Petrologie und Mineralische Rohstoffe

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Benjamin F. Walter

Funktion: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Universität Tübingen
Petrologie und Mineralische Rohstoffe
Schnarrenbergstraße 94-96
72076 Tübingen

Büro: Raum 5R36, GUZ

+‎49-(0)7071 29-73485

Nach Vereinbarung



Raza, M., Giebel, R. J., Staude, S., Beranoaguirre, A., Kolb, J., Markl, G. & Walter, B. F. (2025): The post-magmatic evolution of the Nooitgedacht Carbonatite Complex, South Africa. Geochemistry, 126249 (26 p.).


Schmitt, F., Marks, M. A. W., Siegel, M., Henzler, M., Zaitsev, A. N., Markl, G. (2024): Nephelinites from Burko volcano (Tanzania) record the phase relations among perovskite, magnetite, titanite and andradite in evolved alkaline and silica-undersaturated systems. Geochemistry 84 (4), 126211 (24 p.).

Jungmann, M., Walter, B. F., Eiche, E., Giebel, R. J. & Kolb, J. (2024): The source of lithium in connate fluids: Evidence from the geothermal reservoir at Soultz-sous-Forêts, Upper Rhine Graben, France. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 107641.

Kluge, T., Eiche, E., Walter, B. F., Kramer, U., Göttlicher, J., Gudelius, D., Giebel, R. J. & Kolb, J. (2024): The influence of fluid pressure, redox potential and crystal growth characteristics in Mississippi-Valley-Type (MVT) ore formation – lessons from a modern geothermal scale. Mineralium Deposita (21 p.).

Rddad, L., Cherai, M., Walter, B. F., Talbi, F., Kraemer, D. & Billström, K. (2024): Geochemistry and fluid inclusion study of the Jbel Tirremi fluorite-baryte deposit, Morocco: New insights into the genetic model in relation to Mesozoic tectonics. Geochemistry, 126162.

Binder, T., Marks, M. A. W., Walter, B. F., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2024): Two Distinct Metasomatized Mantle Sources Produced Two Groups of Alkaline SiO2-undersaturated Rocks in the Southern Central European Volcanic Province. Journal of Petrology 65 (7), egae070.

Kasay, G. M., Borst, A. M., Giebel, R. J., Bolarinwa, A. T., Beranoaguirre, A., Kluge, T., Aromolaran, O. K., Raza, M., Eiche, E., Kolb, J., Nzolang, C. & Walter, B. F. (2024): Petrogenesis and geodynamic setting of the Bingo alkaline-carbonatite complex, DRC: Constraints from petrography, geochemistry, C-O isotopes and U-Pb geochronology. Precambrian Research 408, 107421.

Walter, B. F., Giebel, R. J., Arthuzzi, J. C. L., Kemmler, L. & Kolb, J. (2024): Diatreme-hosted fluorite mineralization in S-Namibia – A tale of cryogenic brine formation and fluid mixing below an unconformity in the context of Pangea rifting. Journal of African Earth Sciences 210, 105154.

Rapprich, V., Walter, B. F., Kopačková-Strnadová, V., Kluge, T. M., Čejková, B., Pour, O., Hora, J., M., Kynický, J. & Magna, T. (2024): Gravitational collapse of a volcano edifice as a trigger for explosive carbonatite eruption? The Geological Society of America Bulletin 136, 2291–2304.

Mueller, M., Walter, B. F., Giebel, R. J., Beranoaguirre, A., Swart, P. K., Lu, C., Riechelmann, S. & Immenhauser, A. (2024): Towards a better understanding of the geochemical proxy record of complex carbonate archives. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 376, 68–99.

Binder, T., Marks, M. A. W., Friedrichsen, B.-E., Walter, B. F., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2024): Bimodal volcanism in the Hegau region (SW Germany): Differentiation of primitive melilititic to nephelinitic rocks produces evolved nosean phonolites. Lithos 472–473, 107565.


Walter, B. F. & Kolb, J. (2023): The raw material potential of SW-Germany – A brief overview. SGA news 53, 1–4.

Walter, B. F., Giebel, R. J., Siegfried, P. R., Gudelius, D. & Kolb, J. (2023): The eruption interface between carbonatitic dykes and diatremes – The Gross Brukkaros volcanic field Namibia. Chemical Geology 621, 121344.

