Institute of Evolution and Ecology (EvE)

Farmland bird conservation

We investigate breeding biology and habitat use of the Corn Bunting (Emberiza calandra) across its Central European range to establish more effective farmland bird conservation strategies. This is complemented by a EU-scale meta-analysis on the effectiveness of agricultural eco schemes (AES).

Anthes et al. (2025): Bird Cons. Int.
Staggenborg et al. (2024): Natursch.Landschaftspfl. BW
Staggenborg & Anthes (2022): Cons. Letters
Staggenborg & Anthes (2018) Vogelwarte
Anthes & Staggenborg (2018) Der Falke
Anthes et al. (2022): Faun. flor. Mitt. Taubergrund

Stifung Naturschutzfonds
ZEISS blog 1 | blog 2
Woche der Umwelt | YouTube
Funding: Stiftung Naturschutzfonds Baden-Württemberg.
Further support by ZEISS spots optics & DO-G

Barcoding nestling diet

Nestling diet is a key determinant of breeding success, but knowledge of its regional and seasonal variation remains scare. In pilot studies, we use metabarcoding to derive diet components from nestling feces, and evaluate how this can inform conservation of farmland birds.

Funding: Stöckmann Stiftung.
With: F. Lehle, F. Anger

Guidance for Mixed models and GLMM

(Generalized) Mixed models have become a standard analytical tool in ecology and evolution, but their implementation and thorough assessment remains a challenge. We develop accessible R templates and guidelines that cover many model families and data structures.

Santon et al. (2023): Front. Eco. Evo.
Templage R code: Github

With: M. Santon, N.K. Michiels, F. Korner-Nievergelt

Flower fields as eco schemes

Sown flower fields are a core eco scheme in EU agricultural policy, and frequently used in contractual conservation. Using standardized surveys, we investigate variation in the use of different flower fields types between seasons and target species (farmland birds, leafhoppers).

Rieger et al. (2021) J. Applied Ecol.

Practicioner's info on flower fields by Regierungspräsidium Video | Leaflet.
With: M.Rieger, L.Stier, S.Mailänder, F.Mück

Trends from monitoring data

Some monitoring schemes conduct standardized surveys in a yearly rotating subset of all study sites within the program. We use generalized additive models to derive tools for robust trend analysis from such irregularly spaced time series..

Rieger et al. (2024): bioRxiv
With: M. Rieger, supported by DDA
Funding: LANUV Nordrhein-Westfalen.
Example Results: NRW breeding bird trends

Species phenologies from citizen science data

Citizen science data allow detecting even short-term responses of animals to environmental variation. Using bird records from the Ornitho system as a test case, we develop tools to model yearly bird phenologies based on standardized presence-absence surveys.

Anthes (2018) Vogelwarte.
phenological data in Hölzinger & Bauer et al. (2018, 2021) Die Vögel Baden-Württembergs.

