
Biologie für Mediziner  -  Vorlesung und Praktikum


Sie erhalten zu Beginn des Semesters eine Email vom Studiendekanat mit Ihrer Gruppenzuteilung sowie Login-Informationen für die Lernplattform "Ilias". Auf Ilias finden Sie alle relevanten Informationen rund um Vorlesung, Praktikum und Klausur. Weitere Infos finden Sie hier.

Englischsprachige Lehre im Masterstudiengang MCBI

Theory module "Current Topics in Cellular Metabolism" (4202)

In this course we will discuss various topics in cellular metabolism from methods to basic research to clinical applications (such as the role of metabolism in cancer and immune therapy). There will be one lecture per day, the rest of the day will be organized in literature seminars, group discussion and individual work.

The second aim of this course is to become more familiar with primary literature. How do we read, quickly understand and compare papers? How does the publication process work? How do you write a paper (or thesis) in a clear and concise way? These are all things we will practice and discuss, using papers from the metabolism field as examples.


Research and Project Modules

Please contact Dr. Jennifer Ewald for project and thesis opportunities



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