Department of Biology



as at: 19/06/2024


Master seminar 

The next dates' announcement (16/07/2024) can be found here.


Examination office

Dates at the examination office are only available on appointment.


General announcements

Most of the lectures, seminars and other events require student's registration. This is possible either via alma, via ILIAS or via third party. Please check the information given at the alma portal corresponding to the respective lecture. Caution: Some of the events have registration deadlines. For further inquiries please contact the lecturers directly.


NANOSUM 2024 in Blaubeuren

NANOSUM 2024 comes to Germany! The third edition of this European summer school on nanosciences and nanotechnologies will take place in Blaubeuren, Germany. Once more teachers and students from universities of Aix/Marseille, Rome, Glasgow, Bucharest and Tübingen will meet virtually from May 3rd, 2024, on and physically from June 16-21, 2024, to learn more and discuss on state of the art and future of nanosciences and nanotechnologies. More information here.
As a master or PhD student of Nano-Science (and related subjects) in Tübingen you are eligible to apply for this summer school. If you are interested please contact Dr. Üner Kolukisaoglu until Febuary 15th, 2024, for further information on the application procedure. Participation at NANOSUM 2024 will be awarded with 6 ECTS. An information meeting for interested students will take place on Friday, Feburary 16th, at 10 am c.t. in room 4U09 in the ZMBP.


Clarification on Master thesis registration

You are allowed to register your Master thesis when you have finished the modules M1 to M8 (confirmed via transcript). Before starting your Master theses you have to register using the registration sheet at Dr. Schrenk. The registration of an already running Master thesis is not possible. So please follow the general istructions below:

- first finishing modules M1 - M8

- then registration of your Master thesis

- then starting the Master thesis

Further questions on that answers Dr. Schrenk.


Master seminar 

The next dates' announcement (13/02/2024) can be found here.


Examinations office

The new address of the Nanscience's examinations office will be from now on:

Wilhelmstrasse 19
1. OG Raum 1.22
72074 Tübingen

Further Information here.


General announcements

Most of the lectures, seminars and other events require student's registration. This is possible either via alma, via ILIAS or via third party. Please check the information given at the alma portal corresponding to the respective lecture. Caution: Some of the events have registration deadlines. For further inquiries please contact the lecturers directly.


New lecture "Supramolecular chemistry" for focus module chemistry B (M.Sc.)

The lecture "Supramolecular chemistry (OCM11)" is added to the elective lectures suitable for focus module chemistry B. It can be counted regularly graded or ungraded with 2 SWS / 3 ECTS.

Lecturer: Prof. Florian Beuerle

Date: on wednesdays, 12 - 2 p.m., seminar room H2C14 (building H)



Important information on Focus module physics

Grades in Focus Module A and B will be sent directly to the examination office. Grades of lectures belonging to Focus Module C and grades of the lab  module D will be sent to Prof. Oettel (no additional certificate needed). All final confirmations in the Focus Module form will be made by Prof. Oettel or apl Prof. Hans-Joachim Schöpe.