Open Topics for thesis (either in English or German)

General topics:

  • Interrelationship between climate and soil
    • Wechselwirkungen zwischen Klima und Boden
  • Ecohydrology, vegetation and erosion: how do plants affect soil transport and water fluxes [PDF]
    • Ökohydrologie, Vegetation und Erosion: wie beeinflussen Pflanzen den Bodenabtrag und den Wasserkreislauf?
  • Land use effects on soil organic carbon and soil nutrient cycling in geoecological systems
    • Effekte der Landnutzung für Bodenkohlenstoff- und Bodennährstoffkreislauf in geoökologischen Systemen
  • The role of machine learning and geodata analysis in soil science and geomorphology
    • Rolle von Maschinellem Lernen und Geodatenanalyse in Bodenwissenschaften und Geomorphologie

Individual theses:

  • Long-term impact of biochar on biological soil quality on a field scale (Msc) [PDF]
  • Mapping of soil types with random forests and model uncertainty estimation in the South German Scarplands (MSc) [PDF]
  • Bodenqualität und ihr Zusammenhang mit prähistorischen Siedlungsmustern in Südspanien (BSc/MSc) [PDF]
  • Can we source extra remote sensing covariates to use in digital soil mapping? (BSc/MSc) [PDF]
  • Assessing scale-dependent controls of topsoil organic carbon based on multivariate and machine learning approaches (BSc/MSc) [PDF]
  • Comparison of Spectral and Geometrical Features in Soil Classification (MSc) [PDF]
  • Mathematical Morphology in Digital Soil Mapping (MSc) [PDF]
  • Use of Soil Maps for Vegetation Classification and Management (MSc) [PDF]
  • Assessing the Spatial Variability of Soil Erosion at a Global Scale Using (R)USLE (BSc/MSc) [PDF]
  • Multivariate Random Forest for Predicting Soil Quality Indicators (BSc/MSc) [PDF]
  • Semi-Supervised Learning for Spatial Prediction of Soil Properties (BSc/MSc) [PDF]
  • Multimodal deep learning for digital soil mapping (MSc) [PDF]
  • Entwicklung und physiologische Aktivität von Biologischen Bodenkrusten in gestörten Ökosystemen in Brandenburg (BSc/MSc) [PDF]

The theses typically include field, laboratory and data analyis of different proportions. The time frame is set according to the respective examination regulations.

For further information please contact Thomas Scholten, Peter Kühn, Ruhollah Tagizadeh or Steffen Seitz


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