International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)

Regular teaching collaborations

The IZEW is involved in various Master’s and Bachelor’s programmes at the University of Tübingen as a partner institution. These address different aspects of application-oriented ethics. The IZEW is involved in various Master’s and Bachelor’s programmes at the University of Tübingen as a partner institution. These address different aspects of application-oriented ethics.

Among these teaching collaborations are

In addition, individual members of the IZEW team regularly teach in course programmes at the university and beyond, for example,

  • at the International Education Week of the Tübingen School of Education, the course Ethical arguments in the debate on sustainable development (held by Uta Müller & Simon Meisch),
  • in the Civis BIP (Blended Intensive Programme): The Science, Ethics, and Governance of Human Genome Editing 2023 (in cooperation with the Institute for History and Ethics of Medicine, University of Tübingen, Uta Müller),
  • at the Center for Development Research at the University of Bonn, for PhD students from all over the world, the course Ethics in Research (held by Cordula Brand),
  • in the Master Schulentwicklung für Lehrkräfte – Internationaler Studiengang im Bodenseeraum (School Development for Teachers – International Course in the Lake Constance Region) (cooperation of PH Weingarten, PH Vorarlberg (A), PH Graubünden (Ch), PH Schaffhausen (Ch), PH St. Gallen (Ch), PH Thurgau (Ch). Module: Educational Management (held by Uta Müller),
  • at the Weiterbildung für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer an Maturitätsschulen (Advanced Training for Teachers at Matura schools) at the University of Zurich, the course Fridays for Future, Nachhaltige Entwicklung – und Literaturunterricht? Über die Möglichkeiten literarischer Klimabildung (Fridays for Future, Sustainable Development – and Literature Teaching? On the possibilities of literary climate education) (held by Simon Meisch, together with Stefan Hofer-Krucker Valderrama, University of Zurich, and Samuel Lang, Kantonsschule Enge).