Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)


The TüNaProDoc programme for doctoral researchers is open to all PhD students working in the field of teacher education, school and teaching research.

The participants' dissertation projects predominantly have a didactic or educational focus. Nevertheless, the programme is also open to early career researchers who are working on a subject-specific research question with a clear reference to teacher education, school and teaching as part of their doctorate. TüNaProDoc is interdisciplinary in nature and combines different research methodological approaches in its offers and measures.

The target group in TüNaProDoc is characterised by varying degrees of proximity to school practice: Among the almost 40 participants currently taking part, there are doctoral students who started their doctorate immediately after their master's thesis (and thus do not yet have any teaching experience of their own) and those who are doing their doctorate alongside their teaching work or have returned to academia after completing their teacher training.

Recognising specific needs and providing targeted support: this is the aim of TüNaProDoc. We support you with our services in addition to, and not in competition with, the services offered in your respective subjects! 

To participate in the TüNaProDoc programme, you must be accepted as a doctoral candidate at the faculty of the respective subject and be a member of TüSE (see application forms).

You can find detailed information about TüNaProDoc, for example also on the prospects associated with a doctorate, in our flyer (German/English), which we will also be happy to send you in a printed form.

What kind of qualification offers and support does TüNaProDoc offer?

Individual advisory consultation

In an individual meeting, doctoral students outline their research project: Any support required will be determined together with the primary supervisor, existing university offers will be pointed out, and experts at the location will be referred to. Participation in an individual advisory meeting is a requirement if you wish to take advantage of the financial support offered by TüNaProDoc.


Research methodology and topic-specific support services

Each semester, the TüSE compiles a wide range of research-related information and offers relevant to research methods and content, which are provided by TüSE itself and by cooperating university institutions (e.g. LEAD Graduate School and Research Network, Graduate Academy, Methods Centre, Tübingen Open Science Initiative, QualiNet WiSo, Ethics Commission, etc.). A list summarising the various events can be requested at any time.


Doctoral convention

The aim of the annual doctoral convention is to create a common platform for you as doctoral candidates. At the convention, you can exchange ideas in your peer group in the context of freely designed poster presentations about the diverse research work in the field of teacher training, school and teaching research and receive important ideas for your own work. In addition, a cross-disciplinary topic, for which TüSE invites renowned experts every year, ensures enriching input.


Flexible, on demand support services

Depending on the needs of the doctoral students, we organise flexible support services, for example on research-methodological aspects of their qualification work.


Financial support

Each participant in the TüNaProDoc programme has an individual funding budget of 500 euros. You can find the application for financial support under ‘Application forms’. Please note that the possibility of financial support is linked to the participation in an advisory consultation.


Doctoral thesis award

The doctoral prize endowed with 500 and awarded as part of the awards process for outstanding theses in teacher education, school and teaching research rounds off our support programme. This ensures increased visibility of your excellent research. The prize is donated by the Universitätsbund of the University of Tübingen.


Application forms

Application for membership at the TüSE

You can apply for membership at the TüSE using the following form: Membership application


Application for financial support

You can apply for financial support for research projects within the framework of TüNaProDoc using the form linked here: Application for financial support