Walter, B. F., Giebel, R. J., Siegfried, P., Doggart, S., Macey, P., Schiebel, D. & Kolb, J. (2023): The genesis of hydrothermal veins in the Aukam valley SW Namibia– A far field consequence of Pangean rifting? Journal of Geochemical Exploration 250, 107229.

Peng, E., Kolb, J., Walter, B. F., Frenzel, M., Patten, C. G. C., Xu, D., Wang, Y., Gan, J., Beranoaguirre, A. & Wang, Z. (2023): New Insights on the formation of the Jingchong Cu-Co-Pb-Zn deposit, South China: Evidence from sphalerite mineralogy and muscovite 40Ar-39Ar dating. Ore Geology Reviews 162, 105667.

Hector, S., G. C. Patten, C., Kolb, J., de Araujo Silva, A., Walter, B. F. & Molnár, F. (2023): Orogenic Au deposits with atypical metal association (Cu, Co, Ni): insights from the Pohjanmaa Belt, western Finland. Ore Geology Reviews 154, 105326.

Gudelius, D., Marks, M. W., Markl, G., Nielsen, T. F. D., Kolb, J. & Walter, B. (2023): The Origin of Ultramafic Complexes with Melilitolites and Carbonatites: A Petrological Comparison of the Gardiner (E Greenland) and Kovdor (Russia) Intrusions. Journal of Petrology 64 (6), 1–26.

Cherai, M., Rddad, L., Talbi, F. & Walter, B. F. (2023): Trace-element geochemistry and S–O isotopes in the fluorite-barite mineralization of Merguechoum, Moroccan eastern Meseta: insights into ore genesis to the Pangea rifting. Acta Geochimica 42, 435–452.

Binder, T., Marks, M. A. W., Gerdes, A., Walter, B. F., Grimmer, J., Beranoaguirre, A., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2023): Two distinct age groups of melilitites, foidites, and basanites from the southern Central European Volcanic Province reflect lithospheric heterogeneity. International Journal of Earth Sciences 112 (3), 881–905.

Beard, C. D., Goodenough, K. M., Borst, A. M., Wall, F., Siegfried, P. R., Deady, E. A., Pohl, C., Hutchison, W., Finch, A. A., Walter, B. F., Elliott, H. A. L. & Brauch, K. (2023): Alkaline-Silicate REE-HFSE Systems. Economic Geology 118 (1), 177–208.


Walter, B. F., Giebel, R. J., Marlow, A. G., Siegfried, P. R., Marks, M., Markl, G., Palmer, M. & Kolb, J. (2022): The Kieshöhe carbonatites of southwestern Namibia – the post-magmatic role of silicate xenoliths on REE mobilisation. Communications of the Geological Survey Namibia 25, 1–31.

Scharrer, M., Epp, T., Walter, B., Pfaff, K., Vennemann, T. & Markl, G. (2022): The formation of (Ni-Co-Sb)-Ag-As ore shoots in hydrothermal galena-sphalerite-fluorite veins. Mineralium Deposita 57, 853–885.

Rddad, L., Kraemer, D., Walter, B. F., Darling, R. & Cousens, B. (2022): Unravelling the fluid flow evolution and precipitation mechanisms recorded in calcite veins in relation to Pangea rifting–Newark Basin, USA. Geochemistry 82 (4), 125918.

Ngounouno, F. Y., Negue, E. N., Kolb, J., Walter, B., Teda Soh, A. C., Patten, C. & Ngounouno, I. (2022): Tectonic setting, fluid inclusion and gold mineralization of the southwest Poli region (northern Cameroon Domain). Journal of African Earth Sciences 194, 104579.

Müller, M., Walter, B. F., Swart, P. K., Jöns, N., Jacquemyn, C., Igbokwe, O. A. & Immenhauser, A. (2022): A tale of three fluids: fluid-inclusion and carbonate clumped-isotope paleothermometry reveals complex dolomitization and dedolomitization history of the latemare platform. Journal of Sedimentary Research 92 (12), 1141–1168.

Mueller, M., Jacquemyn, C., Walter, B. F., Pederson, C. L., Schurr, S. L., Igbokwe, O. A., Jöns, N., Riechelmann, S., Dietzel, M., Strauss, H. & Immenhauser, A. (2022): Constraints on the preservation of proxy data in carbonate archives – lessons from a marine limestone to marble transect, Latemar, Italy. Sedimentology 69 (2), 423–460.


