CRC 1070 ResourceCultures: Subproject S Scholten/Kühn: Service project geoscientific and geoarchaeological expertise

The scientific service project S develops and implements information systems and techniques to provide and analyze environmental and spatial datasets of natural systems like soil, water and topography. Further, S serves as a geoscientific and geoarchaeological helpdesk for all sub-projects within the collaborative research centre ResourcesCultures (SFB 1070). In particular, the S project offers summer schools and hands-on training courses on how to use geoinformation systems (GIS) and how to handle environmental and spatial data sets.


CRC 1070 ResourceCultures (main project page)

Subproject S: Service project geoscientific and geoarchaeological expertise
Start/End 2013 - 2017
Funding DFG
Keywords GIS, (Geo-)Statistics, Environmental and spatial datsets
Contact Karsten Schmidt, Peter Kühn, Thomas Scholten