Institute of Sociology

Research projects by topic areas

Migration, Education and Life Course

Threat and diversity in the urban context

Threat and diversity in the urban context.
A transnational comparison of ethnically heterogeneous and unequal urban districts (SFB 923)

Project leader:

Prof. Dr. Boris Nieswand                                                                      

Project collaborators:

Dr. Damian Martinez

Moritz Fischer, M. A.

Gender - Bodies - Knowledge

Gender differences in family transitions

Gender differences in family transitions

Project leaders

Prof. Marion Müller  and Prof. Nicole Zillien (Uni Giessen)                                                                       


Dr. Marie-Kristin Döbler, Julia Gerstewitz, M.A. (Uni Giessen)

Funding DFG
Duration 1.10.2020 - 30.09.2023

"Making up people" globally

"Making up people" globally: analyzing the institutionalization of global social categories

Project leaders

Prof. Dr. Marion Müller and Dr. Hannah Bennani                                                                                      


Annelen Fritz M.A., Leandro Raszkewicz M.A., Sophia Cramer M.A.
Funding German Research Foundation (DFG)
Duration 1.5.2020 - 30.04.2023

Parental gender socialization across diverse families: Interdependencies with sex hormones, family processes and socio-political context

Parental gender socialization across diverse families

Principal investigator:

Prof. Dr. Pia Schober                                                                                           


Birgit Derntl, University of Tübingen; Claudia Diehl, University of Konstanz; Lucinda Platt, LSE; Maaike van der Vleuten, Stockholm University

Funding German Research Foundation (DFG)
Duration 1st October 2019 - 30th September 2022

Social Inequality and Institutions

Claims to individual autonomy and populist mobilization potentials: A survey-experimental study

Claims to individual autonomy and populist mobilization potentials: A survey-experimental study

Leitung: Dr. Volker Lang
Mitarbeitende: Felix Lederer
Förderung: BMBF und Wissenschaftsministerium Baden-Württemberg
Laufzeit: 1.10.2021 - 31.03.2023

Social Identity and Social Cohesion: How Disrespect threatens Social Cohesion

Social Identity and Social Cohesion: How Disrespect threatens Social Cohesion

Project team: Prof. Dr. Martin Groß, Dr. Volker Lang, Axel Babst, M.A., Stephanie Jütersonke, M.A., Ibrahim Akinyemi, M.A.
Funding: BMBF
Duration: 1.01.2021— 31.12.2023

From the Corona crisis to a crisis of confidence? How political actions influence assessments of social cohesion

From the Corona crisis to a crisis of confidence? How political actions influence assessments of social cohesion

Project team: Prof. Dr. Martin Groß, Dr. Volker Lang (Universität Tübingen), Dr. Simon Kühne, Marvin Bürmann (Universität Bielefeld)
Duration: 1.01.2021— 31.12.2022

Change in Occupational Recognition in the Context of the Corona Pandemic

Change in Occupational Recognition in the Context of the Corona Pandemic

Project team: Prof. Dr. Martin Groß, Dr. Volker Lang, Axel Babst, M.A.
Funding: BMAS
Duration: 1.09.2020— 31.08.2021

Family policy information, gender ideologies and normative judgements of the gender division of labour

Family policy information, gender ideologies and normative judgements of the gender division of labour

Main researcher Prof. Dr. Pia Schober and German Institute for Economic Research

Collaborators C. Katharina Spieß, (DIW Berlin) and FU Berlin

Funding DFG (German Research Foundation

Duration 1.April 2020 - 31.March 2023

Social inequality and educational success

Social inequality and educational success: The influence of regional socio-economic environments (SPP 1646) 

Project leader:

Prof. Dr. Steffen Hillmert                                                 

Project collaborator:

Katarina Weßling, M.A.

Cross-thematic projects

State and company-level work-family reconciliation policies

State and company-level work-family reconciliation policies and maternal empayment.
An analysis from a capability approach perspective

Project team:

Dr. Anna Kurowska, Institute of Social Policy, University of Warsaw;
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Pull;
Dr. Jasmin Joeksch;
Prof. Dr. Pia Schober, University of Tübingen

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