- Less Artificial, more Intelligent? -- The Potentials of Cognitive Systems, AI Technology Forum, Consileon GmbH, 5.7.19
- General AI -- A New Potential for Video Games? -- GameCamp Berlin, 23.09.2018
- A Neurocomputational Model of Action Understanding, Symposium on Cognitive Modeling in Computer Science and Psychology: Bridging the Gap, KogWis 2018, 5.9.18, Darmstadt
- Maschinelles Lernen in den Kognitionswissenschaften: Können Maschinen denken? - Öffentliche Ringvorlesung, Interdisziplinäres Lehr- und Forschungszentrum für Maschinelles Lernen, Hochschule Heilbronn, 29.5.2018
- An Event-Schematic, Cooperative, Cognitive Architecture Plays Super Mario - EUCognition Meeting 8.12.2016, Vienna
- Just Imagine! Learning to Emulate and Infer Actions with a Stochastic Generative Architecture - Best Paper Talk, KogWis 2016, 29.9.16
- Künstliche Intelligenz - Wie Mario das Sprechen lernt - Uniradio Tübingen (Interview), 17.8.16
- Let's Play a Game that Plays itself! MarioAI - Researching Games BarCamp (International Games Week), 22.-23.4.16, HTW Berlin
- Cognitive Game Characters: Science and Techniques behind `MarioAI` - Quo Vadis 2016 Game Developer Conference / Golem.de Tech Summit (International Games Week), 18.-20.4.16, Station Berlin
Interview Slides - Wie geht's Dir, Mario? Emotionen und Künstliche Intelligenz in digitalen Spielen - PLAY15 Conference, 18.9.15, Handelskammer InnovationsCampus, Hamburg
- Mit Gefühlen spielen. Emotionen und digitale Spiele - PLAY15 Festival, 18.9.15, Terace Hill, Hamburg / Rocket Beans TV
- Science2Movie Academy - Workshop, 20.-22.3.15, Mitteldeutsches Multimedia Zentrum, Halle (Saale)
- "Towards a Self-Aware Mario" - Expertise exchange and live demo, 13.3.15, Crytek GmbH, Frankfurt a.M.
- "Embodiment and Transformations in the Mirror Neuron System" - PhD Symposium, 28.9.14, Max-Planck-Haus, Campus MPI Tübingen