Walter, B. F., Giebel, R. J., Steele-MacInnis, M., Marks, M. A. W., Kolb, J. & Markl, G. (2021): Fluids associated with carbonatitic magmatism: A critical review and implications for carbonatite magma ascent. Earth-Science Reviews 215, 103509.

Scharrer, M., Reich, R., Fusswinkel, T., Walter, B. F. & Markl, G. (2021): Basement aquifer evolution and the formation of unconformity-related hydrothermal vein deposits: LA-ICP-MS analyses of single fluid inclusions in fluorite from SW Germany. Chemical Geology 575, 120260.


Walter, B. F., Jensen, J. L., Coutinho, P., Laurent, O., Markl, G. & Steele-MacInnis, M. (2020): Formation of hydrothermal fluorite-hematite veins by mixing of continental basement brine and redbed-derived fluid: Schwarzwald mining district, SW-Germany. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 212, 106512.

Walter, B. F., Scharrer, M., Burisch, M., Apukthina, O. & Markl, G. (2020): Limited availability of sulfur promotes copper-rich mineralization in hydrothermal Pb-Zn veins: A case study from the Schwarzwald, SW Germany. Chemical Geology 532, 119358.

Walter, B., Steele-MacInnis, M., Giebel, R. J., Marks, M. A. W. & Markl, G. (2020): Complex carbonate-sulfate brines in fluid inclusions from carbonatites: Estimating compositions in the system H2O-Na-K-CO3-SO4-Cl. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 277, 224–242.

Scharrer, M., Sandritter, K., Walter, B. F., Neumann, U. & Markl, G. (2020): Formation of native arsenic in hydrothermal base metal deposits and related supergene U6+ enrichment: The Michael vein near Lahr, SW Germany. American Mineralogist 105 (5), 727–744.

Mueller, M., Igbokwe, O. A., Walter, B., Pederson, C. L., Riechelmann, S., Richter, D. K., Albert, R., Gerdes, A., Buhl, D., Neuser, R. D., Bertotti, G. & Immenhauser, A. (2020): Testing the preservation potential of early diagenetic dolomites as geochemical archives. Sedimentology 67 (2), 849–881.

Ladenburger, S., Walter, B. F., Marks, M. A. W. & Markl, G. (2020): Combining Ion Chromatography and Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence for Detection of Major, Minor and Trace Elements in Quartz-hosted Fluid Inclusions. Journal of Analytical Chemistry 75 (11), 1477–1485.

Kolchugin, A., Immenhauser, A., Morozov, V., Walter, B., Eskin, A., Korolev, E. & Neuser, R. (2020): A comparative study of two Mississippian dolostone reservoirs in the Volga-Ural Basin, Russia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 199, 104465.


Walter, B. F., Kortenbruck, P., Scharrer, M., Zeitvogel, C., Wälle, M., Mertz-Kraus, R. & Markl, G. (2019): Chemical evolution of ore-forming brines – Basement leaching, metal provenance, and the redox link between barren and ore-bearing hydrothermal veins. A case study from the Schwarzwald mining district in SW-Germany. Chemical Geology 506, 126–148.

Giebel, R. J., Parsapoor, A., Walter, B. F., Braunger, S., Marks, M. A. W., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2019): Evidence for Magma–Wall Rock Interaction in Carbonatites from the Kaiserstuhl Volcanic Complex (Southwest Germany). Journal of Petrology 60 (6), 1163–1194.

Banks, G. J., Walter, B. F., Marks, M. A. W. & Siegfried, P. R. (2019): A Workflow to Define, Map and Name A Carbonatite- or Alkaline Igneous-Associated REE-HFSE Mineral System: A Case Study from SW Germany. Minerals 9 (2), 97.

Keim, M. F., Walter, B. F., Neumann, U., Kreissl, S., Bayerl, R. & Markl, G. (2019): Polyphase enrichment and redistribution processes in silver-rich mineral associations of the hydrothermal fluorite-barite-(Ag-Cu) Clara deposit, SW Germany. Mineralium Deposita 54, 155–174.


Epp, T., Walter, B. F., Scharrer, M., Lehmann, G., Henze, K., Heimgärtner, C., Bach, W. & Markl, G. (2018): Quartz veins with associated Sb-Pb-Ag±Au mineralization in the Schwarzwald, SW Germany: a record of metamorphic cooling, tectonic rifting and element remobilization processes in the Variscan belt. Mineralium Deposita. Mineralium Deposita 54, 281–306.