Phenograms on the OGBW website.
With: S. Brunotte
Partners: OGBW | DDA


  • Anger, F., Anthes, N., Thomassen, H.A. and Förschler, M.I. (2025). Dispersal, return rates and phenology in an isolated and fragmented population of a declining farmland passerine. Bird Study, in press. DOI:
  • Anthes, N., Staggenborg, J. and Handschuh, M. (2025). Spatial and temporal variation in farmland bird nesting ecology: Implications for effective Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra conservation. Bird Conservation International 35: e7
  • Rieger, M.R., Grüneberg, C., Oberhaus, M., Trautmann, S., Parepa, M. and Anthes, N. (2024). Analysing bird population trends from monitoring data with highly structured sampling designs. Preprint on bioRxiv, 2024.06.30.601382
  • Staggenborg, J., Back, K., Debatin, F., Grom, J., Hielscher, S., Schneider, S. et al. (2024). Feldvogelschutz am Beispiel der Grauammer – Erkenntnisse aus großräumigen Untersuchungen zu Raumnutzung und Brutbiologie. Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege Bad.-Württ. 81, 1-78.
  • Anger, F., Förschler, M. I. & Anthes, N. (2023). Variation in reproductive success in a fragmented Meadow Pipit population: a role for vegetation succession? Journal of Ornithology. 10.1007/s10336-023-02121-4
  • Schöffski, N., Anthes, N., Harry, I. & Anger, F. (2023). Breeding success of Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis) in different habitats in the southern Black Forest [in german]. Ornithol. Jh. Bad.-Württ. 39: 23-35.
  • Santon, M., Korner-Nievergelt, F., Michiels, N. K. & Anthes, N. (2023). A versatile workflow for linear modelling in R. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1065273.
  • Staggenborg, J. & Anthes, N. (2022). Long‐term fallows rate best among agri‐environment scheme effects on farmland birds — A meta‐analysis. Conservation Letters, e12904.
  • Anthes, N., Hammerschmidt, A., Koch, A. E., Hielscher, S. & Staggenborg, J. (2022). Raumnutzung und Neststandorte der Grauammer im Raum Creglingen. Faun. u. flor. Mitt. Taubergrund, 33, 41-67.
  • Rieger, M., Mailänder, S., Stier, L., Santon, M. & Staggenborg, J. (2021): Optimizing flower fields as an effective farmland eco-scheme also during non-breeding. J. Applied Ecol.
  • Hölzinger, J. & H.-G. Bauer, unter Mitarbeit von N. Anthes et al. (2021): Die Vögel Baden-Württembergs, Band 2.1.2 -  Nicht-Singvögel 1.3, Greifvögel. Ulmer, Stuttgart.
  • Anger, F., Dorka, U., Anthes, N., Dreiser, C. & Förschler, M. I. (2020). Population decline and habitat use of the Alpine Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus alpestris in the Northern Black Forest (Baden-Württemberg) [in German]. Ornithol. Beob. 117, 38-51.
  • Anthes, N., Götz, H. & Handschuh, M. (2019): Expanding north? Putting the first German breeding record of Black-headed Bunting Emberiza melanocephala into context. Vogelwelt 139: 31-38.
  • Dellwisch, B., Schmid, F. & Anthes, N. (2019): Habitat use of farmland birds during the non-breeding season in the context of the EU agricultural policy [in German]. Vogelwarte 57: 31-45.
  • Anthes, N. (2018). Wege zu einer automatisierten Erstellung von Phänologie-Diagrammen aus Ornitho-Daten. Vogelwarte 56: 407-409.
  • Staggenborg, J. & Anthes, N. (2018). Evaluation von Agrarumweltmaßnahmen am Beispiel der Grauammer Emberiza calandra. Vogelwarte 56: 394-395.
  • Anthes, N. & J. Staggenborg (2018): Die Grauammer als Leitart - Schutzkonzept für Vögel der Agrarlandschaft. Falke 9/2018: 22-24.
  • Hölzinger, J. & H.-G. Bauer, unter Mitarbeit von N. Anthes et al. (2018): Die Vögel Baden Württembergs, Band 2.1.1 -  Nicht-Singvögel 1.2, Entenvögel. Ulmer, Stuttgart.
  • Anthes, N., M. Boschert & J. Daniels-Trautner (2017): Breeding range and population trend of the Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra in Baden-Württemberg [in German]. Ornithol. Jh. Bad.-Württ. 33:27-44.
  • Böhler, E., M. Seidt, N. Anthes, F. Straub & G. Hermann (2015): Habitatpräferenzen der Gelbbauchunke (Bombina variegata) im Waldgebiet Rammert und Konsequenzen für den Schutz der Art. Z. Feldherpetol. 22: 1-20.
  • Seidt, M., S. Geißler-Strobel, M. Kramer, R. Kratzer, F. Straub & N. Anthes (2017): Population size and management of the Grey Partridge Perdix perdix in the administrative district of Tübingen [in German]. Ornithol. Jh. Bad.-Württ. 33:3-12.
  • Vowinkel, K. & N. Anthes (2012): Revierdichten und Bestand des Gartenrotschwanzes in Baden-Württemberg 2011. Ornithol. Jh. Bad.-Württ. 28: 73-92.


Nils Anthes
Tenured Lecturer
  +49 7071 29 74617
room E5P19


Deutsche Ornithologen-Gesellschaft (DO-G)
Landesanstalt für Umwelt NRW (LANUV)