Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)

Advisory Board Members

Prof. Dr. Peter Drewek, Chairman of the Advisory Board

Retired Head of the Bochum Professional School of Education

I am pleased to be able to accompany the Tübingen School of Education in its founding phase and to contribute my experiences from establishing the Bochum Professional School of Education. With its environment in education research and the systematic inclusion of subject didactics, sciences and humanities, and educational sciences, which is unique in Germany, the Tübingen School of Education aims at a strongly research-based, yet still practice-oriented teacher education with model character.

After studying Pedagogy, German Studies, Sociology and Philosophy at the Ruhr University of Bochum, Peter Drewek received a doctorate in educational science in 1980. After several years as executive director of a DFG Collaborative Research Center, he was university assistant at the Free University of Berlin from 1985 to 1990. After his habilitation, Prof. Drewek held a professorship for “School Pedagogy and School History” from 1990 to 1994 and for “Educational Science with a Focus on Educational Theory” from 1994 to 2000, before taking over the chair for “General Pedagogy with a Focus on Educational Research” at the University of Mannheim from 2000 to 2010. From 2005 to 2008, he was also the Prorector for Research. After this, Prof. Drewek was the Founding Dean of the Professional School of Education at the Ruhr University of Bochum from 2010 to 2015.

Christian O. Erbe

President of the Reutlingen Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK)

I am happy to be involved in the Advisory Board of the TüSE because good teacher education includes sound knowledge of economic events. Teachers play a very important role in the education of our future professionals. Through my participation, I want to contribute to preparing these professionals well for their later career entry.

Christian O. Erbe was born in Tübingen in 1961. After finishing school and studying in Karlsruhe and Berlin, he began working for Erbe Electro-Medicine GmbH in 1992, a family-owned company founded in 1851 and active worldwide in the field of medical technology. In 2003 he took over full responsibility for the consortium in Tübingen. Since 2004, he has been active in the board of the Electromedical Technology Association of the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI) as an honorary member, taking over its chairmanship in 2014. He has been a member of the General Assembly of the Reutlingen Chamber of Industry and Commerce since 2005 and was elected its president in 2010. Erbe is also involved in the committees and advisory boards of colleges, universities and basic research institutions, and is a specialist judge for commercial law at the Regional Court of Tübingen.

Prof. Dr. Katja Koch

Vice President for Organizational Development & Teacher Training at the TU Braunschweig


Strong teacher training needs strong institutional anchoring. The TüSE does an excellent job as a scient. As a scientific institution for teacher training, TüSE does an excellent job here. It naturally links established areas of study and teaching, (study) counselling and the organization of internships with research and the promotion of young talent in a contemporary way, thus promoting quality in teacher training.

Katja Koch has been Professor of Empirical Educational Research at TU Braunschweig since 2010 and Vice President for Teacher Education since 2018. In her research and teaching, she deals with the question of how educational institutions can respond adequately to current social challenges. In terms of education policy, she is committed to the sustainable institutionalization of teacher training and the establishment of elementary institutional standards for central academic institutions. From 1989 to 1995, she studied history and German studies at the Philipps University of Marburg to become a secondary school teacher and completed her doctorate in 2001 on the subject of “The transition from elementary school to lower secondary level from a teacher's perspective”. She then moved to an assistant position at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, where she habilitated at the Faculty of Social Sciences on the subject of “Second language acquisition of primary school children of non-German origin” and took over the administration of her current professorship at TU Braunschweig in 2008.


Prof. Dr. Mareike Kunter

Director of the Department of Teaching and Learning Quality in Educational Institutions
at the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF)


I am happy to be involved in the Advisory Board of the TüSE because I consider teacher education to be one of the most important courses for improving the quality of education. A particular concern of mine is drawing on empirical evidence when discussing contents and structures, and providing this evidence through my own research.

Mareike Kunter has been Director of the Department of Teaching and Learning Quality in Educational Institutions at the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF) and Professor of Empirical Educational Research with a focus on Professional Pedagogical Action at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main since May 2020. From 2010 - 2020 she was Professor of Educational Psychology at Goethe University Frankfurt. After studying psychology at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität in Würzburg, she was a research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin in the research area of Educational Science and Educational Systems (headed by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Baumert) in the PISA and COACTIV projects. She completed her doctorate and habilitation at the Free University of Berlin. Teacher training is a core topic of her work, both as part of her research and through her teaching activities.


Prof. Dr. habil. Bernd Ralle

Retired Professor of Chemistry and its Didactics at TU Dortmund University


It is exciting for me to follow the development of teacher training at other universities and to be able to provide them with advice and support. Teacher training at the University of Tübingen is particularly interesting, as the scientific subject didactics have been newly established here and are now breaking new ground in the existing interesting environment. Together with the management of the TüSE, you have set yourself ambitious goals. I am curious to see how the projects will develop.

