Dr. Philipp Martin
Research interests
Since 2022
Research assistant for environmental isotope chemistry
in the Environmental Mineralogy and Environmental Chemistry group of Prof. Stefan B. Haderlein, University of Tübingen
Dr. rer. nat.
University of Tübingen, Center for Applied Geosciences, Environmental Mineralogy and Chemistry Group. Thesis: "Manganese–driven oxidation of aminopolyphosphonates
studied by compound–specific carbon isotope analysis". Advisors: Prof. Stefan B. Haderlein and Prof. Dr. Torsten Schmidt (University Duisburg-Essen)
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Applied & Envieonmental Geoscience, University of Tübingen. Thesis: "Compound–specific isotope analysis of chlorinated phenols – method development and applications"
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Umweltnaturwissenschaften, University of Tübingen. Thesis: "Optimierung der substanzspezifischen Isotopenanalytik – Herstellung eines an 37Cl angereicherten PCEs für eine verbesserte Zwei–Punkt–Kalibration"