Welcome to the Department of Organismic Interactions (Microbiology)
The department is directed by Prof. Dr. Karl Forchhammer and is one of several other Microbiology departments at the University of Tübingen. Other departments include the Bioethics, the Biotechnology, the Membrane Physiology and the Microbial Genetics department. It is located on the camps for natural sciences at the University Tübingen, called the "Morgenstelle". You can find us on the 9th floor of building E, which is the biology building.
The main focus of research in the department is on organism of the phylum of Cyanobacteria such als Synechococcus, Nostoc, Synechocystis and Anabaena. The research areas feature PII-Signal Transduction, Stress Acclimation, Differentiation on multicellular cyanobacteria and the cell envelope of Nostoc punctiforme (joint project of the SFB766).
Teaching is split up between the various microbiology departments. Our department offers the second part of the lecture "Metabolism of Microorganisms" and an introductory lecture to Microbiology. For detailed information see our teaching section.