Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)


Given current global challenges and in light of increasing cultural diversity in classrooms, the acquisition of global awareness and (inter)cultural skills is a key element of a teacher’s training. Modern classrooms represent a broad spectrum of cultures and thus various moral values. Hence, teachers are expected to have knowledge and skills in dealing with consequent challenges. Experience in an international environment and being able to reflect in a cultural sense, are therefore increasingly demanded of teachers to navigate their students in a comfortable classroom setting.

Internationality in the teacher training program

The internationalisation of the TüSE (Tübingen School of Education) is closely aligned with the Internationalisation Stategy of the University of Tübingen, which is "Raising Global Awareness" and the general principle of the Excellence-Strategy (2019) "Global Scope of Action". Internationalisation in the teacher training program is therefore an aspiration as well. Students at the university have a few options to get in touch with different cultures. One possibility is to obtain part of their credits in a foreign country. Another one is to partake in various international activities right at home in Tübingen. Students can benefit from these programs and thus broaden their understanding of various cultures and gather valuable insights. The TüSE therefore offers many opportunities to gain this experience in several different projects and advises students and lecturers alike on questions relating to internationality in the teaching profession.

Projects on internationalization in the teacher training program

DAAD Lehramt.International

Global Learning Abroad

Education in Exchange: A Portfolio Class

Erasmus+ Teacher Academies

Exchange – Discover – Connect

Future Teachers in Tübingen and Abroad @tuese_lehramt  

International Education Week

Studieren weltweit - erlebe es!

#Lehramt Abroad: Infos, Tipps, Experiences


Would you like an orientation about a stay abroad during your teacher training program? Please contact me for an individual appointment by email or telephone:

Deborah Diekmann
deborah.diekmannspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
+49 7071 29-75517

 Tübingen School of Education
Raum 002
Wilhelmstraße 31
72074 Tübingen