Institute of Sociology

Dr Philipp, Marie-Fleur

Research associate


Hölderlinstr. 29, room 303
72074 Tübingen
Email: marie-fleur.philippspam

Office hours
by email appointment.

Short biography

2020 - 2024
Doctoral Candidate at the Department of Sociology, University of Tübingen

Title: „Family policies, gender ideologies and normative support for gendered work-care arrangements. Evidence from two survey experiments in Germany“ (summa cum laude)

2020 - 2024
Research associate at the Department of Sociology, University of Tübingen

DFG-Project “Family policy information, gender ideologies and normative judgements of the gender division of labour”

2018 - 2020
Master of Arts Sociology with a Focus on Empirical Research, University of Tuebingen

Master’s thesis: “Gender Socialisation Across Diverse Family Structures: The Intergenerational Transmission of Gender Ideologies from Parents to Children”

2015 - 2018
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, University of Wien

Research interests

  • Family demography
  • Gender relations and the family
  • Family policy
  • Social inequalities


Philipp, Marie-Fleur (2024): Multiple dimensions of gender ideologies: How they relate to normative judgements of the gender division of parental leave, Social Politics, Online First.

Philipp, Marie-Fleur, Büchau, Silke, Schober, Pia S., Werner, Viktoria, Spiess, C. Katharina (2024): How daycare quality shapes norms around daycare use and parental employment: Experimental Evidence from Germany. IZA Discussion Paper No. 16729,

Büchau, Silke, Philipp, Marie-Fleur, Schober, Pia S., and Spiess, C. Katharina (2023): Day care availability and awareness of gendered economic risks: How they shape work and care norms, Journal of European Social Policy, Online First

Philipp, Marie-Fleur, Büchau, Silke, & Schober, Pia S. (2023): Who should scale back? Experimental evidence on employer support for part-time employment and working hours norms for couples with young children, Social Politics, Online First.

Philipp, Marie-Fleur; Büchau, Silke; Schober, Pia S.; Spiess, C. Katharina (forthcoming) Parental leave policies, usage consequences and changing normative beliefs: Evidence from a survey experiment, Gender & Society, 37(4): 493-523.

Philipp, Marie-Fleur; Gambaro, Ludovica; Schober Pia (2022): Breaking with traditions? How parental separation affects adolescents’ gender ideologies in the UK. Journal of Family Studies. DOI: 10.1080/13229400.2022.2153723.

Büchau, Silke; Philipp, Marie-Fleur; Schober, Pia S.; Spiess, C. Katharina (2022): Day care availability and awareness of gendered economic risks: How they shape work and care normsBiB Working Paper 7/2022. Wiesbaden: Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung.

Schober, Pia S.; Büchau, Silke; Philipp, Marie-Fleur; Spiess, C. Katharina; Bozoyan, Christiane; Schmiedeberg, Claudia (2022): The Factorial Survey Experiment on “Normative Judgements of Work-Care Arrangements” in the German Family Panel. pairfam Technical Paper No. 19



  • Day care quality and work-care norms: Experimental evidence from Germany, Social Norms Conference, Ascona, 07-10.07.2024
  • How Daycare Quality Shapes Norms around Daycare Use and Parental Employment: Experimental Evidence from Germany, European Consortium for Sociological Research, Barcelona, 12-14.09.2024


  • Day-care quality and work-care norms: Experimental evidence from Germany, DGS family sociology spring conference (online), 02.-03.03.2023 
  • Day-care quality and work-care norms: Experimental evidence from Germany, ECSR, Collegio Carlo Alberto and NASP Joint Spring School on Changing Families and Social Inequality over the Life Course, Turin, 27.-30.03.2023
  • Multiple dimensions of gender ideologies: How they relate to normative judgements of the division of parental leave, Internal Seminar of the Social Policy Unit at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University, 17.05.2023
  • Day-care quality and work-care norms: Experimental evidence from Germany, The European Network for Social Policy Analysis Conference, Warsaw, 07.-09.09.2023 [cancelled due to illness]
  • Multiple dimensions of gender ideologies: How they relate to normative judgements of the division of parental leave (poster presentation), European Consortium for Sociological Research Conference, Prague, 18-20.09.2023


  • Parental leave, take-up consequences and changing normative beliefs: Evidence from a survey experiment, Annual Seminar of the International Network for Leave Policies and Research, New York, 21./22.06.2022    
  • Who should scale back? Experimental evidence on employer support for part-time employment and working hours norms for couples with young children (poster presentation), European Consortium of Sociological Research Conference, Amsterdam, 06.-08.07.2022
  • Parental leave and day-care policy, take-up consequences and changing normative beliefs: Evidence from two survey experiments, Wittgenstein Centre Colloquium, Vienna, 06.09.2022
  • Who should scale back? Experimental evidence on employer support for part-time employment and working hours norms for couples with young children, The European Network for Social Policy Analysis Conference, Vienna, 14.-16.09.2022
  • Who should scale back? Experimental evidence on employer support for part-time employment and working hours norms for couples with young children, 41st Congress of the German Sociological Association, Bielefeld, 26.-30.09.2022
  • Breaking with traditions? How parental separation affects adolescents’ gender ideologies in the UK, Conference in Intergenerational Inequalities and the Contemporary Family Setup, Bremen, 21-11.11.2022


  • The effects of information about parental leave on normative judgements of the division of leave in Germany, Internal colloquium of the Department of Education and Family at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), August 2021 
  • The effects of information about parental leave on normative judgements of the division of leave in Germany, The European Network for Social Policy Analysis Online Conference 31-08.-03.09.2021 
  • The effects of information about parental leave on normative judgements of the division of leave in Germany, European Consortium of Sociological Research Online Conference, 07./08.10.2021


Teaching experience

B.A. Seminar ‘Family forms and social change’  summer term 2021,2022 and winter term 2022/23