The Tübingen School of Education (TüSE) currently offers the Service Learning Certificate, during which interested teacher candidates have opportunity to reflect on their social activities and combine practical experiences with classroom learning. With the help of the teaching-learning format of Service Learning, participants will integrate theoretical knowledge with research-based applied learning.
The central element of Service Learning is the combination of social issues and needs with research. Through Service Learning, students gain the opportunity to work on and research concrete social problems, as well as to critically reflect upon their social commitment. In this way, students connect their theoretical knowledge with practical experiences and become cognizant of the various aspects of social responsibility. This experience supports the individual's education process and strengthens the level of practical applicability in the students' study.
For prospective student teachers, the central philosophy of Service Learning is of critical importance: on one hand, the teacher candidates can familiarize themselves with another learning or teaching format which could be potentially utilized later on in their teaching career. On the other hand, the teaching profession has highly relevant in society: teachers support their students' development towards becoming responsible members of society. Due to this major importance, teacher candidates are prepared in their study for a highly complex and diverse area of work. In addition to specialized skills and subject-specific content knowledge, teacher candidates develop skills in the area of Education Science in order to be prepared for a scientifically-based, professional activity at school and in the classroom. A central topic which also plays a role in Service Learning is the relationing of theory and practice and the strengthening of students' ability to reflect upon their own activities.
As a reuslt of the new approach to the Education Science program for Bachelor and Master of Education, which took place in the Winter Term 2015/2016, the fundamental approaches of Service Learning have become an integral component of the curriculum. This can also be seen in the Master of Education program, which began in the Winter Term 2018/2019.