
Invited Oral Presentations

S. Kleindienst et al.

Microbial life in contaminated environments

Geosymposium at Quenstedtfeier, University of Tübingen, Tübingen (Germany), Jul 2018


S. Kleindienst et al.

Marine microbes eating oil - recent discoveries and unknowns

Research Day of School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland), May 2017


S. Kleindienst et al.

Exploring microbial hydrocarbon degradation in the environment

Environmental Microbiology Seminar, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland), May 2017


S. Kleindienst et al.

Methods for the identification and quantification of contaminant-degrading microorganisms

Advanced training event for agencies, companies, and consulting engineers, University of Tübingen, Tübingen (Germany), Oct 2016


S. Kleindienst et al.

Abundance and activity of microbial key players at marine seeps and contaminated oil-spill sites in the marine environment

Institute of Groundwater Ecology, Helmholtz Centre Munich, Munich (Germany), Jul 2016

S. Kleindienst et al.

Microbial key players of hydrocarbon degradation at natural seeps and contaminated sites

Symposium of Aquatic Microbial Ecology at the University Duisburg-Essen, Essen (Germany), Jul 2016

S. Kleindienst et al.

Abundance and activity of hydrocarbon degraders in the marine environment

Symposium of the Interfaculty Graduate School of Infection Biology and Microbiology, University of Tübingen, Tübingen (Germany), Jul 2016

S. Kleindienst et al.

Tracing microbial abundance and activity in the environment using molecular tools

International Geomicrobiology Workshop, Center for Applied Geosciences, University of Tübingen, Tübingen (Germany), May 2016


S. Kleindienst et al.

Microbial key players of hydrocarbon degradation - from natural seeps to oil spills.

Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), Oldenburg (Germany), Apr 2016


S. Kleindienst et al.

Geomicrobiology - Microbial oil biodegradation during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Nationwide student representatives meeting, Center for Applied Geosciences, University of Tübingen, Tübingen (Germany), Nov 2015


S. Kleindienst et al.

Microbial degradation of contaminants.

Center for Applied Geosciences, University of Tübingen, Tübingen (Germany), Aug 2014


S. Kleindienst, et al.

The microbial response to the Deepwater Horizon deep-sea plume.

Goldschmidt Conference, Sacramento, CA (USA), Jun 2014

S. Kleindienst, et al.

ECOGIG Microbiology: Microbial dynamics and processes – from natural seeps to Macondo impacts.

Conference Center at the Inn at Ole Miss, Oxford, MS (USA), Jan 2014

S. Kleindienst, et al.

Sulfate-reducing bacteria involved into hydrocarbon degradation at marine gas and oil seeps.

Marine Biological Laboratory, Microbial Diversity Course, Woods Hole, MA (USA), Jul 2013

S. Kleindienst, et al.

Distribution, function and activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria in marine gas and oil seeps.

Department of Microbiology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (USA) & Biosciences Division, Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN (USA), March 2013

S. Kleindienst, et al.

In-situ analysis and stable-isotope probing of sulfate-reducing bacteria in hydrocarbon-rich sediments.

Department of Biology, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC (USA), Feb 2013

S. Kleindienst, et al.

Hydrocarbon-degrading sulfate-reducing bacteria in marine hydrocarbon seep sediments.

University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences, Athens, GA (USA), Oct 2012


Contributed Oral Presentations

S. Kleindienst, S. Higgins, K. Chourey, R. Hettich, F. Löffler.

Dichloromethane dehalofermentation by a novel group of Peptococcaceae.

Ninth International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology (ISSM), Pacific Grove, CA (USA), Oct 2014

S. Kleindienst, F. von Netzer, T. Lueders, F. Musat, R. Amann, and K. Knittel.

Active hydrocarbon-degrading sulfate-reducing bacteria at marine gas and oil seeps.

Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM), Karlsruhe (Germany), Apr 2011

S. Kleindienst and K. Knittel.

Distribution, activity, and function of sulfate-reducing bacteria in marine gas and oil seeps.

Annual meeting DFG - Priority Programme 1319: Biological transformations of hydrocarbons without oxygen - From the molecular to the global scale, Herrsching/München (Germany), Mar 2010

S. Kleindienst and K. Knittel.

Global search for hydrocarbon-degrading sulfate-reducing bacteria at marine gas and oil seeps.

Annual meeting DFG - Priority Programme 1319: Biological transformations of hydrocarbons without oxygen - From the molecular to the global scale, Machern/Leipzig (Germany), Mar 2010


Poster Presentations

S. Kleindienst, S. Higgins, K. Chourey, R. Hettich, E. Mack, F. Löffler.

Dichloromethane dehalofermentation.

Gordon Research Conference: Molecular Basis of Microbial One-Carbon Metabolism, South Hadley, MA (USA), Aug 2014

S. Kleindienst, M. Seidel, K. Ziervogel, M. Perkins, J. Field, S. Grim, M. Sogin, T. Dittmar, A. Allen, U. Passow, P. Medeiros, S.B. Joye.

Simulation of oil spill-like hydrocarbon plumes leads to the formation of microbial aggregates.

Meeting on Marine Oil Snow Sedimentation and Flocculent Accumulation (MOSSFA), Tallahassee, FL (USA), Oct 2013

S. Kleindienst, Melitza Crespo-Medina, Sharon Grim, Mitchell Sogin, and S.B. Joye.

Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on pelagic microbial community composition.

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference, New Orleans, LA (USA), Jan 2013

S. Kleindienst, F. von Netzer, T. Lueders, A. Ramette, J. Peplies, R. Amann, F. Musat, and K. Knittel.

Sulfate-reducing bacteria responsible for in situ hydrocarbon degradation at marine seeps.

International Society for Subsurface Microbiology (ISSM), Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany), Sep 2011

S. Kleindienst, F. Musat, R. Amann, and K. Knittel.

In-situ analysis and stable-isotope probing of sulfat-reducing bacteria in hydrocarbon-rich sediments.

International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME), Seattle, WA (USA), Aug 2010

S. Kleindienst, R. Amann, A. Boetius, and K. Knittel.

Abundance and distribution of sulfate-reducing bacteria in hydrocarbon-rich sediments.

Gordon Research Conference: Applied & Environmental Microbiology - From Single Cells to the Environment, South Hadley, MA (USA), Jul 2009

S. Kleindienst, B. Orcutt, T. Treude, A. Boetius, R. Amann, and K. Knittel.

Sulfate-reducing bacteria in hydrocarbon-rich sediments from the Gulf of Mexico.

Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM), Bochum (Germany), Mar 2009

S. Kleindienst, J. Graue, B. Engelen, and H. Cypionka.

Fermentation processes in tidal-flat sediments of the German Wadden Sea.

Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM), Frankfurt (Germany), Mar 2008


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