Institute of Sociology


Research at the Department of Sociology takes place in the following topical and methodological focus areas:

Diversity, Migration, Life course

Here we look at problematisations of diversity and migration as well as socio-structural factors of different educational trajectories and interactions of individual life trajectories with institutional structures and fields of action.


Gender, Body, Knowledge

In this thematic complex, we examine the extent to which phenomena such as gender, technology, media, the body and the social practices and knowledge systems associated with them are "natural" or the results of cultural conditioning and social values.

Qualitative and quantitative Methods

A broad spectrum of methods and methodologies of empirical social research are the basis of our teaching. In the MA programmes, these are deepened in three-semester teaching research projects.

Social Inequality and Institutions

Here we deal with the conditions under which social inequality arises and its consequences for individuals and society. The focus is particularly on institutional framework conditions.



In the following, you will find an overview of ongoing and completed projects:

Research projects

Doctoral projects

Research training projects

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