
Career Perspectives MSc CIB

Graduates of the MSc CIB program have a broad and research-centred professional profile with a thorough knowledge of cellular and immunological processes and hands-on experiences in advanced molecular, cell biological, and immunological methods using different model systems.

During their study program, graduates acquire a variety of "hard skills" , e.g. numerous research techniques, computer skills, data analysis, writing proficiency, and - last but not least - a M.Sc. degree.

In addition, graduates develop a variety of transferable skills ("soft skills"): analytical skills and problem solving, creativity and critical thinking, time management and prioritisation, team work and collaboration, communication and networking skills, adaptability and leadership skills.

Career options include postgraduate studies (PhD), research and administrative positions at healthcare institutions as well as in companies of the biotech, pharma, or the agriculture sector, and positions focusing on scientific writing and science communication.

If you enjoy(ed) your master thesis and want to delve deeper into research, then pursuing a PhD is an excellent option. PhD positions are offered either from individual labs or from graduate schools at research institutions. Sometimes institutions in the private sector offer PhD postions in collaboration with a university.

There are also many other career options for graduates of the MSc CIB, for example in consulting or in the area of clinical trials.

Companies of the biotech, pharma, and the agriculture sector offer a variety of career paths, from research & development to product development, product communication, marketing, and sales.

Tip for during your MSc CIB program: enrol in economy or marketing courses of the Transdisciplinary Course Program.

Enjoying reading scientific publications, writing essays and research summaries, and communicating scientific results? Communication of research is becoming increasingly important. Scientific editing requires skills like writing proficiency, analytical skills, communication skills, time management, and teamwork.

Tip for during your MSc CIB program: train your commnication skills by e.g. writing a blog.


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