Braunger, S., Marks, M. A. W., Walter, B. F., Neubauer, R., Reich, R., Wenzel, T., Parsapoor A. & Markl, G. (2018). The Petrology of the Kaiserstuhl Volcanic Complex, SW Germany: The Importance of Metasomatized and Oxidized Lithospheric Mantle for Carbonatite Generation. Journal of Petrology. Journal of Petrology 59 (9), 1731–1762.

Walter, B. F., Gerdes, A., Kleinhanns, I. C., Dunkl, I., von Eynatten, H., Kreissl, S. & Markl, G. (2018): The connection between hydrothermal fluids, mineralization, tectonics and magmatism in a continental rift setting: fluorite Sm-Nd and hematite and carbonates U-Pb geochronology from the Rhinegraben in SW Germany. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 240, 11–42.

Walter B.F., Parsapoor A., Braunger S., Marks M.A.W., Wenzel T., Martin M., Markl G. (2018): Pyrochlore as a monitor for magmatic and hydrothermal processes in carbonatites from the Kaiserstuhl volcanic complex (SW Germany). Chemical Geology 498, 1–16.

Kreissl, S., Gerdes, A., Walter, B. F., Neumann, U., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2018): Reconstruction of a >200 Ma multi-stage “five element” Bi-Co-Ni-Fe-As-S system in the Penninic Alps, Switzerland. Ore Geology Reviews 95, 746–788.

Walter, B. F., Burisch, M., Fusswinkel, T., Marks, M. A. W., Steele-MacInnis, M., Wälle, M., Apukhtina, O. & Markl, G. (2018): Multi-reservoir fluid mixing processes in rift-related hydrothermal veins, Schwarzwald, SW-Germany. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 186, 158–186.

Burisch, M., Walter, B. F., Gerdes, A., Lanz, M. & Markl, G. (2018): Late-stage anhydrite-gypsum-siderite-dolomite-calcite assemblages record the transition from a deep to a shallow hydrothermal system in the Schwarzwald mining district, SW Germany. Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta 223, 259–278.


Walter, B. F., Steele-MacInnis, M. & Markl, G. (2017): Sulfate brines in fluid inclusions of hydrothermal veins: Compositional determinations in the system H2O-Na-Ca-Cl-SO4. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 209, 184–203.

Burisch, M., Walter, B. F. & Markl, G. (2017): Silification of hydrothermal gangue minerals in Pb-Zn-Cu-fluorite-quartz-baryte veins. The Canadian Mineralogist 55, 501–514.

Walter, B. F., Burisch, M., Marks, M. A. W. & Markl, G. (2017): Major element composition of fluid inclusions from hydrothermal vein-type deposits record eroded sedimentary Units in the Schwarzwald district, SW Germany. Mineralium Deposita 52 (8), 1191–1204.

Burisch, M., Gerdes, A., Walter, B. F., Neumann, U., Fettel, M. & Markl, G. (2016): Methane and the origin of five-element veins: Mineralogy, age, fluid inclusion chemistry and ore forming processes in the Odenwald, SW Germany. Ore Geology Reviews 81 (1), 42–61.


Walter, B. F., Burisch, M. & Markl, G. (2016): Long-term chemical Evolution and modification of Continental Basement brines - a field study from the Schwarzwald, SW Germany. Geofluids 16, 604–623.

Burisch, M., Walter, B. F., Wälle, M. & Markl, G. (2016): Tracing fluid migration pathways in root zone below unconformity-related hydrothermal veins: Insights from trace element systematics of individual fluid inclusions. Chemical Geology 429, 44–50.

Kolchugin, A., Immenhauser, A., Walter, B. & Morozov, V. P. (2016): Diagenesis of the palaeo-oil-water transition zone in a Lower Pennsylvanian carbonate reservoir: Constraints from cathodoluminescence microscopy, microthermometry, and isotope geochemistry. Marine and Petroleum Geology 72, 45–61.


Walter, B. F., Immenhauser, A., Geske, A. & Markl, G. (2015): Exploration of hydrothermal Carbonate Magnesium isotop signatures as Tracers for Continental fluid aquifers, Schwarzwald mining district, SW Germany. Chemical Geology 400, 87–105.


Bons, P., Fusswinkel, T., Gomez-Rivas, E., Markl, G., Wagner, T. & Walter, B. (2014): Fluid mixing from below in unconformity-related hydrothermal ore deposits. Geology 42 (12), 1035–1038.