Arbeit). Special instances of presupposition trigger. 
  • Schneider, C. (2020). An experimental investigation of presupposition processing
  • Kirsten (geb. Schmid), M. (2015). Die kognitive Verabeitung von Präsuppositionen: Evidenz aus Verhaltens- und EEG-Daten
  • Tiemann, S. (2013). The processing of 'wieder' ('again') and other presupposition triggers

Projekt B4

  • Schütt, E. (in Arbeit). Experimental investigations on the experiential-simulations view of language comprehension
  • Berndt, E. (2020). Hybrid models of cognition: The influence of modal and amodal cues in language processing tasks
  • Wolter, S. (2017). Simulating auditory meaning aspects during language processing
  • Ahlberg, D. (2016). Embodiment in first and second language processing
  • Öttl, B. (2015)The acquisition of syntax and semantics: Evidence from artificial language learning
  • De la Vega, I. (2013). Body-specific influences on language processing: Investigating predictions of the experiential-simulations view of language comprehension
  • Lachmair, M. (2013). Understanding language comprehension: investigations using nouns with referents in the upper or lower vertical space
  • Steiner, I. (2010). On the processing of coordination structures

Projekt B5

  • Konietzko, A. (2014). The syntax and information structure of bare argument ellipsis in English and German: Experimental and theoretical evidence
  • Schwilling, E. (2011). Language reorganization after congenital left hemispheric lesions – Production and comprehension of complex grammatical structures with the right brain hemisphere

Projekt B7

  • Scheifele, E. (in Arbeit). Processing correlates of events and states
  • von Sobbe, L. (2021). Instantiations of the cognitive grounding of linguistically expressed temporal information. 
  • Eikmeier, V. (2017). From the past into the future: On the mental representation of deictic time
  • Alex-Ruf, S. (2016). The temporality of situations: Empirical studies on time reference and situation type.
  • Ruiz Fernández, S. (2012). The standard bottleneck model reloaded: About limitations and flexibilities in human information processing

Projekt B8

  • Specht, L. (2022). The time course of adverbial order processing. 
  • Gauza, H. (2016). Position und Verarbeitung VP‐interner Adjunkte
  • Störzer, M. (2016). Weshalb auf Mallorca wahrscheinlich alle Urlauber betrunken sind: Zur syntaktischen Position von Frameadverbialen und der Rolle der Informationsstruktur bei ihrer Verarbeitung.

Projekt B9

  • Truong, T. L. (in Arbeit). How adults perceive child speech: Linguistic and non-linguistic factors
  • Keßler, R. (2021). Verarbeitung und mentale Repräsentation von Idiomen im Erwachsenen- und Kindesalter.
  • Beck, S. D. (2020). Native and non-native idiom processing: Same difference

Projekt C1

  • Igel, M. (in Arbeit). Studies in plural semantics
  • Berezovskaya, P. (2020). Comparing comparatives: New perspectives from fieldwork and processing
  • Howell, A. (2018). Alternative semantics across languages: Case studies on disjunctive questions and free choice items in Samoan and Yoruba
  • Sachs, K. (2019). Indefinite intervention effects: How focus intervention restricts the scope of indefinites.
  • Hohaus, V. (2014). Context and composition: How presuppositions restrict the interpretation of free variables
  • Tiemann, S. (2013). The processing of 'wieder' ('again') and other presupposition triggers
  • Hofstetter, S. (2012). Selected issues in the theory of comparison: Phrasal comparison in Turkish and a cross-linguistic perspective on intensifiers, negative island effects and the distribution of measure phrases
  • Krasikova, S. (2010). Modals in comparatives

Projekt C2

  • Kravchenko, E. (in Arbeit). Aspektvariation im Ukrainischen
  • Heck, S. (2021). Aspektvariation im Polnischen: Historisches Präsens und Verbalnomina­­. 
  • Dübbers, V. (2020). Konzeptuelle Motivationen des Verbalaspekts im Russischen und Tschechischen. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Iteration und der ‘faktischen’ Funktion sowie der Begriffe von Episodizität und Referenz.

Projekt C3

  • Wall, A. (2015). Bare nominals in Brazilian Portugese - An integral approach. Universität Zürich. 
  • Octavio de Toledo y Huerta, Á. S. (2012). A history of locative relations in Spanish (Spanischer Titel: “Los relacionantes locativos en la historia del español”)

Projekt C4

  • Ising, M. (2013). Cognitive ambiguity: Collective and dual reconceptualizations in the grammar and the lexicon of Romance languages
  • Winter-Froemel, E. (2009). Borrowing and loan word integration from the perspective of the language user: Theory and case studies on French.

Projekt C6

  • Schreier, V. (in progress). Non-restrictive relative clauses as extrapropositional structures: Experimental evidence from interclausal anaphoric relations
  • Eberhardt, I. (2022). Zumal-Sätze: Synchronie und Diachronie
  • von Wietersheim, S. (2020). The syntactic integration of adverbial clauses: Experimental evidence from binding and other anaphoric relations
  • Müller, K. (2019). Satzadverbien, Evidentialität und Non-at-issueness

Projekt C7

  • Momma, L. (in Arbeit). Die Diachronie der französischen progressiven Verbalperiphrase être en train de + Infinitiv
  • Kleineberg (geb. Friedrich), D. (2021). The expression of collectivity in Romance languages: An empirical analysis on nominal aspectuality with focus on French in comparison to Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. 
  • Coy, C. (2018). Existenz und Lokalisierung bei französisch il y a: Konsequenzen für den Definitheitseffekt

Projekt Z2

  • Capuano, F. (2022). Steps forward in the pragmatic understanding of linguistic negation
  • Günther, F. (2017). The cognitive relevance of distributional semantic models

Projekt INF

  • Lachmair, M. (2013). Understanding language comprehension: Investigations using nouns with referents in the upper or lower vertical space