Bernd Ralle studied biology and chemistry at the Universities of Münster and Oldenburg and completed his 1st and 2nd state examinations for the higher teaching profession as part of the single-phase teacher training program. He completed his dissertation for the Dr. rer. nat. degree in inorganic chemistry in Oldenburg. From 1984-1993 he was a teacher and head of department at the cooperative comprehensive school in Rastede and completed his habilitation in the didactics of chemistry at the University of Oldenburg in 1993. From 1993-1997, he was C3 Professor of Chemistry and its Didactics at the University of Osnabrück - Vechta site, where he was also Vice-Rector for Research and Promotion of Young Researchers.

In 1997, he was appointed C4 Professor of Chemistry and its Didactics at TU Dortmund University. There he was, among other things, Head of the Center for Teacher Education (ZfL) and Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry for nine years. Prof. Ralle has been retired since 2018, but continues to pursue teacher training in Germany in a number of roles.

Prof. Dr. habil. Thomas Riecke-Baulecke

President of the Center for School Quality and Teacher Training Baden-Württemberg (ZSL)


Cooperation between the three phases of teacher training is of great importance in order to ensure and further develop the quality of teaching and schools. I am therefore looking forward to fruitful discussions and projects within the framework of the Tübingen School of Education, with which the ZSL is very happy to cooperate.

Prof. Dr. habil. Thomas Riecke-Baulecke taught for nine years as a teacher at a grammar school in Hamburg, received his doctorate in 1994 from the Department of Psychology at the Free University of Berlin and completed his habilitation in “General Educational Science” at the University of Bremen in 2001. Since 2002, he has been editor of the journal Schulmanagement and the series Basiswissen Lehrerbildung. He has researched and published on the topics of quality development, school management, teacher working hours and the didactics of sports and chemistry teaching. From 2003 to February 2019, he was Director of the Institute for Quality Development in Schools Schleswig-Holstein and Head of the continuing education courses “Master for School Management and Quality Development” at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel and “Kita-Master” at the Europa Universität Flensburg. Since March 2019, he has been President of the Center for School Quality and Teacher Training in Baden-Württemberg and a member of the management team of the “School Management and Leadership” continuing education course at the Hector Institute for Empirical Educational Research at the University of Tübingen.


Prof. Dr. Stefan Ufer

Chair of Didactics of Mathematics at the LMU Munich


I am happy to be involved in the TüSE Advisory Board because I consider the design of a professionally sound and practically relevant teacher training program to be one of the most difficult social challenges that universities are currently facing. I would like to contribute to a discourse that constructively and creatively brings together the perspective of the subjects with the requirements of modern teacher training and scientific findings on its design.

Stefan Ufer has held the Chair of Mathematics Education at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich since 2011. After studying mathematics and teaching mathematics and physics at grammar schools, he worked as a scholarship holder and research assistant at the Mathematical Institute of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. He received his doctorate in mathematics in 2004. After his traineeship, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in mathematics didactics at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and the Technical University of Munich. From 2010 to 2011, he was Professor of Mathematics Education and Deputy Head of the Department of Mathematics Education at the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN) at Kiel University. His scientific work focuses on determinants of the acquisition of mathematical concepts and complex mathematical competencies, as well as related questions of teacher professionalization research.


Ida Willumeit

Head of Training Marketing at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK)

Christian O. Erbe has appointed Ida Willumeit as his permanent representative.

I am happy to be involved in the Advisory Board of the TüSE because teachers are particularly close to our hearts. They educate the experts and executives of tomorrow. Supporting teachers effectively in this is our joint task. As a matter of principle, teachers should be held in as much esteem as possible. This includes in-depth teacher education that imparts not only specialist knowledge but also a great deal of pedagogical know-how. The future begins at school. Of that we are convinced.

Ida Elena Willumeit M. A., born in Stuttgart in 1967, studied General Rhetoric and German Studies in Tübingen (Magister Artium). She has been with the IHK Reutlingen since 1999, initially working in press and public relations and as personal assistant to the management board. Since 2003 she has been working in the field of training and has been team leader for training marketing at the IHK Reutlingen since 2011. Training as consultant and trainer (MCSL). Ida Elena Willumeit is married and lives in Tübingen.

Dr. Dagmar Wolf

Head of Education at the Robert Bosch Foundation

Good schools need good teachers who have comprehensive knowledge of subject didactics so that they can support the constructive learning of their students. Teacher education is not purely subject-based. We need strong centers which broaden the sciences and humanities to include the perspective of subject didactics. For me, the TüSE is such a place, which, through networking, gives subject didactics a lobby to make schools fit for the future.

Dr. Dagmar Wolf, teaching degree at the Pedagogical University of Weingarten. Doctoral fellow in the subject area pedagogical psychology in a research and junior research group of the federal state Baden-Württemberg, at the Pedagogical Universities of Weingarten and Ludwigsburg, on subjective theories and effects of cooperative learning forms. Completion of doctorate in 2013. Activities as teacher, as academic councilor in the subject educational science in the further education and training of teachers, as Advisor for Political Principle in the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, and as director of a home special education school for physically disabled students. Head of Education at the Robert Bosch Stiftung since 2015.