
Vorlesung/Übung Graphische Datenverarbeitung (Bachelor)


This is an introductory course to computer graphics. The topics covered in this class are:

Please find the script and schedule here.


The course can be taught in English or German.



There will be a written exam at the end of the term.

Exercise groups will be held weekly

On good performance (> 60%) in the exercises you can earn a bonus of 0.3 for your final grade if you pass the written exam.


Written exam date: Tuesday, 13.02.2018, 12:00 (s.t.) – 15:00, Room F 119

Resit exam date: Tuesday, 03.04.2018, 12:00 (s.t.) – 15:00, Room A 301

Programming Course

In case it is needed we might offer a mini-course in c/c++ programming in the first week.