Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies

Spring Academy 2025 - Proximate Worlds from the South

7th April-11th April 2025

Convenors: Prof. Dr. Dr. Russell West-Pavlov & Oduma Adelio

Contact:  oduma.adeliospam 

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We live in a world that is ever more globally connected, often in enmity as much as amity, and thus at the same time more unequal and conflicted than at any previous moment in history. In this dangerous time, thinkers and civil-society practitioners from the Global South have much to offer in their reflections upon the ways we might live together in proximate communities of co-existence. The Spring School seeks to open up a plethora of perspectives on such possible modes of co-existence so that students can explore further themselves the ideas tabled by the participants. ​

​This Spring School brings together visiting lecturers from Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Australia and Europe to present a wide palette of research and project-driven perspectives on a range of topics (education, arts-based research, gender, migration, climate change, indigenous knowledges, peace-building, the medical humanities, the Indian Ocean World, sound studies, rituality studies, etc.). The lecturers will offer glimpses into their areas of research and international collaborations that together, in panels gathering between 2 and 5 speakers, will provide students with insights into a rich pattern of contemporary reflections from the Global South. ​

Partner university

Universite Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar

Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

University of Melbourne

University of Pretoria

Universität Tübingen



  • Introduction- 9:30-9:45 (Brechtbau R. 306)

    Susanne Goumegou (University of Tübingen)
    Karin Amos (University of Tübingen) 


  • Politics of Proximity- 9:45-11:00 (Brechtbau R. 306)

    Russell West-Pavlov (University of Tübingen)
    Sebastian Thies (University of Tübingen) 


  • Roundtable: History of Proximity- 11:30-13:00 (Brechtbau R. 306)

    Dilip Menon (WITS)
    Richard Ballard (WITS)
    Renata Gonçalves (UFF)
    Ivonne Sánchez Becerril (UNAM)
    Sebastian Schwecke (University of Göttingen)
    Naser Šećerović (University of Sarajevo)
    Fernando Resende (UFF) 


  • Roundtable: Arts-based Research- 14:30-16:00  (Brechtbau R. 306)

    Ponni Arasu (University of Tübingen)
    Nila Premaratna (University of Newcastle)
    Lars Waldorf (Northumbria University)
    Teboho Lebakeng (University of Pretoria)
    Phillippa Yaar DeVilliers (WITS)
    Priya Basil (Berlin)
    Adolfo Albán Achinte (University of Cauca)


  • Peacebuilding- 9:30-11:00 (Brechtbau R. 306)

         Oduma Adelio (University of Tübingen) (chair)
         Nila Premaratna (University of Newcastle)
         Lars Waldorf (Northumbria University)
         Ángela Iranzo (UAM) (online)
         Tanja Kapp (University of Tübingen) 

  • Education I: Diversity & Inclusivity- 11:30-13:00  (Brechtbau R. 306)

    Ruksana Osman  (WITS)
    Karin Amos  (University of Tübingen)


  • Project Workshop I- 14:30-16:00  (Tübingen Castle)

    Adolfo Albán Achinte (University of Cauca)



  • Gender- 9:30-11:00 (Brechtbau R.306)

    Ivonne Sánchez Becerril (UNAM) 
    Rachel MacReadie (University of Jena)
    Mpho Tshivhase (University of Pretoria)


  • Migration- 11:30-13:00 (Brechtbau R.306)

    Kevyan Allahyari (University of Jena)
    Bani Gill (online) (University of Tübingen)
    Ángela Iranzo (online) (UAM)


  • Project Workshop II- 11:30-13:00 (University Castle)

    Adolfo Albán Achinte (University of Cauca)


  •  Global South Religion and Spirituality- 14:30-16:00 (Brechtbau R.306)

    Jacky Kosgei (University of Tübingen) (chair)
    Theresa Mayer (University of Tübingen)
    Katharina Wilkens (University of Tübingen)


  • Project Workshop III- 14:30-16:00 (University Castle)
    Adolfo Albán Achinte (University of Cauca)


  •  Vernissage- 18:00 (University Castle)


  • Global South Thought- 9:30-11:00 (Brechtbau R.306)

    Jacky Kosgei (University of Tübingen) (chair)
    Dilip Menon (WITS)
    Mpho Tshivhase (University of Pretoria)
    Janet Langat (University of Tübingen)
    John Sanni (University of Pretoria)
    Charne Lavery (University of Pretoria)

  • Indigeinity- 11:30-13:00 (Brechtbau R.406)

    Ronica Vungmuankim (University of Tübingen)
    Kristell Pech-Oxte (University of Tübingen)
    Adalberto Müller (UFF)

  • Education II: Climate Literature- 14:30-16:00 (Brechtbau R.306)

    Lukas Müsel (University of Tübingen)
    Douglas Andrews (WITS)
    Larissa Maclean Davies (University of Melbourne)
    Philip Mead (online) (University of Melbourne)
    Mamadou Dramé (UCAD)
    Karin Amos (University of Tübingen)
    Charne Lavery (University of Pretoria)


  • Ritual- 9:30-11:00 (Brechtbau R.306)

    Denél Chetty (University of Pretoria)
    Karin Polit (University of Tübingen)
    Souraja Chakraborty (University of Tübingen)

  • Afrofuturism- 11;30-13:00 (Brechtbau R.306)

    Susanne Goumegou (university of Tübingen) (chair)
    Anya Heise-von der Lippe (University of Tübingen)
    Louis Nana (University of Tübingen) 


  • Medical Humanities- 14:30-16:00 (Brechtbau R.306)

    Dorothee Kimmich (University of Tübingen) (chair)
    Astrid Franke (University of Tübingen)
    Rachel MacReadie (University of Jena)
    Courtney Rivard (online) (UNC Chapel Hill)




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