

New Publication: Understanding how patients evolve their concept of the alliance – A dynamic latent class structural equation modeling approach of the relation between alliance and symptoms. Flückiger, C., Horvath, A. O., & Brandt, H. (2022).

This applied article investigates psychometric properties of a standard questionnaire in the field of patient-therapist alliances in psychotherapeutic settings. Research with this questionnaire has raised a long discussion about its underlying dimensions. Here, we can resolve this issue by showing that the dimensions dynamically change (“fuse”) during the course of a psychotherapeutic patient-therapist relation.

Flückiger, C., Horvath, A. O., & Brandt, H. (2022). Understanding how patients evolve their concept of the alliance – A dynamic latent class structural equation modeling approach of the relation between alliance and symptoms. Journal of Counseling Psychology.
