Econometrics, Statistics and Empirical Economics
LecturerProf. Dr. J. Grammig
Dipl.-Kaufmann Oliver Wünsche
Level4 or higher
ProfilesSQ 452
Prerequisitesnecessary: undergraduate Statistics
favorable: Introductory Econometrics and courses in Finance
Time and Place19.04./26.04./03.05./10.05/24.05.2007
PC-Labor, Nauklerstr. 47,
12:15 - 15:45 p.m.
Exampractical exam 120 Minutes
Credit Points4 ECTS
ContentThe course should make students familiar with the SAS macro language, SQL and selected SAS procedures by using the SAS software in practical applications for econometric and statistical analysis. The main focus is the analysis of financial market data
LiteratureBoehmer et al.(2002): Using SAS in Financial Research
Delwiche/Slaughter(2003): The Little SAS Book
Lafler(2004): PROC SQL Beyond the Basics Using SAS