Center for Islamic Theology

Symposium Researching Non-Formal Religious Education in Europe

From 12 to 14 March 2018 the symposium “Researching Non-Formal Religious Education in Europe” took place at the University of Tübingen. The over-all aim was to bring together experiences and results of empirical research in the field of non-formal religious education in different European countries as well as to generate new research projects in international cooperation. Jun.-Prof. Dr. Fahimah Ulfat gave an insight into the topic „Researching Non-Formal Religious Education in Islamic Contexts”.

The focus of the symposium was on two aspects:

Concerning Germany but also other European countries, there also is a growing interest in non-formal religious education in the context of non-Christian religions, especially Islam. In this case, there also is concern about possibly fundamentalist influences transferred by religion teachers who are active in the context of mosques or similar Muslim institutions addressing young people. Yet very little empirical data is available in this context. It seems important, however, to introduce research perspectives in a multi-religious context in this field no less than in the context of the school. This is why Jun.-Prof. Dr. Fahimah Ulfat gave an insight into the topic „Researching Non-Formal Religious Education in Islamic Contexts”.