Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung (ZDV) (data center)


Any computer that is not operated in complete isolation is at risk.

Internet connections and email traffic, as well as data exchange via USB sticks or other storage media, are potential entry points for computer malware.

Viruses and worms threaten the stability and integrity of computers and networks.

Trojan horses are left behind by viruses and worms or unintentionally downloaded from websites. They spy on confidential information (passwords, credit card details, bank transactions, etc.) or open backdoors on the system.

Intruders (hackers) break into computers through vulnerabilities in the operating system or installed applications, or through already existing Trojan horses, to spy on data stored there or misuse the computer.

Spammers use inadequately secured computers to send spam emails without authorization in the user’s name.

Participants in the Tübingen University network also repeatedly experience unpleasant surprises when their computer can no longer be used, at least temporarily, due to such attacks. In any case, restoring an infected computer costs a lot of time.

In the past, severe virus attacks repeatedly caused overloads on the university network and mail servers – which always leads to frustration among users who depend on the internet. However, considering what is possible, most attacks have been comparatively mild so far because:

The next virus attack could lead to a total loss of data.

The next Trojan horse could grant access to sensitive data.

The next intruder could misuse your computer not only as an illegal file-sharing platform for movies and software but also as a server for child pornography. The burden of proof in such cases lies solely with you, as you must prove that you did not set up these illegal services yourself.

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