Wolfhart Pannenberg and Divine Action

International Conference from 24-26 April in Tübingen

The talk of God as agent is at the center of Christian theology and practice, but at the same time it is also the point where basic theological programs show deepest differences. After the topic had been the subject of intensive interdisciplinary research for several decades, its complex theological and philosophical presuppositions as well as questions of theological relevance have recently moved into the center of attention. Wolfhart Pannenberg stands out amongst contemporary theologians who have dealt with these issues and his work provides numerous impulses and resources for the current debate. 

From 24 April to 26 April, an international conference will take place in Tübingen, at which Pannenberg's key concepts of his understanding of “divine action” will be explored and further developed. In addition, possibilities for further cooperation in joint projects will be discussed. Information on the conference programme can be found below. 

We invite you to participate in the conference and the planning meetings and ask you to register at:

matthias.rufspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 

Detaillierter Tagungsplan


Conference Venue: "Fürstenzimmer"

Schloss Hohentübingen

(Access: go through the inner courtyard of the castle - staircase at the back left)


Conference Venue:

Tübinger Stift

Großer Hörsaal (GH) / Kleiner Hörsaal (KH) / Clubraum 


Conference Venue:

Theologicum (second floor)

Seminarraum 9 (SR 9) / Seminarraum 10 (SR 10)


Reception + Introduction


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrew Loke (GH)

On how to recognize divine action: a transdisciplinary evaluation of Pannenberg’s historical argument for the resurrection of Jesus and his theology of hope




Josia Nathanael Sturm (SR 10)

Infinity and Primary Causality in the Theology of Gregory of Nyssa and Thomas Aquinas. A Critical Reassessment of Pannenberg's Intellectual Historical Reconstruction


Kazuki Nishimura (SR 9)

Pannenberg’s Critique of Analogy as a methodological Principle in Theology and its Significance in his early Thought - towards the Construction of his Concept of “Revelation as History“


Keynote by

Prof. Dr. Friederike Nüssel

"The splendor of Tillich's synthesis" - Reflections on the significance of Tillich's theology for Pannenberg


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Johanne Stubbe T. Kristensen (GH)

From Theism to Trinitarian Theology. Divine Action as Redemption of the Lost and Unredeemed


Rev. Dr. Edmund Fong (KH) 

Godʼs 'Self-Determination' or Godʼs 'Self-Actualization'? A Comparison of Karl Barthʼs and Wolfhart Pannenbergʼs 'Actualistic Ontology'


short break 


Coffee break


Coffee break


Ass. Prof. Dr. Clement Yung Wen (SR 10)

Sin, Meaning, and Eternity in the Light of Divine Action: Marilyn McCord Adams and Wolfhart Pannenberg in Critical-Constructive Dialogue


Dr. Manuel Zelger (SR 9)

Divine Action and Eternity in Pannenberg


Dr. Thomas Oehl

God’s Action in the World and Human Autonomy

11.15am-11.50pm Student Papers

Johannes Meier (GH)

Divine Action Motivated by Emotion


Marko Eichele (KH)

The object of theology and its objectivity (or subjectivity?) Ulrich Barth reacts to Wolfhart Pannenberg's thesis on the historicity of the resurrection


David Schmalzhaf (Clubraum)

Pannenberg's Concept of Divine Judgment in History in Light of the Question of Theodicy


Coffee break


Prof. Dr. Christiaan Mostert

Divine Agency in the Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg


Dr. Jacob Chengwei Feng (GH)

Divine Action in the Flesh: A Cognitive Linguistic Evaluation of Pannenberg’s Theology of Divine Action


Hyungjin Samuel Lee (KH)

Wolfhart Pannenberg’s Theology of Love as God’s Action


Rev. Dr. Andrew Hollingsworth (SR 10)

Divine Minds, Fields of Force, Trinitarian Persons, and the Agency of God 


James Lefeu (SR 9)

The Contrast between Hume and Pannenberg's Theories of Causation with respect to Divine Action


Coffee Break




short break


Prof. Dr. Hong Liang

"No theodicy without eschatology": Wolfhart Pannenberg's concept of theodicy with special reference to his critical dialogue with Jürgen Moltmann

2.30pm - 3.15pm

Mark Hertenstein (GH)

The Self-Actualization of the Perfect God: Pannenberg and the Reconciliation of Inner and Outer Divine Action


Robert Stenzel (KH)

Pannenberg: Christ as the Mediator of Creation and Divine Ideas


Dr. Benjamin Apsel (SR 10)

The action of God in history in the tension between visibility and controversy. Principles in the theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg

From 7.00 pm

Dinner at the "Neckarmüller"


Prof. Dr. Derek Nelson (GH)

Continuous Creation (and Continuous Dissolution) as Divine Action


Lunch at the university



Coffee break


Business Meeting (SR 10)

Exploring further projects 


4.30pm - 5.15pm

Prof. Dr. Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen (GH)

Divine Action without Intervention: A Pneumatological-Trinitarian Account of Divine Agency in the World 

Optional (please register):


Optional: Guided tour of the antiquities collection on the subject of "Divine Action" at Schloss Hohentübingen



Dr. Markus Adolphs (GH)

The Incarnation as an Act of the Trinitarian God - On the Relationship between the Autonomy of Jesus and His destiny by God


Zachery Moffatt (KH)

Wolfhart Pannenberg and a Subjective Account of Miracles


6.15pm Guided tour through the "Stiftskirche"




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